Lech Walesa: “Cubans need responsible leaders” / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez

The Nobel Peace Prize winner speaks with several Cuban activists on the situation of the island and the possibilities for democratic change 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Warsaw, 21 October 2014 — Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa had an agreement that death annulled. The two would go to Havana when the democratic transition occurred to support the process … Continue reading “Lech Walesa: “Cubans need responsible leaders” / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez”

Activists Gather Around Four Points of Consensus / 14ymedio

14YMEDIO, Havana, September 25, 2014 – An important meeting of Cuban civil society took place this Thursday in Havana, involving 16 activists from across the country, including five ex-prisoners from the 2013 Black Spring. The meeting was not announced ahead of time, and several of the invitees were unable to attend due to other commitments. … Continue reading “Activists Gather Around Four Points of Consensus / 14ymedio”

University (for the Tenacious) / 14ymedio, Henry Constantin, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 28 August 2014 — Henry Constantin is a native of Camagüey province, born in Las Tunas on Valentine’s Day, 30 years ago. He has been expelled from university three times for his ideas, but still believes he will obtain his journalism degree. This slender, plain-spoken young man has founded two independent publications … Continue reading “University (for the Tenacious) / 14ymedio, Henry Constantin, Reinaldo Escobar”

Another Member of the Magazine ‘Coexistence’ is Cited by Police / 14ymedio

14YMEDIO, Havana, 28 August 2014 – In an escalation that started weeks ago, another member of the editorial board of Convivencia (Coexistence) magazine has been summoned by the police. This Wednesday Javier Valdes received a citation for the following day at 5:00 PM, at the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) station in Pinar del Rio. Other … Continue reading “Another Member of the Magazine ‘Coexistence’ is Cited by Police / 14ymedio”

“I am optimistic I will see prosperity in Cuba” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Havana, 8 August 2014, Reinaldo Escobar – Pinar del Río born and bread, and a member of the editorial board of the magazine Convivencia (Coexistence), Karina Gálvez has made some important decisions in her life. She wants to continue to live in Cuba, to help change the country from civil society and some to … Continue reading ““I am optimistic I will see prosperity in Cuba” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

The Political Legacy of Oswaldo Paya / 14ymedio

14YMEDIO, 22 July 2014 – On 22 July 2014, the opposition leader Oswaldo Payá and the activist Harld Cepero died. Payá led the Christian Liberation Movement and promoted the Varela Project, which managed to collect some 25,000 signatures to demand a national referendum. Freedom of expression, of association, freedom of the press and of business, … Continue reading “The Political Legacy of Oswaldo Paya / 14ymedio”

Letter to Obama Sparks Controversy / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana | May 23, 2014 A letter published this week, signed by more than forty American personalities, asked Barack Obama to ease measures toward Cuba. In an unusual gesture of consensus, former senior U.S. politicians, military, analysts and businessmen advocate relaxing the embargo on the Island. Among the signatories are Republicans and Democrats who … Continue reading “Letter to Obama Sparks Controversy / 14ymedio”

A Newspaper is Born in Cuba / 14ymedio

Journalists and intellectuals sign a statement of support for 14ymedio. 14YMEDIO | 21 May 2014 “Today we welcome a new communications medium, a digital daily that is born in a country without freedom of the press: Cuba. “The creators of this risky enterprise, directed by blogger Yoani Sanchez, share our democratic values. In their declaration … Continue reading “A Newspaper is Born in Cuba / 14ymedio”

The Experiment of Hope / Francis Sanchez

On the 15th of February 2008, with the uploading to the internet of Issue 1 (January-February), the magazine Convivencia was born in Pinar del Río.  Since then, six years have passed of uninterrupted bimonthly publication.  The new publication invited one to live on a horizon at once broad and intimate, democratic, heavy with possibilities and … Continue reading “The Experiment of Hope / Francis Sanchez”

Vulgarity: The Revolution’s Bastard Child / Miriam Celaya

“Reagan wears a skirt, we wear pants, we have a commandant whose balls roar!”(Revolutionary slogan made famous by Felipe Pérez Roque) Sunday, January 19, 2014 | Miriam Celaya Havana wakes up early, and before 8:00 am and there is a swarm of voices and movement. Old cars and buses rattle around the city, people crowd … Continue reading “Vulgarity: The Revolution’s Bastard Child / Miriam Celaya”

A Year Without the White Card (Travel Permit) / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba, 14 January 2014, www.cubanet.org.- How has the Cuban political scene changed for human rights activists and leaders of the political opposition who have left and returned to Cuba? Is the day after the fall of the Castro regime close? To answer, Cubanet contacted some of the protagonists of this story. Miriam Celaya (blogger … Continue reading “A Year Without the White Card (Travel Permit) / Lilianne Ruiz”

Prison Diary LXV: Ode to Pedro Pablo Oliva / Angel Santiesteban

That the essential Cuban painter Pedro Pablo Oliva (National Plastic Arts 2006 Prize Winner) was expelled in May 2011 from the Popular Assembly of the province, Pinar del Rio, is the best thing that could have happened in his life. Since then, the admiration he has won for his work has grown infinitely. A great … Continue reading “Prison Diary LXV: Ode to Pedro Pablo Oliva / Angel Santiesteban”

Eliezer Avila Commits to a Green Party / Lilianne Ruiz

Cubanet interviewed Eliezer Avila, the computer scientist who once faced Ricardo Alarcon, former president of the National Assembly. He moved to the capital in order to participate more directly in the changes in civil society. What have you been doing in your public life lately? Since I arrived in Europe I have focused on my … Continue reading “Eliezer Avila Commits to a Green Party / Lilianne Ruiz”

Political Opposition and Negotiations in Today’s Cuba / Dimas Castellanos

Interview of Dimas Castellanos by Ernesto Santana Zaldivar, published on April 26 and 29, 2013 in Cubanet. Although still uttered timidly, recently you have begun to hear the word “negotiation” in some statements by the Cuban political opposition. Despite having diverse opinions about it, a negotiation is, in general, a process in which two or … Continue reading “Political Opposition and Negotiations in Today’s Cuba / Dimas Castellanos”

Revolutionary Prostitutes. Prostitution In Cuba, Part 2 / Miriam Celaya

No social phenomenon arises suddenly or by spontaneous generation, rather it is the result of a long process of the accumulation of essential components. The rise of prostitution in “Socialist Cuba” is no exception. In fact, prostitution was not eliminated by policies dictated by the Government, which favored the mass incorporation of women into the … Continue reading “Revolutionary Prostitutes. Prostitution In Cuba, Part 2 / Miriam Celaya”