The Hero / 14ymedio, Jose Gabriel Barrenechea

14ymedio, José Gabriel Barrenechea, Santa Clara, 31 March 2016 — On March 26, in my village of Encrucijada, Rafael Rodriguez Gonzalez died, Rafelito as all of us whom he honored with his friendship used to call him. He followed his wife, Caridad, who died at the end of last year, and to whom he was married for … Continue reading “The Hero / 14ymedio, Jose Gabriel Barrenechea”

Pastor Mario Félix Lleonart Detained on Leaving His Home in Villa Clara / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 20 March 2016 — Mario Félix Lleonart, a Baptist minister, was detained on Sunday as he attempted to leave his home in the town of Taguayabón, Villa Clara Province. A strong police presence had surrounded his home since Saturday. According to Lleonart’s wife, Yoaxis Marcheco, he was forced into a police car the … Continue reading “Pastor Mario Félix Lleonart Detained on Leaving His Home in Villa Clara / 14ymedio”

The Mosquito and the Democratization of the Cuban Political System / 14ymedio, Pedro Campos

14ymedio, Pedro Campos, Havana, 10 March 2016 – You don’t have to be a doctor or an epidemiologist to realize that mosquitoes are not defeated by occasional fumigation battles and the collection of debris and trash, much less with military interventions that both kill mosquitos and violate basic human rights “because nobody can prevent the … Continue reading “The Mosquito and the Democratization of the Cuban Political System / 14ymedio, Pedro Campos”

Cuban Police Detain Two UNPACU Activists UNPACU After Raiding Their Homes / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 29 January 2016 — The houses of Alexeis Martínez and Carlos Oliva Rivery, both members of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), were raided by police this morning, according to the opposition organization. The two houses, located in the Mariana de la Torre neighborhood in Santiago de Cuba, were searched just after six o’clock … Continue reading “Cuban Police Detain Two UNPACU Activists UNPACU After Raiding Their Homes / 14ymedio”

The ‘Oil-Houses’ Are Falling Apart / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 22 January 2016 – There are no colors. Only gray and white, with some ocher tones provided by the dry gardens, planted for opening day. In this hostile landscape in the Havana municipality of Cotorro, 19 buildings were made up of petrocasas (“oil-houses’). A dream of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez that is … Continue reading “The ‘Oil-Houses’ Are Falling Apart / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

A Night in Paso Canoas on the Border with Panama / Ivan Garcia

Ivan Garcia, Costa Rica, 25 November 2015 — When Alex Sigler, 22, landed in the Quito airport in an African heat with thunderclouds that presaged a tropical shower this past November 11, he began his own journey to achieve the American dream. In five days of passing through the Colombian jungle, Alex encountered hitmen of … Continue reading “A Night in Paso Canoas on the Border with Panama / Ivan Garcia”

Cuba: Capitalism has Won the War / Miriam Celaya

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 8 June 2015 — In the beginning, there were the cassettes, first the ones we viewed on ancient Betamax equipment, and a bit later on VHS. In those dark years in the 90’s, the illegal dealers, better known as “messengers” would arrive with their backpacks, pedaling their inseparable bikes, from customer … Continue reading “Cuba: Capitalism has Won the War / Miriam Celaya”

Elections…for What?* / Rebeca Monzo

Rebeca Monzo, 22 April 2015 — I have a friend from the old days who has a big heart, but a mouth even bigger than that vital organ. We meet a bunch of years ago when I moved to this neighborhood, and we bonded over our noble sentiments towards our fellow humans, animals and nature … Continue reading “Elections…for What?* / Rebeca Monzo”

Two hours with the New York Times’ Ernesto Londoño / 14ymedio

Our team had a conversation with the New York Times journalist who has authored the editorials about Cuba. 14ymedio, 1 December 2014 — Ernesto Londoño, who authored six editorials on Cuba published recently by the New York Times engaged in a friendly conversation on Saturday with a part of the 14ymedio team, in the hotel … Continue reading “Two hours with the New York Times’ Ernesto Londoño / 14ymedio”

The Maleconazo Seen Through the Blinds / 14ymedio, Ignacio Varona

14ymedio, Ignacio Varona, 5 August, 2014 – Amalia Gutierrez was living on Gervasio Street in the San Leopoldo neighborhood when she heard the shouting on the other side of her blinds. Roberto Pascual was a patient waiting for dialysis outside the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital. And Vivian Bustamante sold illegal pizzas near the Spanish Embassy. They … Continue reading “The Maleconazo Seen Through the Blinds / 14ymedio, Ignacio Varona”

Miguel’s Drone / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez

Nobody knows how he got it into the country, with so many customs restrictions and government paranoia, but Miguel has a drone. Tiny, like a kid’s toy, and with a camera. In his spare time, this forty-something Havanan dedicates himself to using his new amusement to explore the nearby patios and rooftops of his neighbors. … Continue reading “Miguel’s Drone / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez”

There’s Nothing to Celebrate / Miriam Celaya

MAY DAY – Even Karl Marx would be surprised at the only parade of slave workers HAVANA, Cuba – All the official media is in a raging fanfare summoning to “the united people’s great mobilization which will take place in squares and avenues” this May 1st. Cymbals and trumpets are pleased with the wild benefits achieved … Continue reading “There’s Nothing to Celebrate / Miriam Celaya”

Cuban Gamers / Yoani Sanchez

One, two, three and start your computers. The sounds of the microprocessor fans will be heard all night. When the sun comes up the ashtrays will be overflowing, the coffee cups empty, and there will be a winner. They are the Cuban gamers, passionate about video games and engaged in their own tournaments. For years … Continue reading “Cuban Gamers / Yoani Sanchez”

Cuban Cynicism as a Form of Survival / Angel Santiesteban

“In each neighborhood revolution” CDR (Committee for the Defense of the Revolution) Pretending has been the best weapon of survival developed against the dictatorial model of the Castro brothers. Lying was a requirement that always made them happier than constructive and professional criticism, which was not in favor of their caprices. Thus they educated our … Continue reading “Cuban Cynicism as a Form of Survival / Angel Santiesteban”

“The psychological torture was intense, permanent. They wanted to erase his mind.” / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba, December, was raining heavily in Havana. It was the first day of December and Miriam Leiva had come to Cuba carrying the ashes of her husband and the memories of their almost 40 years together. Oscar Espinosa Chepe had died after a long illness that they shared together like so many things … Continue reading ““The psychological torture was intense, permanent. They wanted to erase his mind.” / Lilianne Ruiz”