What the Wind Left Behind* / Cubanet, Rafael Alcides

Cubanet, Rafael Alcides, Havana, 10 April 2015 – Havana sixty years ago was a pretty city—clean, young and with no thieves of any consequence in the neighborhood. Around 9:00 at night the garbage truck would make its rounds. It was a regular truck, not one of those modern-day versions that look like interplanetary spaceships. It … Continue reading “What the Wind Left Behind* / Cubanet, Rafael Alcides”

How Do You Tame Computer Users? / Yoani Sanchez

Generation Y, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 18 May 2015 – Nimble fingers over the keyboard, a life divided between reality and the digital world, plus the gratification of amusing yourself, learning, teaching and being free through technology. These are some of the points shared by those of us in Cuba who have linked ourselves to information … Continue reading “How Do You Tame Computer Users? / Yoani Sanchez”

They Voted for Everything to Continue the Same / Ana Mercedes Torricella

My neighbor Nelly, when she learned that I did not go vote and I again clarified that I did not want to leave Cuba, told me: “You independent journalists and dissidents are going to be alone with the hard-liners and the snitches! Come on, you have to leave, there is nothing else!” Cubanet.org, Ana Mercedes … Continue reading “They Voted for Everything to Continue the Same / Ana Mercedes Torricella”

Enough with the Charades, Cuba Deserves Free Elections / Cubanet, Roberto Jesus Quinones

In order to “elect” there must be different political parties to choose from, and only one is legal on the Island: The Communist Party Cubanet.org, Roberto Jesus Quinones Haces, Guantanamo, 17 April 2015 – Coming up on April 19 there will be “elections.” Many countrymen ask about the changes that the Electoral Law will introduce. … Continue reading “Enough with the Charades, Cuba Deserves Free Elections / Cubanet, Roberto Jesus Quinones”

Speaking of Legitimacy / Fernando Damaso

Fernando Dámaso, 8 April 2105 — The claim that governmental organizations and associations are the sole representatives of Cuban civil society to the exclusion of all others not legally recognized by the authorities figures prominently in public statements and actions by leaders and officials of the regime and is a frequent topic in articles by academics … Continue reading “Speaking of Legitimacy / Fernando Damaso”

Staging Civil Society / 14ymedio, Manual Cuesta Morua

14ymedio, Manuel Cuesta Morua, Havana, 2 April 2015 — The Summit of the Americas is the best opportunity for Cuba. For the first time since 1959, our country has and will take advantage of the occasion provided by the international community to put itself in sync with the world. Let’s review. In 1985 the Cuban government had … Continue reading “Staging Civil Society / 14ymedio, Manual Cuesta Morua”

The Mariel Exodus: State Terrorism / Cubanet, Roberto Jesus Quinones

Against the “scum,” acts of repudiation, beatings and humiliations. Against Florida, an invasion of the unemployed Cubanet.org, Roberto Jesus Quinones Haces, Guantanamo, 1 April 2015 – On the first of April 1980 a bus was driven through the entrance to the Peruvian embassy in Havana; its occupants entered and sought political asylum. Unfortunately, the non-commissioned officer of … Continue reading “The Mariel Exodus: State Terrorism / Cubanet, Roberto Jesus Quinones”

Polarization and civil society / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 26 March 2015 – The family of Yamila, age 41, is a sample of Cuban society. The father is a member of the Communist Party, the mother a Catholic who never embraced the Revolutionary Process, there is a brother in Miami and she herself is working for a joint venture where she … Continue reading “Polarization and civil society / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez”

They Donate Blood for Bread with Ham / Cubanet, Pablo Gonzalez

Cubanet, Pablo Gonzalez, Havana, 20 March 2015 – Each state enterprise has to deliver a quantity of blood donations each month in order to comply with the rule established by the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP). Each clinic has to make one hundred donations per month. The pressure that MINSAP and the Committees in Defense … Continue reading “They Donate Blood for Bread with Ham / Cubanet, Pablo Gonzalez”

Are There More Than Enough Reasons? / Fernando Damaso

Fernando Damaso, 16 February 2015 — The Young Communist League (UJC) is a government organization, established and directed by the Party and the government, with the objective of controlling the youth of the Island politically and ideologically. It proclaims itself the sole representative of young Cubans, similar to how other government organizations operate in this … Continue reading “Are There More Than Enough Reasons? / Fernando Damaso”

Queens for a Night / 14ymedio, Rosa Lopez

14ymedio, Rosa Lopez, Camagüey, 8 March 2015 — On the kitchen table is a smeared plate of pink meringue. It’s been there since Friday afternoon, when she brought that piece of cake from the party for Women’s Day. After the celebration, the music and a boring speech from the factory director, Magaly returned to the routine … Continue reading “Queens for a Night / 14ymedio, Rosa Lopez”

The Betrayal of Humboldt 7 or the Legal Art of Looting

Humboldt 7* in Havana, Cuba. Christmas is a tradition which goes beyond the limits of the Catholic religion. Before the birth of Christ, the Incas used to celebrate the 25th December as their Cápac Raymi (a religious prehispanic celebration in honour of the sun); and also the ancient Romans, with their Natalia Solis Invicti or, “The … Continue reading “The Betrayal of Humboldt 7 or the Legal Art of Looting”

2015 Partial Elections: an Old Woman Wearing Rouge / 14ymedio, Miriam Celaya

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 19 January 2015 – Next spring, Cuba will hold the first election process after the announcement of the restoration of relations with the imperialist enemy. Everything indicates that the authorities of the Island are ready to stand the test of what the democratic makeup should look like to create an impression of positive change. For this reason, they are rushing to create their own mechanisms for “approval” with the democratic systems in the … Continue reading “2015 Partial Elections: an Old Woman Wearing Rouge / 14ymedio, Miriam Celaya”

Shameful Distortions / Rebeca Monzo

The big news for all Cubans, without a doubt, has been the reestablishment of relations between Cuba and the United States, which has been a dream for three generations on our captive island, although there are opponents among some fellow countrymen both here and abroad. The other story — the one about the release of … Continue reading “Shameful Distortions / Rebeca Monzo”

An Old Castro Weapon Still in Operation / Ivan Garcia

Renato’s family emigrated to the United States on October 3 but that did not stop them from having some weak communal soup, drinking cheap rum and dancing the timba on a block of Reparto Sevillano south of Havana on the night of the 27th, the eve of the anniversary of the Committees for the Defense … Continue reading “An Old Castro Weapon Still in Operation / Ivan Garcia”