Causes and Dangers of the Government’s Erratic Course / Dimas Castellano

The Antecedents The Revolutionaries who took power in 1959 substituted the 1940 Constitution for the Fundamental Law of the Cuban State*, the Prime Minister assumed the powers of the Head of Government, and the Council of Ministers replaced the Congress. Measures for “the benefit of the people” were decreed that legitimized the power acquired through … Continue reading “Causes and Dangers of the Government’s Erratic Course / Dimas Castellano”

The Law of the Funnel / Fernando Damaso

Fernando Damaso, Havana, 3 February 2015 — Following December 17, 2014, and the first working meeting between the United States and Cuba delegations to reestablish diplomatic relations and find solutions to other questions that affect both governments, the Cuban authorities have framed the event as a victory. They say it is a result of “almost … Continue reading “The Law of the Funnel / Fernando Damaso”

New Electoral Law: New Wine in Old Wineskins? / Miriam Celaya

After the Tenth Assembly of the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) the news about the next “enactment of a new electoral law; and the subsequent holding of general elections” has begun to circulate in the official media. Such an important announcement in a country where, for more than 60 years ago … Continue reading “New Electoral Law: New Wine in Old Wineskins? / Miriam Celaya”

Amnesty International Denounces Increase in Arbitrary Detentions in Cuba / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 24 February 2015 — Short-duration detentions increased considerably in Cuba in 2014, according to the annual report published today by Amnesty International. The human rights organization, with headquarters in London, emphasizes that the situation with respect to freedom of expression, association and assembly, infringed on by criminal prosecutions for political reasons, did not … Continue reading “Amnesty International Denounces Increase in Arbitrary Detentions in Cuba / 14ymedio”

Dissident Cuesta Morua Now Can Travel Abroad / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 15 November 2014 — Activist Manuel Cuesta Morua, spokesman for Progressive Arc, has been informed that his legal case was dismissed, and he can now travel abroad whenever he desires. The information was made known to him by a lawyer from the Law Collective of Central Havana, who noted that the measure has … Continue reading “Dissident Cuesta Morua Now Can Travel Abroad / 14ymedio”

A Strange Foreign Policy / 14ymedio, Fernando Damaso

14ymedio, Fernando Damaso, Havana, 1 October 2014 — The foreign policy of the Cuban government, which promised to start with democracy and freedom, soon showed its tendency to ally with authoritarian regimes when it suited the government’s interests. From the first months of 1959 the Cuban government maintained close economic ties and a careful political … Continue reading “A Strange Foreign Policy / 14ymedio, Fernando Damaso”

Campaign for Another Cuba Delivers Request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

The director of the independent project Estado de Sats, Antonio Rodiles, delivered documents for the Campaña por Otra Cuba (Campaign for Another Cuba) to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon this Wednesday in Costa Rica. The Campaign demands that the Cuban regime ratify and implement the Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, … Continue reading “Campaign for Another Cuba Delivers Request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon”

Raul Castro’s Plans for Venezuela and Russia / Juan Juan Almeida

The grass, the cows, and the man; in the food chain every species expects a greater predator. International politics works in the same way. The government of Venezuela, for example, manipulates world, regional and even local opinion, publicizing the work it does in the Barrio Adentro, Milagro, Sonrisa, Negra Hipólita, José Gregorio Hernández, Moncada missions, etc, etc, … Continue reading “Raul Castro’s Plans for Venezuela and Russia / Juan Juan Almeida”

“All discussion with the regime should be based on the issue of fundamental rights and freedoms” / Antonio Rodiles

Pablo Diaz Espi: How do you read the current moment inside the country? Antonio Rodiles: I daresay we are experiencing today the transfer of power from the “old guard” to their heirs, who are desperately seeking legitimacy and agreements. Facing a Cuba without their progenitors won’t be an easy task and they can’t wait for … Continue reading ““All discussion with the regime should be based on the issue of fundamental rights and freedoms” / Antonio Rodiles”

Manuel Cuesta Morua Nominated for the Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize

The Program for International Democratic Solidarity of CADAL, Democracy Bridge, has nominated Cuban dissident leader Manuel Cuesta Morúa spokesman for the Progressive Arch Party, to the Václav Havel 2014 Human Rights Award, according to their press release. The award “aims to reward civil society action in defense of human rights in Europe and beyond. The … Continue reading “Manuel Cuesta Morua Nominated for the Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize”

At Repression’s Ground Zero / Lilianne Ruiz

The first time I set foot in that scary place called Villa Marista, similar to Lubyanka Prison in the now fortunately disappeared Soviet Union, it was by my own will. I accompanied Manuel Cuesta Morúa to see Investigator Yurisan Almenares, in charge of Case No. 5, 2014, against Cuesta Morúa, after he was arbitrarily arrested … Continue reading “At Repression’s Ground Zero / Lilianne Ruiz”

Why Doesn’t the Cuban Regime Dialogue With the Dissidence? / Ivan Garcia

Luis, retired military and supporter of the regime, has a few arguments to debate with several neighbors playing dominoes in the doorway of a bodega in the Havana neighborhood of Lawton. The theme of the day is the dialog between the opposition and Nicolas Maduro’s government, broadcast on Thursday night on TeleSur. Among the players … Continue reading “Why Doesn’t the Cuban Regime Dialogue With the Dissidence? / Ivan Garcia”

The Havana Regime, With a Seat on the UN Human Rights Council, Shows its Make-up Again / Angel Santiesteban

In new demonstration of the impunity with which the Cuban Regime does and does not practice justice, using it solely as an instrument of punishment against the dissidence, proving clearly that in Cuba justice is NOT independent and is simply an armed arm within the monstrous repressive apparatus of the dynastic dictatorship, now in the … Continue reading “The Havana Regime, With a Seat on the UN Human Rights Council, Shows its Make-up Again / Angel Santiesteban”

Putin Looks to Cuba / Miriam Celaya

HAVANA, Cuba.-The crucial dispute in which the geopolitical, economic, and military interests of major world powers are played is the most relevant one in escalating individual conflicts that have been taking place in other regions–the Syrian and Venezuelan crises are two examples–perhaps of lesser effects globally, but where hegemonic interests also have some influence. Thus, … Continue reading “Putin Looks to Cuba / Miriam Celaya”

Confusion in the Americas on the Venezuelan Crisis / Manuel Cuesta Morua

HAVANA, Cuba. – The open crisis in Venezuela confuses all of Latin America and the Caribbean. It has an important economic component. Many of the small countries of the Caribbean basin, turned client-states, foresee the loss of the cheap oil prices Venezuela has been providing. This may be a small consideration for most, except for … Continue reading “Confusion in the Americas on the Venezuelan Crisis / Manuel Cuesta Morua”