State of Siege in Havana / Angel Santiesteban

State Security has been charged with coercing the opposition on the Island, prohibiting their entry to the capital, which these days, to paraphrase the slogan, “It will not be for all Cubans*” as long as it’s being visited by the leaders belonging to CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States). The political police have … Continue reading “State of Siege in Havana / Angel Santiesteban”

No Commitment / Yoani Sanchez

Red and black, these are the colors of the newspaper Granma. But unlike Stendhal’s famous work, in Granma’s pages the reader will not encounter realism, simply proselytizing. When the official organ of the Communist Party chooses a headline, its intentions are to impose an idea, not to report on it. So it was with the … Continue reading “No Commitment / Yoani Sanchez”