The People Speak Very Well of Us / Cubanet, Ernesto Garcia Diaz

Cubanet, Ernesto García Díaz, Havana, 19 February 2015 — On the morning of Saturday, February 14, in the town of Colón, Matanzas, CubaNet visited with Caridad María Burunate Gómez, a member of the Ladies in White. To learn more about this dissident who is also a member of the clandestine Pedro Luis Boitel Party for … Continue reading “The People Speak Very Well of Us / Cubanet, Ernesto Garcia Diaz”

Declaration from Cuban Democratic Alliance on the Successful End of the Hunger Strike / ALDECU

We, the undersigned members of the plural group ALDECU (Cuban Democratic Alliance),  issue this document in order to express our deep satisfaction with the success achieved by the scores of hunger strikers belonging to the valiant Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), headed by José Daniel Ferrer García, a member of our group. On Tuesday night ended … Continue reading “Declaration from Cuban Democratic Alliance on the Successful End of the Hunger Strike / ALDECU”

Bad — Very Bad — News / Luis Felipe Rojas

Among the somewhat reasonable excitement over the traveling out of Cuba of some of the most glamorous of the dissidents like Yoani Sanchez, Rosa Maria Paya, and Eliecer Avila, extremely alarming things are happening. Two independent reporters arrested (they released Cedeño but Calixto Roman continues to be locked up). Angel Santiesteban gets of every morning … Continue reading “Bad — Very Bad — News / Luis Felipe Rojas”

The United Nations Covenants, Five Years Later / For Another Cuba, Estado de SATS

Five years after Cuba’s representative signed the United Nations Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the situation with regards to fundamental rights in Cuba remains precarious. The violation of fundamental rights is not only a part of the repressive apparatus of the State, but our national legislation itself … Continue reading “The United Nations Covenants, Five Years Later / For Another Cuba, Estado de SATS”

Deputy Attorney General of Cuba Questions the Conviction of Inmate Michel Martinez Perez / Yaremis Flores / Laritza Diversent

Young man sentenced to 10 years for “illegal slaughter of cattle” based solely on evidence from a dog, granted new trial. By Yaremis Flores Carlos Raul Concepcion Rangel, Deputy Attorney General of the Republic of Cuba, asked the Supreme Court to review the penalty of 10 years imprisonment imposed on Michel Martinez Perez. The common … Continue reading “Deputy Attorney General of Cuba Questions the Conviction of Inmate Michel Martinez Perez / Yaremis Flores / Laritza Diversent”

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting”

For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba”

Could the dissidence become a valid interlocutor for the Cuban regime? / Iván García

In politics, all isn’t what it seems. Considering that there is no way out, a solution always looms. Above all and more than ever, dictators desire power. But when this isn’t possible, they negotiate the future. Not so much for love of their country or her people. Simply to preserve their lives and their perks. … Continue reading “Could the dissidence become a valid interlocutor for the Cuban regime? / Iván García”

Not Twelve, Seventeen / Miguel Iturria Savón

Since the release of latest political prisoners from the repressive crackdown known as the Black Spring of 2003, foreign correspondents in Cuba cling to a mythical number twelve, referring to those who refused exile and stayed on the island, which is a half truth. There were 52 remaining of the 75 convicted under the Gag … Continue reading “Not Twelve, Seventeen / Miguel Iturria Savón”

Twelve Men in Brief / Yoani Sánchez

As a child whenever I heard the name of Perico*, a town in Matanzas Province, I ended up with a pain in my stomach from laughing so hard. Until I learned that a part of my father’s family was from that area and the joke didn’t seem so funny to me any more. Last Saturday … Continue reading “Twelve Men in Brief / Yoani Sánchez”

Hector Maseda and Angel Moya Released From Prison / Pedazos de la Isla

The Cuban regime “freed” two more political prisoners from the Black Spring Group: Héctor Maseda, husband of the Lady in White Laura Pollan, and Ángel Moya, husband of Berta Soler, also a Lady in White. All this has been made possible by the efforts of the Ladies in White, the sacrifice of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, … Continue reading “Hector Maseda and Angel Moya Released From Prison / Pedazos de la Isla”

11 Titans, 11 Hopes / Antunez

Librado Linares García, Doctor Oscar Elías Biscet, Ángel Moya Acosta, Diosdado González Marrero, Félix Navarro Rodríguez, Iván Hernández Carrillo, Héctor Maceda Gutiérrez, José Daniel Ferrer García, Guido Sigler Amaya and Pedro Argüelles Morán are 11 Cubans who represent much to our country and who are writing—through their dignified stance—one of the most beautiful and courageous … Continue reading “11 Titans, 11 Hopes / Antunez”

Countdown to Freedom / Reinaldo Escobar

Last weekend I conducted an interview with Guillermo Fariñas, which can be read shortly in the journal Coexistence. Among the questions that might become old news by the time the conversation is published, is this one which I am putting here on my blog. I share Fariñas’ optimism and apprehensions on this subject, and consider … Continue reading “Countdown to Freedom / Reinaldo Escobar”

Twenty Independent Communicators to Consult in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas

Luis Felipe Rojas, 1 February 2016 — This list is not intended to be a “Top Ten,” as is so common on internet publications. The list of names that follows carries the history of the men and women who believe in words and images as a tool of liberation. The independent journalists that appear below … Continue reading “Twenty Independent Communicators to Consult in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas”

The United Nations Human Rights Council and its Great Challenge With Cuba / Angel Santiesteban

Tomorrow, May 1, the United Nations Human Rights Council will meet in Geneva, where Cuba will present a report with notes on its prison policy. “Dressing up” for the occasion, for the first time in nine years the Castro regime opened its jails to the national and international press accredited in Cuba. It is public … Continue reading “The United Nations Human Rights Council and its Great Challenge With Cuba / Angel Santiesteban”