The Electric Union Admits that Cuba Could Need 10 Billion Dollars for Its Power Plants

EFE (via 14ymedio), Ernesto Mastrascusa, Havana, 4 April 2024 —   The technical director of the Electric Union of Cuba (UNE), Lázaro Guerra, recognizes that the country would need about 10 billion dollars to repair its thermoelectric plants. The figure, estimated by independent specialists residing in the United States, such as Jorge Piñón and Emilio … Continue reading “The Electric Union Admits that Cuba Could Need 10 Billion Dollars for Its Power Plants”

Cuba Blames the US for the Instability in the Delivery of Subsidized Food

EFE/14ymedio, 5 April 2024, Havana — Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, blamed the “recrudescence” of the United States’ economic embargo, this Thursday, for the “difficult situation” in the delivery of subsidized products through the ration card. The president dedicated the second episode of the program Desde la Presidencia – broadcast on YouTube – to the “difficulties” in acquiring, … Continue reading “Cuba Blames the US for the Instability in the Delivery of Subsidized Food”

Venezuela Sells Its Oil on the International Market Instead of Giving It to Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 2 April 2024 — The data on the delivery of Venezuelan oil to Cuba in March confirm that Havana cannot count on Caracas at the moment to alleviate its energy problems. As in February, only 34,000 barrels per day (bpd) arrived on the Island that month, 39% below the monthly average of 56,000 … Continue reading “Venezuela Sells Its Oil on the International Market Instead of Giving It to Cuba”

Diaz-Canel’s Heirloom Vase Is Crumbling

14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 24 March 2024 — It might not happen tomorrow but it is quite clear that the giant vase now in the care of Cuba’s dictator designate, Miguel Diaz Canel, is already cracked and could shatter at any moment. People, who are fed up with sixty-five years of oppression, are starting to … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel’s Heirloom Vase Is Crumbling”

At Least Six Arrested for Protesting Against the Blackouts in Holguin, Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, Miguel García, 23 March 2024 — At least six people were arrested in the town of San Andrés, in Holguín, after demonstrating on March 8. They are charged with the crimes of contempt and public disorder, according to sources close to the accused. According to Martí Noticias, four of the detainees spent several … Continue reading “At Least Six Arrested for Protesting Against the Blackouts in Holguin, Cuba”

Diaz-Canel Inaugurates a Cuban-style ‘Hello President’ Program

14ymedio, Madrid, 22 March 2024 — “A big movement is beginning, like the one that was made in the Energy Revolution,” Cuba’s Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy announced in the first edition of the program Desde la Presidencia, a kind of Cuban “Hello President,” with Miguel Díaz-Canel as host and … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Inaugurates a Cuban-style ‘Hello President’ Program”

In Songo-La Maya, Young Adrian Asked the Cuban President a Daring Question

14ymedio, Havana, 22 March 2024 –Standing on an improvised platform in the municipality of Songo-La Maya, in Santiago de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel snorts at a citizen’s question: “Did you know that thanks to you coming today they painted La Maya a week ago?” The question, launched this Tuesday in the middle of the president’s tour … Continue reading “In Songo-La Maya, Young Adrian Asked the Cuban President a Daring Question”

Cuba’s Guiteras Power Plant Reaches Its Maximum Without Solving the Island’s Energy Deficit

14ymedio, Madrid, 21 March 2024 — At 8 p.m. this Wednesday, the Antonio Guiteras de Matanzas thermoelectric plant had reached 280 megawatts (MW), its maximum power, which it maintains today, Thursday, at the beginning of the day. The news about the main electricity generation unit in the country must now be given like this, because … Continue reading “Cuba’s Guiteras Power Plant Reaches Its Maximum Without Solving the Island’s Energy Deficit”

For a Second Day Protestors in El Cobre, Cuba, Demand the Release of Three Detainees

14ymedio, Havana, 18 March 2024 — For the second day in a row, dozens of people gathered in front of a police station in El Cobre, a town in Santiago de Cuba province. The Cuban government and the Foreign Ministry, however, are pushing another narrative. They attribute the protest to interference from Washington and have … Continue reading “For a Second Day Protestors in El Cobre, Cuba, Demand the Release of Three Detainees”

Residents of Santiago de Cuba Take to the Streets, Demanding Electricity and Food

14ymedio, Havana, 17 March 2024 — After several days of extended power outages and weeks-long shortages of basic rations, thousands of Santiago residents took to the streets on Sunday, shouting “electricity and food… freedom… homeland and life” and “We are hungry.” The crowd was concentrated on Carretera del Morro, close to several popular and humble … Continue reading “Residents of Santiago de Cuba Take to the Streets, Demanding Electricity and Food”

Cubans ‘Eat Fear’ Again and Take to the Streets to Protest

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 18 March 2024 — When they woke up yesterday — Sunday — none of the Cubans who demonstrated this March 17 imagined that, a few hours later, they would be in the streets shouting Freedom! The morning passed between blackouts and difficulties finding food, but, by the afternoon, the indignation had escalated to a … Continue reading “Cubans ‘Eat Fear’ Again and Take to the Streets to Protest”

In the Town of Cacocum, Holguin, a Crowd Took to the Streets Last Night To Protest the Blackouts

14ymedio, Havana, 17 March 2024 — “We want electricity, we want electricity!” In Holguín, they can no longer cope with the blackouts, and on Saturday night, a crowd went out to demonstrate by banging on pots and pans in the municipality of Cacocum. “People threw themselves into the street, and it was not four or … Continue reading “In the Town of Cacocum, Holguin, a Crowd Took to the Streets Last Night To Protest the Blackouts”

Discontent Grows in Cuba With a New Record of Blackouts

14ymedio, Havana, 9 March 2024 — The power blackouts in Cuba are reaching a record never seen in recent years. On Friday, the official press itself reported, “there was a deficit of electricity generation for 24 hours, and it has not been possible to restore the power this morning.” The maximum recorded yesterday, 1,566 megawatts … Continue reading “Discontent Grows in Cuba With a New Record of Blackouts”

Amnesty International Denounces the Conviction of Aniette Gonzalez for Her Photos with the Cuban Flag

14ymedio, Havana, February 3, 2024 — Amnesty International condemned this Friday the decision of the Municipal Court of Camagüey to sentence activist Aniette González García to three years in prison. Accused of “outraging national symbols”, the 43-year-old woman was arrested “for publishing a photo on social networks with the national flag in solidarity with Luis … Continue reading “Amnesty International Denounces the Conviction of Aniette Gonzalez for Her Photos with the Cuban Flag”

“Cuban State Security Has Always Opted To Weaken Cuban Freemasonry”

14ymedio, Havana, 17 January 2024 — After the theft of some $19,000 from his office, Grand Master Mario Alberto Urquía, leader of the Cuban Freemasons, has entrenched himself against those demanding his resignation. Measures to reinforce his authority have been drastic: he dismissed senior Masonic officials who questioned him and issued an urgent “call to order.” … Continue reading ““Cuban State Security Has Always Opted To Weaken Cuban Freemasonry””