‘The Right to Dissent Is Restricted and Criminalized,’ Says Ernesto Daranas at the Havana Film Festival

14ymedio, Havana, December 11, 2023 — On Sunday, three years after the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC) began the restoration of the filmography of the censored Nicolás Guillén Landrián, the Latin American Film Festival showed the documentary titled with the filmmaker’s surname. The director, Ernesto Daranas, surprised the audience when he took … Continue reading “‘The Right to Dissent Is Restricted and Criminalized,’ Says Ernesto Daranas at the Havana Film Festival”

Daranas Seduces Cuban Audience with His Film About the Special Period

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, 15 December 2017 — On Thursday, Ernesto Darana’s film Sergio & Sergei was finally shared with a Havana audience and the full room of the Yara cinema eruped with applause, laughter and tears. The exhibition of the Cuban director’s work, presented at the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, had been frustrated last Sunday … Continue reading “Daranas Seduces Cuban Audience with His Film About the Special Period”

More Than 220 Artists Denounce the Police Violence in Cuba Against Two Intellectuals

The letter is signed by Leonardo Padura, Fito Páez and Fernando Pérez, among others. EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, July 3, 2024 — More than 220 writers and artists signed an open letter in which they denounce the “police violence” with which the intellectual Alina Bárbara López and the anthropologist Jenny Pantoja were recently treated. The … Continue reading “More Than 220 Artists Denounce the Police Violence in Cuba Against Two Intellectuals”

Attack Yarini: The Combat Order Is Given

The great Havana pimp was the dandy who dazzled everyone while riding his white braided-tail steed or walking his greyhounds through the streets of the capital 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 23 June 2024 — Yarini has become news again. The great Havana pimp, the most bastard of national heroes, the greatest sex symbol of … Continue reading “Attack Yarini: The Combat Order Is Given”

The Mexican Film ‘Tótem’ Triumphs at the Havana International Film Festival

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 17 December 2023 — The Mexican film Tótem, by Lila Avilés, was the big winner at the awards gala of the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana after obtaining three awards this Friday. The Mexican film won the Grand Coral for Best Screenplay, Best Fiction Feature Film and … Continue reading “The Mexican Film ‘Tótem’ Triumphs at the Havana International Film Festival”

Fire in the Forge

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 14 December 2023 — Two speeches, completely opposed, have marked these days of the film festival in Havana. On the one hand, we have the inaugural words of Alexis Triana, the appointed official at the head of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC). On the other, those … Continue reading “Fire in the Forge”

Legacy of Cuban Artist Nicolas Landrian Resurfaces in Venice

EFE (via 14ymedio), Gonzalo Sánchez, Venice, 3 September 2023 — Nicolás Landrián was a visionary of Cuban cinema but post-revolutionary censorship ultimately marginalized his work. His films have now been taken out of storage, giving the general public access to his legacy thanks to a documentary, which recently premiered at the Venice International Film Festival, … Continue reading “Legacy of Cuban Artist Nicolas Landrian Resurfaces in Venice”

‘The Revolution is Lucidity,’ says Silvio Rodriguez on Receiving a Prize at the Film Festival in Havana

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 10 December 2022 — The Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez was awarded, this Friday, with the Choir of Honor at the awards gala of the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana. The gala was the culmination of the festival, which since December 1 has screened hundreds of films, and … Continue reading “‘The Revolution is Lucidity,’ says Silvio Rodriguez on Receiving a Prize at the Film Festival in Havana”

Cuban Film Industry Restores the Work of a Filmmaker Who Was Censored and Sentenced to Exile

14ymedio, Havana, 16 September 2020 — The filmography of Cuban documentary filmmaker Nicolás Guillén Landrián, who died in Miami in 2003, where he lived in exile, is being restored by the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC). The filmmaker Ernesto Daranas is at the forefront of the process, according to the official portal … Continue reading “Cuban Film Industry Restores the Work of a Filmmaker Who Was Censored and Sentenced to Exile”

Independent Cuban Films Continue to Make Headway Internationally / Lynn Cruz

Havana Times, Lynn Cruz, 23 August 2018 – When darkness seems to hang over us a little heavier, there is a truth that shines through: “The essential thing is to work, to create.” It has been over a year now since our documentary Nadie, which we tried to screen at a private venue: “Casa Galeria El … Continue reading “Independent Cuban Films Continue to Make Headway Internationally / Lynn Cruz”

Cuban Filmmakers Mobilize Against Censorship / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 30 November 2015 – The G20 group of filmmakers voted unanimously at a meeting on Saturday in favor of supporting the filmmaker and playwright Juan Carlos Cremata by writing a letter denouncing the censorship of his work and the smear campaign against him. The meeting had its most tense moment when … Continue reading “Cuban Filmmakers Mobilize Against Censorship / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar”

More Chalas Than Carmelas / Miriam Celaya

HAVANA, Cuba- I confess that I have some animosity against Cuban fiction film, so prone — with few exceptions — to clichés, stereotypes, overly cryptic messages, implied story morals, or what is perhaps worse, the search for easy and superficial acceptance through humor, catharsis or bad satire. I will not list examples, because there are … Continue reading “More Chalas Than Carmelas / Miriam Celaya”

Conduct / Reinaldo Escobar

If an imaginary group of Cubans, isolated from all information since 1984, had been shown the movie Conduct today to bring them up to date on reality, they’d have escaped the theater sure that the film falsified the situation: that it was trying to show a pessimistic and counterrevolutionary version of their country. But that’s … Continue reading “Conduct / Reinaldo Escobar”

Conduct, with the “C” of Cuba / Yoani Sanchez

Miguel has earned a lot of money this week. He managed to sell almost one hundred pirated copies of the Cuban movie Conduct. Although the film is showing in several of the country’s theaters, many prefer to see it at home among friends and family. The story of a boy nicknamed Chala and his teacher … Continue reading “Conduct, with the “C” of Cuba / Yoani Sanchez”