For a Parliament Without a Nominating Committee / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 16 March 2015 – The National Assembly of People’s Power, or what foreign journalists simplified as the Cuban Parliament, consists of some 612 members. None of them performed any action to achieve their seat; all were taken by surprise when Nominating Committee announced that their name would be on the list … Continue reading “For a Parliament Without a Nominating Committee / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Operation Counterrevolutionary Toys / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba, January 2014, The police operation started at 5:00 in the morning of January 3. They knocked on the door of Hector Maseda’s house, one of the former political prisoners from the 2003 Black Spring Cause of the 75, husband of the late Laura Pollan — the site of the national headquarters of … Continue reading “Operation Counterrevolutionary Toys / Lilianne Ruiz”

Revolutionary Prostitutes. Prostitution In Cuba, Part 2 / Miriam Celaya

No social phenomenon arises suddenly or by spontaneous generation, rather it is the result of a long process of the accumulation of essential components. The rise of prostitution in “Socialist Cuba” is no exception. In fact, prostitution was not eliminated by policies dictated by the Government, which favored the mass incorporation of women into the … Continue reading “Revolutionary Prostitutes. Prostitution In Cuba, Part 2 / Miriam Celaya”

Where are the CDR Revolutionaries? / Miriam Celaya

As has been the trend in recent years, the once nurtured and animated Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) “fiestas” on September 27, have been added to the list of Revolutionary anniversaries on the way to extinction. Just by chance, for personal reasons, I was crossing the city last Thursday and could observe … Continue reading “Where are the CDR Revolutionaries? / Miriam Celaya”

Calves of the Revolution / Rosa Maria Rodriguez Torrado

The newspaper Granma provokes, slapping its readers’ faces with a fistful of falsehoods. I am not saying they use fallacy on a regular basis, but sometimes they publish opinions with a manipulative slant. These must be refuted because, if we remain silent, we are ourselves guilty of lying through inaction or omission. On July 31 … Continue reading “Calves of the Revolution / Rosa Maria Rodriguez Torrado”

Do You Remember the Revolutionary Offensive of 1968? / Haroldo Dilla Alfonso

On March 13, 1968, Fidel Castro, in one of his miles-long speeches, announced to the Cuban people what he called “the Revolutionary Offensive*.” In reality, it had nothing revolutionary about it, on the contrary, it was an essentially counterrevolutionary measure intended to eliminate the urban petty bourgeoisie. And with it to eliminate one of the … Continue reading “Do You Remember the Revolutionary Offensive of 1968? / Haroldo Dilla Alfonso”

Public Declaration in Self-Defense of Rastafarian Artist Hector Riscar (El Nano) / El Sexto – Danilo Maldonado Machado

I, Hector Riscar Mustelier, declare in writing what really happened on Wednesday 16 November 2011. We left the National Cabaret, where we were working the Heritage Group, a reggae band, of which I am director. We were Adrian (props), Daniel (drummer), Zenén (sound engineer) and I, crossing the corner of Prado and San Jose, where … Continue reading “Public Declaration in Self-Defense of Rastafarian Artist Hector Riscar (El Nano) / El Sexto – Danilo Maldonado Machado”

Freedom Without Anger and Without Hatred, for Cuba

The regime has taken advantage of our anger to present us as “haters” and to feed the fear of change 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, August 7, 2024 — “Libertad sin ira,” “freedom without anger” [lyrics] is one of the most representative songs of the Spanish transition to democracy. In its lyrics it speaks of … Continue reading “Freedom Without Anger and Without Hatred, for Cuba”

Attack Yarini: The Combat Order Is Given

The great Havana pimp was the dandy who dazzled everyone while riding his white braided-tail steed or walking his greyhounds through the streets of the capital 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 23 June 2024 — Yarini has become news again. The great Havana pimp, the most bastard of national heroes, the greatest sex symbol of … Continue reading “Attack Yarini: The Combat Order Is Given”

Leandro Naun, a Priest in the Mountains of Santiago de Cuba

To many mothers “God seems deaf” because they don’t see a way out and they become desperate 14ymedio, Havana, 16 June 2024 — Leandro Naun, a Catholic priest, ministers to a handful of rural communities in Santiago de Cuba. With the end of the month fast approaching, word is spreading that delivery of the basic … Continue reading “Leandro Naun, a Priest in the Mountains of Santiago de Cuba”

The National Crisis Forces Cuban Children To Work Says the Official Press

The newspaper Sierra Maestra assures that the child labor cases are the childrens’ own exceptions to “the complexity of context” 14ymedio, Havana, 19 June 2024 — One of the pillars of social welfare that for years the Cuban regime has defended as one of its greatest conquests collapsed this Monday, when the official press recognized … Continue reading “The National Crisis Forces Cuban Children To Work Says the Official Press”

Two Years of Harassment and Pressure for Writing ‘Patria y Vida’ on Her House for the 11 July 2021 Protests

14ymedio, Havana, 23 April 2024 — Three words in blue ink – Patria y Vida… Homeland and Life – written on the facade of her house were enough for Sandra Hernández to understand State Security’s speedy response even in small towns like hers. After the island-wide protests of 11 July 2021 (11J), there was not … Continue reading “Two Years of Harassment and Pressure for Writing ‘Patria y Vida’ on Her House for the 11 July 2021 Protests”

Twenty Years Separate the Two Letters of Ignominy in Support of Repression in Cuba

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 8 October 2022 — Almost twenty years ago, Cuban society looked the other way when numerous heavyweights of the national culture signed a letter justifying the execution of three young people who hijacked a boat to reach the United States. The letter also supported the imprisonment of 75 dissidents in March 2003. Before that shameful … Continue reading “Twenty Years Separate the Two Letters of Ignominy in Support of Repression in Cuba”

Cubans Are More Concerned About Hurricane Ian Than About Voting in the Referendum

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez and Herodes Díaz, Havana/Santiago de Cuba, 25 September 2022 — In the early hours of this Sunday morning there was a notably small turnout in the voting centers for the referendum on the Family Code, and the majority of the voters were elderly, according to 14ymedio reporters in Havana and Santiago … Continue reading “Cubans Are More Concerned About Hurricane Ian Than About Voting in the Referendum”

Remnants of the Cuban Censor Who Attends Me

14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, May 22, 2022–Those who think that all ciberclarias* are slick and anonymous are mistaken. Some come with pedigree and martial ranks. There is a group of ever-loyal comrades, trained in military or Party schools, who do not understand the Five Grey Years, nor the special periods, nor have they foreseen crises … Continue reading “Remnants of the Cuban Censor Who Attends Me”