Announcements made by United States President Barack Obama and his administration have sparked an intense controversy about the Cuban conflict. Many opponents and civil society activists, within the island and in exile, have lamented, especially, the lack of transparency and the unilateral and unconditional nature of the new measures.
It is indisputable and indispensable that Cubans be primarily responsible for the fate of our nation, but we also expect an effective commitment from the democratic community to the defense of fundamental freedoms and the establishment of the Rule of Law in Cuba.
We who experience daily the violations of the Cuban regime and those who from exile have suffered and are suffering the totalitarianism in their home country, are key players in a process of transition. To ignore many of our voices and to act from a single view of the problem, undermines objectivity and endangers any political dialogue.
We are faced with two options. First, to accept the mutation of the regime to an authoritarian capitalism, wherein Cubans will have to resign themselves to pittances, while the heirs of the Castro regime dispose of our rights and wealth. Second, to demand concrete and measurable changes that will lead to the formation of a true democracy.
The demand to restore our freedoms is a prerequisite for a successful political transition. Over these long 56 years of the dictatorship of a single party, there have been multiple demands from activists and the opposition who have called for the full exercise of those freedoms inherent to human beings, and they have paid a high price for these demands.
The violation of fundamental rights in our country is validated by the current legal system. We therefore consider that the ratification and above all the legal implementation of the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, with their optional protocols, is a key tool as a precondition and roadmap to solve the Cuban conflict. Equally, the rules of the International Labour Organization give us a precise guide as to how to work on the legal system of labor issues and trade union freedoms.
We hope that Latin American countries, the European Union, Canada, the Holy See and the United States, as important political actors in the Cuban situation, join us in this reasonable and urgent demand. We have taken as a reference the partnership agreement signed between the European Union and Central America in 2012, with a clear emphasis on respect for human rights and the promotion of democracy.
Upon ratification of these agreements we propose the following Roadmap to ensure the effective and prompt implementation of the commitments agreed to:
- Immediate release and cancellation of sentences all political prisoners (Amnesty decreed)
- With regards to the Constitution, laws, regulations, procedures and administrative practices: repeal of all those articles that violate the International Covenants and relate to the freedoms of expression, association and trade unions, assembly, movement, conscience and religion, economic and cultural. Establish full guarantees for the exercise of those freedoms
- With regards to the Penal Code: elimination of the concept of pre-criminal dangerousness, as well as all rules that can contribute to arrests, arbitrary detentions and acts of harassment in violation of agreements made
- Restoration of judicial and constitutional guarantees to the right of due process
- New Law of Association that includes a multiparty system and guarantees for the freedom of assembly. With regards to trade union rights it must take into account the standards set by the ILO
- New Media Law that guarantees freedom of expression and the free flow of information
- New election law (Restoration of National Sovereignty)
We believe that every step must be conditioned on the progress of the roadmap mentioned above, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Our ultimate goal is to move to a true democracy with political pluralism, judicial independence, freedom and human rights. Where Cubans can through consultation and free and transparent elections, as well as the realization of a constituent assembly, define the destiny of our nation.
All genuine actors of the opposition and civil society, through their projects and demands, within the island and in exile, have to be an active part of any process that seeks a solution to the Cuban conflict.
At stake is the very future of the nation. We exercise the great responsibility that is ours.
Note: The Forum does belong to Estado de Sats (State of Sats). Those signing this Roadmap are artists, journalists, academics, trade unionists and opponents of various groups within the island and in exile.
Signatures are still being accepted:
- Ada María López Canino
- Adelma Guerra
- Adis Niria Dallet Argüelles
- Adnaloy Rodríguez Díaz
- Adonis Salgado Pérez
- Adrian Perez Mendoza
- Agustín López canino
- Aida Norma Roque
- Aidé Gallardo Salazar
- Ailer González Mena
- Alberto Sanchez Martiatu
- Alejandro Raga
- Alejandro Garcia Arias
- Alexis Pérez Lescailles
- Alexis Jardines
- Alfredo Guillermo Rodríguez
- Alina Brouwer
- Alina de la C García
- Aliuska Gómez García
- Amelia Suarez Naranjo
- Ana Torricella Morales
- Anay Peñalver Subit
- Andrés Pérez Suarez
- Ángel De Fana
- Ángel Luis Díaz
- Ángel Luis Martín
- Ángel Moya Acosta
- Ángel Santiesteban Prats
- Anislay Escalona Polo
- Antonio G. Rodiles
- Arelis Blanco Coello
- Arelis Rodríguez Silva
- Ariadna Mena Rubio
- Ariel Gonzalez Cuevas
- Ariobel Castillo Villalba
- Armando Abascal Serrano
- Armando Peraza Hernández
- Bárbara Rodríguez Vizcaíno
- Barbara Viera Rodriguez
- Benito Fojaco Iser
- Berta Soler Fernández
- Borris Larramendi
- Camilo Ernesto Olivera Peidro
- Caridad Ramírez
- Caridad Valdés Soriano
- Carlos Lázaro Tamayo Frías
- Carlos M Figueroa Álvarez
- Carlos M Hernández
- Carlos Manuel Figueroa
- Carlos Orlando Olivera Martinez
- Carlos Rodríguez Seruto
- Cecilia Guerra Alfonso
- Claudio Fuentes Madan
- Cristina Xiomara Duques
- Dairon Moisés Torre Paz
- Dairy Coello Basulto
- Daisy Artiles del Sol
- Damaris Reve Rodríguez
- Damarys Moya Portieles
- Damián Albert Suviaut
- Danai López Perdomo
- Danaise Muños López
- Dandy Lazo
- David Águila Montero
- Delises González Borrego
- Digna Rodriguez Ibanez
- Duvier Blanco Acosta
- Edely Orlando Suarez
- Eduardo González Molina
- Eduardo Marcos Pacheco Ortiz
- Egberto Ángel Escobedo Morales
- Elena Larrinaga
- Elías Amor
- Enrico M. Santí
- Enrique Díaz Rodríguez
- Enrique Martínez Marín
- Enrique Rafael Valido
- Eralidis Frometa Polanco
- Ernesto Gutiérrez
- Ernesto Fonseca Garcia
- Ernesto Hernandez Busto
- Esteban Ajetes Abascal
- Eugenia Díaz Hernández
- Eugenio Hernández Hernández
- Evelin Pineda Concepción
- Félix Navarro
- Félix Perez Palenzuela
- Francisco Rangel Manzano
- Francisco Valido
- Frank Calzón
- Frank Cosme Valdés
- Gisela Sánchez Baños
- Gladis Capote Roque
- Gloria Samper Oliva
- Gorki Águila
- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández
- Guillermo García V
- Gustavo Garabito Gómez
- Haymee Moya Montes de Oca
- Hugo Damian Prieto Blanco
- Igdariz Pérez Ponciano
- Ignacio Blanco Jimenez
- Iris Quindelan
- Iván Founier Costa
- Ivonne de las Mercedes Abreu
- Jaime Suchlicki
- Jaqueline Bone Hechevarria
- Jaqueline Cutiño Leite
- Jeovani Díaz López
- Jesús Aristides Hernandez Pérez
- Joel Brito
- Jordanca Borquinelis
- Jorge Enrique Carbonell
- Jorge Luis Artiles Montiel
- Jorge Luis García Ostia
- Jorge Luis Romero Becerra
- Jorge Luis Trujillo González
- Jorge Olivera Castillo
- Jorge Rodríguez Rivero
- José Agustín Benítez López
- José Azel
- Jose G. Ramón Castillo
- José Díaz silva
- José Hernandez Lopez
- José Ignacio Brito
- José Luis León Pérez
- José Ramón Polo Borges
- José Raúl Rodriguez Rangel
- Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramirez
- Juan Antonio Blanco
- Juan Carlos Linares Balmaseda
- Juan González Febles
- Juan Manuel Lora Vidal
- Julia Herrera Roque
- Julio Aleaga Pesant
- Julio Antonio Ramírez
- Julio Herrera Roque
- Julio Rojas Portal
- Kessell Rodríguez Rodríguez
- Kirenia Molina
- Laritza Olivares Dinza
- Laudelina Alcalde García
- Laura Marante
- Laura Marante Delgado
- Lazara B. Sendiña Recalde
- Lazara M Borrego Guzmán
- Lázaro Díaz Sánchez
- Lazaro Mendoza Garcia
- Lázaro Fresneda Fernández
- Lázaro Luis Ruíz Hechevarria
- Lázaro R Armenteros Martorel
- Lázaro Yosvani Montesino
- Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca
- León Padrón Azcui
- Liset Naranjo
- Lismeirys Quintana Ávila
- Livan Serafín
- Lourdes Esquivel
- Lucia Molina Villegas
- Lucinda González Gómez
- Luis Alberto Cruz Silva
- Luis Bárbaro Ortega Avenza
- Luis Cino Álvarez
- Luis Enrique Labrador Díaz
- Luis Jesús Gutiérrez Campos
- Luisa R Toscano
- Maikel Norton Cordero
- Mailen González González
- Manuel Aguirre Labarrere
- Marcelino Lorenzo Fernández
- Margarita Rodríguez Díaz
- María Acon Sardiñas
- María cristina Labrada Varona
- María Josefa Sardiñas
- María Rosa Rodríguez Molina
- Marislaidys Sánchez Vargas
- Maritza concepción Salmiento
- Mark Alonso Parada
- Marta Belquis Rodríguez González
- Mayelin Peña Bullain
- Mayelin Santiesteban López
- Maylin González González
- Melvia Aguilera
- Mercedes Pérez
- Merenis Herry García
- Mijail Bonito
- Miguel Ángel Tamayo Frías
- Miguel Daniel Borroto Vázquez
- Miguel Farinas Quey
- Mista Ricardo Torres
- Nelson Rodríguez Chartrand
- Nilo Gilbert Arencibia
- Noelvis León López
- O Díaz Becerra
- Odelin Alfonso torna
- Olaida del Castillo Trujillo
- Olga Lidia Torres iglesias
- Omar Suarez Campo
- Orlando Rodriguez Rodriguez
- Orlando Villar de Armas
- Oscar Luis Milian Reinoso
- Oslien Noda Fonseca
- Osmal Laffita Rojas
- Osmani Díaz Cristo
- Oylin Hernández Rodríguez
- Paulino Estévez Jiménez
- Pedro Fontanal Miranda
- Pedro Roig
- Quirenia Díaz Argüelles
- Rachel Gamboa Campos
- Rafael Hernández Blanco
- Rafael Rodríguez Rivero
- Raisel Rodríguez Rivero
- Ramon Alejandro Munoz Gonzalez
- Ramón Jiménez Arencibia
- Ramón Mor Hernández
- Ramon Zamoza Rodriguez
- Raquel María Rodríguez Morejón
- Raúl Borges Álvarez
- Regla Ríos Casado
- Reinaldo Figueros
- Reinaldo Martínez
- Roberto Arsenio López Ramos
- Roberto Pupo Tejeda
- Rogelio Fabio Hurtado Rodríguez
- Rolando Ferrer Espinosa
- Rolando Reyes Rabanal
- Rolando Rodríguez Rivero
- Ronny Gámez Luna
- Rosalinda Visiedo Gómez
- Roxilene Sotolongo Cruz
- Saúl González
- Santiago Jordan Rios
- Sebastian Arcos
- Serafín Moran Santiago
- Serafín Moran Santiago
- Sergio Girat Estrada
- Smith Cantillo Pérez
- Sodrelis Torruella Poncio
- Sonia Álvarez Campello
- Sonia Garro Alfonso
- Stewe Maikel Pardo Valdez
- Tamara Rodríguez Quesada
- Ubaldo Herrero Hernández
- Vicente Campanioni
- Vicente Sebastián Borges
- Virgen Coello Basulto
- Vladimir Ortiz Suarez
- Vladimir Turru Paez
- Xiomara de las M Cruz Miranda
- Yadelys Montano León
- Yaimel Rodríguez Arroyo
- Yamile Borges Hurtado
- Yamile Garro Alfonso
- Yamile Naranjo
- Yaneisi Herrera Cabrales
- Yanisel Bosa Garrido
- Yanitza Estrada Liranza
- Yasil Fernández Denis
- Yasmani Barroso Bergolla
- Yasmani Barroso Pergolla
- Yasmani Cuesta González
- Yelky Páez Rodríguez
- Yeniset Aguilera
- Yoan Guzmán Díaz
- Yoisy Jaramillo Sánchez
- Yolanda Santana Ayala
- Yoraida Peña Padilla
- Yosbani Arce Blanco
- Yuleidis Ortiz
- Yuliet Margarita Rodríguez Báez
- Yulinne Tamayo Frías
- Yuneisis Coto Casino
- Yuniesqui Gainza
- Yuniset Amores Aguilera
- Yurineisi Alemán
- Yurleani Tamayo Martínez
- Yuslaidis Balero Concepción
- Zaqueo Báez Guerrero
- Zenen Daniel Cruz
- Zulema Lay