Rains Cause Floods in Cuba and One Death in Granma Province Due to Drowning

14ymedio, Havana, 9 June 2023 — A 60-year-old man from Jiguaní, Granma, who was not identified by the local press, is the first to die during the floods that have affected the Cuban east in recent days. The victim died “by drowning,” CNC TV said in a report about the damage caused by the rains. … Continue reading “Rains Cause Floods in Cuba and One Death in Granma Province Due to Drowning”

Cuban Authorities Confirm the Discovery of the Body, with Signs of Violence, of a Disappeared Person

14ymedio, Havana, 10 February 2023 — The Cuban authorities have confirmed the discovery of the body of Guperto Rafael Cánovas Adán, a 72-year-old taxi driver from Camagüey who had been missing since February 3, according to his relatives. The news, which had been circulating on social networks since Wednesday, was officially corroborated by the Ministry of … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities Confirm the Discovery of the Body, with Signs of Violence, of a Disappeared Person”

‘Cuban Students Are Waking Up Now, They Don’t Believe in the Revolution’

14ymedio, Havana, 3 December 2022 — Last Monday, the directors of the University of Camagüey (UC) detained professor and journalist José Luis Tan Estrada, when he was about to go home. In a kind of improvised trial, they recited to him a rosary of “incidents” against the Government. They notified him that he could no … Continue reading “‘Cuban Students Are Waking Up Now, They Don’t Believe in the Revolution’”

No More Lifelines for the Castro Regime

Having witnessed so many crises, I fear someone will throw the Castro regime another lifeline, though in this case it can only come from Washington, Fidel Castro’s chosen enemy since the summer of 1958. 14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 9 June 2024 — Cuba’s totalitarian government has experienced many serious crises. So many that it often … Continue reading “No More Lifelines for the Castro Regime”

An Expert From the Cuban Regime Defends ‘El Toque’: ‘The Economy Is Not a Game for Propagandists’

Manuel David Orrio del Rosario, former Cuban State Security agent, believes that there is a campaign against the media that does not correspond to economic science 14ymedio, Madrid, 13 May 2024 — The emphasis of the Cuban regime in its campaign against El Toque, which it accuses of manipulating the dollar exchange rate in order … Continue reading “An Expert From the Cuban Regime Defends ‘El Toque’: ‘The Economy Is Not a Game for Propagandists’”

Six Cuban Opposition Organizations Unite to Refound the Republic

14ymedio, Havana, 8 September 2022 — Members of the Cuban opposition inside and outside Cuba announced their support for “D Frente,” a group of “coordination of plural Cuban civil and political actors, whose central objective is to achieve the refounding of the Republic, guided by José Martí’s idea of building a country ’with everyone and … Continue reading “Six Cuban Opposition Organizations Unite to Refound the Republic”

Almost 2,000 Years of Jail Time for 128 of the July 11 (11J) Protesters in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 17 March 2022 — In contrast to the previous trials of July 11 protesters, in which the final sentences were lower than those sought by the prosecutors, the Diez de Octubre Tribunal in Havana, which tried 33 people on January 31, has been relentless. Thus, it has sentenced Brandon David Becerra Curbelo, 17 … Continue reading “Almost 2,000 Years of Jail Time for 128 of the July 11 (11J) Protesters in Cuba”

The Acquittal of Three July 11th Protesters on the Isle of Youth Suggests a Shift in the Prosecutor’s Office

14ymedio, Havana, 28 January 2022 — The Municipal Court of the Isle of Youth has acquitted three July11th (11J) protesters for whom the Prosecutor’s Office requested three years in prison for a crime of public disorder. They are Ramón Salazar Infante, president of the Pinero Autonomous Party (PAP), Martha de los Ángeles Pérez Acosta, head … Continue reading “The Acquittal of Three July 11th Protesters on the Isle of Youth Suggests a Shift in the Prosecutor’s Office”

The Teacher From Central Valley / Fernando Dámaso

Fernando Damaso, 24 January 2018 — This year will mark 116 since the founding of the Republic on 20 May 1902. Although it was the time of the nation’s greatest progress and development–with important economic and social achievements, including health and education–this period has been systematically discredited and distorted during the last 60 years when … Continue reading “The Teacher From Central Valley / Fernando Dámaso”

Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)

Announcements made by United States President Barack Obama and his administration have sparked an intense controversy about the Cuban conflict. Many opponents and civil society activists, within the island and in exile, have lamented, especially, the lack of transparency and the unilateral and unconditional nature of the new measures. It is indisputable and indispensable that … Continue reading “Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)”

Eighty Palma Soriano CID Activists Accuse the Dictatorship / CID

Eighty activists of the Independent and Democratic Cuba party (CID) in Palma Soriano denounce the government for its incompetence, its abuses, corruption and deceit. This government is leading the population to despair. It mistreats and exploits citizens. It harasses and punishes the opposition without reason or justification. There are political prisoners because of the fear … Continue reading “Eighty Palma Soriano CID Activists Accuse the Dictatorship / CID”

The United Nations Human Rights Council and its Great Challenge With Cuba / Angel Santiesteban

Tomorrow, May 1, the United Nations Human Rights Council will meet in Geneva, where Cuba will present a report with notes on its prison policy. “Dressing up” for the occasion, for the first time in nine years the Castro regime opened its jails to the national and international press accredited in Cuba. It is public … Continue reading “The United Nations Human Rights Council and its Great Challenge With Cuba / Angel Santiesteban”

Ladies in Black, An Ignored Antecedent / Dimas Castellano

In 1915, the wives of the members of the Independent Party of Color managed something the Ladies in White have been denied in the 21st century. Article originally published in Diario de Cuba. Marking the 100th anniversary of the crime committed against black Cubans in 1912, data and facts previously relegated to history have come … Continue reading “Ladies in Black, An Ignored Antecedent / Dimas Castellano”

Man Convicted in Bayamo Child Prostitution Ring is on Hunger Strike / Ernesto Morales Licea

One of those sentenced to prison following the prostitution scandal revealed in Bayamo, Cuba, in May 2010, after the death of a 12-year-old girl, has declared a hunger strike and as of today and has gone 16 days without eating. Ramón Enrique Álvarez Sánchez owned a rental house for foreigners in Bayamo, and was arrested on … Continue reading “Man Convicted in Bayamo Child Prostitution Ring is on Hunger Strike / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Young But Not Rebels / Miguel Iturría Savón

As August progresses, as if the summer sun and rain weren’t enough, the official press is punishing us with news that tests the boundaries of even the complete joke represented by the newspaper Granma, the Communist Party organ, and Juventud Rebelde — Rebel Youth — the newspaper for the younger generation, two sides of the … Continue reading “Young But Not Rebels / Miguel Iturría Savón”