About the Downed Plane / Fernando Damaso

The case of the Malaysian plane downed over Ukraine is lamentable and condemnable because it involves innocent people–now called collateral victims–divorced from the conflict. Surely appropriate investigations will be undertaken to identify those responsible for this barbaric act. However, it is striking how, in the first moments of this tragedy, certain characters, who appear to … Continue reading “About the Downed Plane / Fernando Damaso”

“Unusual Provocation,” Fidel Castro blames Kiev for the crash of the Malaysian Plane / 14ymedio

14ymedio, 18 July 2014 — Former Cuban president Fidel Castro published one of his “Reflections” today in Juventude Rebelde (Rebel Youth) in which he bluntly accuses the government of Ukraine of the crash of the Malaysian Airlines plane that caused the deaths of 298 passengers in the air space over Donetsk. Without providing any evidence … Continue reading ““Unusual Provocation,” Fidel Castro blames Kiev for the crash of the Malaysian Plane / 14ymedio”

Repaying Debts With Loyalty / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, 4 July 2014 – The Cuban government has sided with Russia on every vote in the United Nations that has concerned Ukraine. It is a surprising outcome in a country that has traditionally defended concepts such as the self-determination of peoples, sovereignty and territorial integrity as key survival issues; a country which … Continue reading “Repaying Debts With Loyalty / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Saga of the Official “Journalist,” “Admitted Terrorists,” and a Cat / Miriam Celaya

Reading a newly released item this Thursday, May 8th, on page 4 of the newspaper Juventud Rebelde (Terrorism, the True Face of Zunzuneo, by Amaury del Valle), brought to mind a lively flamenco-rumba that a Spanish singer made popular on the radio in the decade between 1970 and 1980. Perhaps some 50-something readers might remember … Continue reading “Saga of the Official “Journalist,” “Admitted Terrorists,” and a Cat / Miriam Celaya”

An Untimely Journey / Fernando Damaso

Archive photo An untimely and hasty journey by the Russian Foreign Minister through several Latin American countries last week was surprising. Rather than a normal official trip to cement relations overseas, it seemed like a bunt play in search of allies. After its expansionist actions in Ukrainian territory, with the annexation of Crimea and the … Continue reading “An Untimely Journey / Fernando Damaso”

Cuba: The Clueless Official Press / Ivan Garcia

There is an abysmal gap between daily reality and the information offered by a clueless official press.  Never in Granma, Juventud Rebelde (Rebel Youth) Trabajadores (Workers) or any of the 15 provincial press organs was there news of the Castro regime’s flagrant arms smuggling to North Korea in violation of the United Nations’ embargo of … Continue reading “Cuba: The Clueless Official Press / Ivan Garcia”

A Misguided Decision / Fernando Damaso

Archive photo The economic and political sanctions imposed on Russian and Ukrainian leaders and officials by the United States and the European Union in response to actions on the Crimean peninsula do not appear to have been thoroughly thought through by the West. Without delving too deeply into history, we should remember that Crimea, including … Continue reading “A Misguided Decision / Fernando Damaso”

Only Versions / Fernando Damaso

During these last few weeks we have “enjoyed” to the point of boredom the Russian version of events in Ukraine and in Crimea, and the Chavez version of the situation in Venezuela. In the first case, we have heard and read what has been said by the Russian President, Prime Minister and Ministers of Foreign … Continue reading “Only Versions / Fernando Damaso”

The Press That Disinforms / Ivan Garcia

For Castroist ideologues, the activists in Kiev and the Venezuelan students are fascists, Kim Jong-un doesn’t traffic in weapons with Havana, and Beyoncé never visited the Island. There is an abysmal gap between everyday reality and the information provided by a clueless official press. News of the Castro regime’s blatant arms smuggling with North Korea, … Continue reading “The Press That Disinforms / Ivan Garcia”

What Is Happening in Venezuela Worries Cuba / Ivan Garcia

“If the media stops talking, let the streets talk” In one way or another, Cuba is taking note of the street protests occurring these days in Venezuela. The most nervous are the olive-green autocrats. According to a low-level party official, since the death of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, the regime has had various … Continue reading “What Is Happening in Venezuela Worries Cuba / Ivan Garcia”

Jurassic Cuba / Miriam Celaya

Mass demonstrations in Venezuela. Image taken from Internet The news agencies don’t have a moment’s rest these days: a satrap in Ukraine has been overthrown through demonstrations and street protests amid the harsh winter, people stand on long lines to see with their own eyes the pomp and pageantry in which the ex-ruler, an ally … Continue reading “Jurassic Cuba / Miriam Celaya”

Opposition Protests in Venezuela Worry Not A Few Ordinary Cubans / Ivan Garcia

One way or another, the street protests taking place recently in Venezuela are being noticed in Cuba.  The most nervous are the olive green autocrats. According to a low-ranking party official, since the death of Hugo Chavez, the regime has had several contingency plans in its drawer, in case the situation in Venezuela were not … Continue reading “Opposition Protests in Venezuela Worry Not A Few Ordinary Cubans / Ivan Garcia”

An Old Method / Fernando Damaso

Photo Peter Deel In relation to the ongoing tense situation in Venezuela, the Cuban government and its Government Organisations unceasingly make declarations of support and solidarity with the government and the people of that country, bundling them up together, as if those who are protesting and joining in demonstrations are not a part of that … Continue reading “An Old Method / Fernando Damaso”

Raul Castro Feels the Silk of Obama’s White Gloves / Angel Santiesteban

Video capture I’m sure that it must have been embarrassing for U.S. president Barack Obama to have greeted the Cuban dictator, but I can’t but admit that it was a brave act: the delicate cross of the white gloves in the face of the adversary. The alternative would have left much to desire and been … Continue reading “Raul Castro Feels the Silk of Obama’s White Gloves / Angel Santiesteban”