Laws in Lemon Juice

There are certain Cuban laws that, from the looks if it, have a quality as native as it is original. A peculiarity so ours, it even takes us back to the rebel periods, when it was necessary to send subversive messages in absolute confidentiality. It is all about the laws that seem to have been … Continue reading “Laws in Lemon Juice”

Rooted Custom

Exactly how do minors become affiliated with the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution? When you turn 14 years old they begin contacting you and requiring your presence at meetings of the organization and volunteer works. The parents (legal guardians) don’t have to consent or reject it. Consent is implied, there is no legal … Continue reading “Rooted Custom”


EN UNIÓN ESTÁ LA FUERZA, originally uploaded by orlandoluispardolazo. “Mark of Eggs” Ernesto Pérez Chang HAVANA TIMES Intervene In 1980 the Marxist Louis Althusser murdered his wife in the middle of an attack of schizophrenia; also dead – but not at the hands of Althusser – Sartre, Roland Barthes and Bon Scott, the lead singer … Continue reading “IN UNION IS STRENGTH”

Freedom to Decide? (II)

Most Cubans belong to social and mass organizations. While they don’t expressly declare their willingness to belong to them, neither do they argue against it. This fact leads to the presumption that consent in these cases is inferred or assumed. There are a number of assumptions, however, that exclude consent because of a gap between … Continue reading “Freedom to Decide? (II)”