Cuban Mercenaries Against Ukraine: Why Doesn’t the European Union Act?

The sending of troops for the occupation of Ukraine continues to be the predominant factor in Putin’s war of imperialist aggression 14ymedio, Luis Zúñiga, Miami, July 15, 2024 — Europe has given great support to Ukraine for its defense against the war of aggression that Vladimir Putin launched two years and four months ago. European … Continue reading “Cuban Mercenaries Against Ukraine: Why Doesn’t the European Union Act?”

According to Gutiérrez Boronat, the Cubans Killed in Ukraine Were From the Elite Russian Troops

 The activist claims that several of them have died at the front and cites Commander Kirill Veres as a source. 14ymedio, Madrid, 8 July 2024 — Several Cubans who were part of the Russian Army died on the Soledar-Siversk front, in Donetsk (eastern Ukraine), according to the secretary general of the Assembly of the Cuban … Continue reading “According to Gutiérrez Boronat, the Cubans Killed in Ukraine Were From the Elite Russian Troops”

Young Cuban Captured in Ukraine: ‘I Haven’t Killed Anyone, I Never Touched a Weapon, I Am Not a Mercenary’

14ymedio interviews a Cuban captured by Ukraine on the war front 14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 6 April 2024 — When Ukrainian troops captured Frank Darío Jarrosay Manfugás, a 35-year-old musician from Guantánamo, he had neither helmet nor weapons. It was night. He had left a bunker with a Russian soldier with the mission of moving … Continue reading “Young Cuban Captured in Ukraine: ‘I Haven’t Killed Anyone, I Never Touched a Weapon, I Am Not a Mercenary’”

Ukraine Warns of the High Number of Cubans Fighting With Russian Troops

EFE (via 14ymedio), Kiev, 16 March 2024 — The Ukrainian body that deals with prisoners of war warned this Friday of the high number of Cubans fighting with Russian troops in the war in Ukraine, and reproached the authorities of Havana for their tolerance of Russian recruitment operations on the Island. “We see photographs and … Continue reading “Ukraine Warns of the High Number of Cubans Fighting With Russian Troops”

A Former Cuban Ambassador to Prague and Ukraine Dies Under Strange Circumstances in Havana

14ymedio, Havana, 19 February 2024 — Retired diplomat Felix León Carballo, ambassador to Belarus, Ukraine and the Czech Republic, among other charges, spent 40 years as an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and died this Saturday in Havana under suspicious circumstances. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed it this Sunday through a statement … Continue reading “A Former Cuban Ambassador to Prague and Ukraine Dies Under Strange Circumstances in Havana”

Ukraine Places Between 400 and 3,000 the Number of Cuban Mercenaries in the Service of Russia

14ymedio, Havana, February 17, 2024 — The mother of Raibel Palacio Herrera, a 21-year-old Cuban recruited by Russia who died last week in Jerson, in southern Ukraine, said that her son was used as “cannon fodder” by the Russian Army. Interviewed by the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Danelia Herrera, a resident of … Continue reading “Ukraine Places Between 400 and 3,000 the Number of Cuban Mercenaries in the Service of Russia”

The Death of a 21-Year-Old Cuban Mercenary Fighting for Russia in Ukraine is Confirmed

14ymedio, Madrid, 17 January 2024 — A 21-year-old Cuban, Raibel Palacio Herrera, a volunteer for Russia in the war in Ukraine, died last week in the city of Kherson. As reported this Tuesday by Univisión, with a source in the family itself, the young man was recruited last November by a Russian woman, who covered … Continue reading “The Death of a 21-Year-Old Cuban Mercenary Fighting for Russia in Ukraine is Confirmed”

Ukraine, Cuba and the World

Frank Calzón, Washington, 12 December  2023 — The temperature plummeted last night, and rain mixed with snow covered the sidewalks. The trees are already naked of their leaves, forming a multicolored carpet in the gardens of the Capitol. Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, has just arrived in Washington to meet immediately with senators and … Continue reading “Ukraine, Cuba and the World”

Since Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Cuba Pays Three Times More for a Ton of Grain

14ymedio, Havana, 6 December 2023 — The directors of the Sancti Spíritus Food Industry Company complained on Wednesday that what they call “the war between Russia and Ukraine” has triggered the price of wheat imported by Cuba. Each ton of flour costs the country 13 million pesos, they explained, three times more than what it … Continue reading “Since Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Cuba Pays Three Times More for a Ton of Grain”

The ‘International Legion’ of the Russian Army Continues To Recruit Cubans To Fight in Ukraine

14ymedio, Madrid, 23 October 2023 — The hackers who revealed the identities of 200 Cuban mercenaries fighting with the Russian Army in Ukraine have again leaked data. According to the available information, 59 more Cubans have signed a contract to join the Russian Armed Forces in the city of Tula. Of these, at least 11 … Continue reading “The ‘International Legion’ of the Russian Army Continues To Recruit Cubans To Fight in Ukraine”

Moscow Is ‘In Contact’ With Havana About the Cubans Hired To Fight in Ukraine

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 28 September 2023 — The Russian ambassador to Cuba, Viktor Koronelli, said on Wednesday that Moscow and Havana are “in contact” and “working” to clarify the issue of hiring Cubans in both countries to fight on the Russian side in the war in Ukraine. Koronelli made these statements to the international … Continue reading “Moscow Is ‘In Contact’ With Havana About the Cubans Hired To Fight in Ukraine”

Cuba’s Political Prisoners and the People of Ukraine, Winners of the Pedro Luis Boitel 2023 Freedom Prize

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 29 August 2023 — The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance (ARC), which includes opposition organizations from inside and outside Cuba, announced this Tuesday that the Pedro Luis Boitel 2023 Freedom Prize was awarded to the 137 Cuban political prisoners and the Ukrainian people for defending their sovereignty against “Russian aggression.” Established in … Continue reading “Cuba’s Political Prisoners and the People of Ukraine, Winners of the Pedro Luis Boitel 2023 Freedom Prize”

Not All Cubans Are Allies of Russia, Says a Baseball Player in Ukraine

14ymedio, Havana, 12 July 2023 — “Not all Cubans are allies of Russia or Vladimir Putin,” baseball player Raidel Arbelay, who has lived in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, since 1989, tells 14ymedio. He will never forget how, on February 24, 2022, a drone sent by Moscow was shot down by the Ukrainian Air Force. … Continue reading “Not All Cubans Are Allies of Russia, Says a Baseball Player in Ukraine”

Cuba Says It Cooperates With the US Against Terrorism and Supports Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

14ymedio, Madrid, 1 May 2023 — Nothing new happened in the  meeting held by Cuba and the United States in Havana on April 27 and 28 to evaluate the cooperation of both countries in the fight against terrorism. The official media Cubadebate published on Monday a brief “exclusive” interview with Inés Fors Fernández, Foreign Ministry … Continue reading “Cuba Says It Cooperates With the US Against Terrorism and Supports Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”

The United States Illuminates Its Embassy in Cuba With the Colors of Ukraine To ‘Welcome Lavrov’

14ymedio, Madrid, 20 April 2023 — The same night that Miguel Díaz-Canel again assumed the Cuban presidency, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov landed in Havana and will be the first foreign leader to be received by Díaz-Canel in this legislature. This coincidence, perhaps forced, reflects the current situation of the Island’s international … Continue reading “The United States Illuminates Its Embassy in Cuba With the Colors of Ukraine To ‘Welcome Lavrov’”