The ‘Committee for the Defense of the Revolution’, a Parapolice Organization Lacking Empathy With Cuba’s Crisis

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 26 September 2023 —  “From a clove of garlic,” says the poster that has been placed on the ground floor of our building in Havana to call for donations of resources for the celebration of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR). The parapolice organization, which is … Continue reading “The ‘Committee for the Defense of the Revolution’, a Parapolice Organization Lacking Empathy With Cuba’s Crisis”

The Committees for the Defense of the Revolution Celebrate 63 years With a Deficit of ‘Cadres’

14ymedio, Havana, 28 September 2023 — While his Ministers of Economy and Energy arranged their faces to confirm the tough savings measures in the face of the umpteenth fuel crisis in Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel was going to a party, although his face was more like it was a funeral. The photographs published in the official … Continue reading “The Committees for the Defense of the Revolution Celebrate 63 years With a Deficit of ‘Cadres’”

Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) Attempt to Revitalize Themselves Amid the Crisis in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 3 August 2022 — The economic and social situation in Cuba serves as the pulse for a country going downhill while the regime, rather than opting for reforms and immediate solutions, bets on greater control and vigilance, as it has done historically. In several zones of the capital, they have announced an “assembly … Continue reading “Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) Attempt to Revitalize Themselves Amid the Crisis in Cuba”

Committees for the Defense of the Revolution and Citizen Participation / Cubanet, Martha Beatriz Roque

Cubanet, Martha Beatriz Roque, Havana, 2 April 2015 — Whenever the topic of democracy and the Cuban regime comes up, the top leaders say that this is the most democratic country in the world. The latest version is that “‘democracy’ is subject to interpretation, and every country understands it in its own way.” This also … Continue reading “Committees for the Defense of the Revolution and Citizen Participation / Cubanet, Martha Beatriz Roque”

The Slow Death of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) / Orlando Delgado

The Cuban Government is ready to celebrate another congress of one of its most sui generis organizations: the so-called Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR). This organization, in theory, brings together more than 8 million people and was created to monitor and inform on individuals or groups who from early on showed their … Continue reading “The Slow Death of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) / Orlando Delgado”

The Cuban Revolution Has Never Been About Emancipation, But Rather Domination

It has been possible because the citizens themselves supported the regime’s arbitrary policies 14ymedio, Karel J. Leyva, Montreal, 4 August 2024 — Domination manifests itself when an agent – whether a person, an institution or the State – has the ability to arbitrarily intervene in the decisions and actions of another, without taking into account … Continue reading “The Cuban Revolution Has Never Been About Emancipation, But Rather Domination”

Quisicuaba, or the ‘Revolutionary Calling’ To Look After the Poor

The official press celebrates with “hope” the work of the project in a new report on begging 14ymedio, Havana, 26 April 2024 — In the second part of a report on beggars in Cuba, in which the authorities recognize that the State is not able to deal with the increasing number of homeless people, the … Continue reading “Quisicuaba, or the ‘Revolutionary Calling’ To Look After the Poor”

Considerations on Cuba of the Committee Against Torture / Cubalex

Cubalex, 22 April 2022 — A Transcription of a Presentation by Sébastien Touze before the United Nations Committee Against Torture. Confidence in the national police has declined, you might agree with me, you have not denied it since the events of July 2021. This episode of demonstrations offered an alarming vision, as there were a large … Continue reading “Considerations on Cuba of the Committee Against Torture / Cubalex”

What Remains of the Cuban Revolution

14ymedio, Photo of the Day, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 22 November 2021 — A crumbling building, eaten by moisture, with plants growing wild from the cornices. On the columns, several slogans against the dirty white that seem recent: “Long live the CDRs” (Committees for the Defense of the Revolution), “Long live the 9th [sic] Congress” (of … Continue reading “What Remains of the Cuban Revolution”

Cuba Hid the Death of an Engineer and Now Uses His Name in a ‘Revolutionary’ Act

14ymedio, Havana, 22 October 2021 — Almost a month after the death of the engineer Miguel Díaz Sistachs in a work accident, the Central Equipment Company, known as Cubiza, has mentioned his name for the first time in public. It was in an act of “revolutionary reaffirmation” in Havana, with the presence of former spy … Continue reading “Cuba Hid the Death of an Engineer and Now Uses His Name in a ‘Revolutionary’ Act”

Cuban Army, Police and Block Watch Committees Lead More than 3,000 Groups to Persecute ‘Coleros’ and ‘Hoarders’

14ymedio, Havana, 5 August 2020 — The front opened by Cuban authorities against the “scoundrels,” advanced in recent days by a media campaign, is already on the ground. According to Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, 3,054 groups have been created with 22,281 people to pursue coleros (people who stand in line for others), hoarders and illegal … Continue reading “Cuban Army, Police and Block Watch Committees Lead More than 3,000 Groups to Persecute ‘Coleros’ and ‘Hoarders’”

Cyclones, Housing and Revolution / Dimas Castellano

Dimas Castellanos, 13 October 2017 — According to information from the National Defense Council, Hurricane Irma, a category-five storm, hit Cuba between September 7 and 9, causing 14,657 houses to collapse, and another 16,646 to partially collapse, thus totaling 31,303 —not to mention the tens of thousands that suffered other kinds of damage. Between 2002 and … Continue reading “Cyclones, Housing and Revolution / Dimas Castellano”

Cuba: “Revolutionary Integration” As A Form Of Social Control / Cubalex

Cubalex, 2 March 2017 – It is common for people living in Cuba, once they start school at about six and pass from one educational level to another, to join social and mass organizations. First, in elementary school, the Pioneers, and then, at age 14, the social and mass organization and later the student organizations. Once … Continue reading “Cuba: “Revolutionary Integration” As A Form Of Social Control / Cubalex”

Ethics Committee Hears Appeal From Expelled Holguin Journalist / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 29 September 2016 – Today the National Ethics Commission of the Cuban Journalists Union (UPEC) will finally hear the appeal filed by Cuban journalist Jose Ramírez Pantoja, who was fired from his job at Radio Holguin last August. Ramírez Pantoja was accused at that time of republishing on his personal blog, … Continue reading “Ethics Committee Hears Appeal From Expelled Holguin Journalist / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

That First Central Committee / Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 2 October 2015 – Fifty years ago the first Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) made its appearance. It was composed of one hundred people, among whom there were 57 commanders of the Revolution, nine captains, one lieutenant and 33 civilians. Of that constellation only eight remain alive and in … Continue reading “That First Central Committee / Reinaldo Escobar”