Charo: The Snitch / Luis Felipe Rojas

Through a method of stupidity and propaganda, Cuban television usually goes beyond us. What to do about it, though? We are not perfect. However, this past Saturday April 21st, during the morning cartoons, many of us were shocked at what we saw. It was a short cartoon for kids, with the same title as this … Continue reading “Charo: The Snitch / Luis Felipe Rojas”

The Trial is Today, April 13. Solidarity with Zuraima, Wife of the Rastifarian Priest Imprisoned in Cuba: +53-52519247 / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

To whom it may concern: I, Hector Riscart Mustelier, declare in writing what really happened on Wednesday, November 16, 2011. We left the “National Cabaret” where we were working — the Herencia group — a reggae band of which I am the director. We were Adrian (props), Daniel (drummer), Zenén (sound engineer) and myself; we … Continue reading “The Trial is Today, April 13. Solidarity with Zuraima, Wife of the Rastifarian Priest Imprisoned in Cuba: +53-52519247 / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

The Same But Different / Laritza Diversent

Pedro Valerino Acosta, 28, son of Pedro and Corina, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for killing Humberto Gonzalaz Otano, a jeweler in the neighborhood of San Miguel del Padron in the capital, a process that also resulted in sentences for 5 other people. He had no criminal record, but he didn’t participate in … Continue reading “The Same But Different / Laritza Diversent”

The Waters, First / Lilianne Ruíz

No one pays us to reclaim our freedom, that misconception of the phenomenon has been viciously spread in Cuba and outside Cuba by the filthy State Security. It’s not so, because it is absurd. If we protest it is because we are those who suffer from the lack of law and freedom, and if someone … Continue reading “The Waters, First / Lilianne Ruíz”

Feline Needs / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

My neighborhood seems peaceful at night, but it operates in an irrational paradox, because in some streets the few lights that work are on in the day and at dusk they go off giving an atmosphere complicit with criminals and lovers. In the middle of the night we sometimes hear the exalted meows of some … Continue reading “Feline Needs / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado”

It’s Good for Them to Know They Are United /Mario Barroso

When Granma and the National Televised News publicized on Thursday, February 23rd the previous day’s meeting between hierarchies of Cuban religious denominations and fraternal organizations with representatives of the Cuban regime, many were alarmed to discover the existing communion between religious and political leaders. Such agreement places both on the same playing field. Esteban Lazo, a … Continue reading “It’s Good for Them to Know They Are United /Mario Barroso”

To the Outraged / Lilianne Ruíz

I understand that Western countries, where the government emerges from a multi-party democracy, must have their problems. Here the scriptwriters of any news report broadcast are very pleased when they comment on (because they almost never let you hear the voices of the international reporters) the news about the protests of the Outraged, Spanish students, … Continue reading “To the Outraged / Lilianne Ruíz”

Story of an "Occupation" / Yaremis Flores

Yaremis Flores. The coordinator of the Cultural Project OMNI Zona Franca, Amaury Pacheco del Monte, is a dreamer. He fantasizes he can offer his family a comfortable life. He’s far from juggling enough to meet the needs of his six small children. His family suffers fromthe housing shortage onour island, and on top of that,from … Continue reading “Story of an "Occupation" / Yaremis Flores”

Mr. Lázaro Fariñas / Angel Santiesteban

“A Miami-based Cuban journalist” is the same one who, a while ago, was complaining, as usual, because in Miami they permitted for only 24 hours a billboardshowing the five spies sentenced by the United States. We should thank him in some way for teaching us that there, in “enemy” territory, at least they can engage … Continue reading “Mr. Lázaro Fariñas / Angel Santiesteban”

Country of Pixels / Marcos García Rodríguez

                  Esta obra ha sido debidamente registrada en el Centro Nacional de Derechos de Autor y pertenece por entero al autor. Queda prohibido utilizarla en parte o en su conjunto por cualquier medio, soporte o forma de comunicación sin permiso expreso del autor. [Photos may not be … Continue reading “Country of Pixels / Marcos García Rodríguez”

CID Delegate in San Miguel del Patron Won’t Appear Before State Security / Katia Sonia

Elpidio Rodriguez Casas, delegate of the Cuban Independent and Democratic Party in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón, refused to appear in response to a subpoena issued by the Lieutenant Nelson of state security to 3:00 pm on August 3, the municipal unit of the National Revolutionary Police. Homes Rodriguez declared his disagreement with … Continue reading “CID Delegate in San Miguel del Patron Won’t Appear Before State Security / Katia Sonia”

Wilman Villar Mendoza: Another Case? / Luis Felipe Rojas

Wilman Villar Mendoza. Photo from UNPACU The Cuban government is a monster which has locked itself in a crystal valve and swallowed the key. The death of Wilman Villar Mendoza, product of a hunger strike in demand that his prison sentence be revised, is a clear example. The Castro regime has cut all communications between … Continue reading “Wilman Villar Mendoza: Another Case? / Luis Felipe Rojas”

VICTORIA / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Victoria died, out of her mind, a venerable old lady who greeted everyone from the sidewalk during her little morning strolls under custody, with her senile naiveté that left no choice but sorrow and forgiveness. Victoria, in her time, the emblematic president of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution in the only block … Continue reading “VICTORIA / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Cuban Intellectuals: When Fear Seeps Into the Bones / Angel Santiesteban

How is it possible that intellectuals who were humiliated and punished by the same people who now govern the country, stay next to the boots that kicked them into submission, that harassed them until they were broken in body, soul and artistic endeavor? They suffered so much that the fear still corrodes them and they … Continue reading “Cuban Intellectuals: When Fear Seeps Into the Bones / Angel Santiesteban”

The Federation of Cuban Women Can’t Reinvent Itself / Yoani Sánchez

You turned six and were already waiting for your neck scarf, the slogan “Pioneers for communism, we will be like Che.” Later, you started high school and, automatically, without anyone asking you, joined the Federation of High School Students (FEEM). As you continued to grow up, you ironed your skirt and under your uniform blouse … Continue reading “The Federation of Cuban Women Can’t Reinvent Itself / Yoani Sánchez”