Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Son Arrives in Miami After ‘Pressures’ from Cuban State Security

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 22 December 2022 — Daniel Ferrer Cantillo, son of Cuban political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer García, leader of the opposition organization Unión Patriótica de Cuba, arrived in Miami after suffering “various pressures” to try to convince his father to leave the Island, as he told América Tevé. “They wanted me to get … Continue reading “Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Son Arrives in Miami After ‘Pressures’ from Cuban State Security”

Cuban Dissident, Jose Daniel Ferrer, is Held in an Isolation Cell Despite Health Issues, his Family Denounces

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, October 9th, 2021–Dissident, José Daniel Ferrer is currently held in isolation and is suffering health issues, according to his son, the only family member who has been able to visit him since July 11th when he was arrested and subsequently transferred to Mar Verde prison in Santiago de Cuba. José Daniel … Continue reading “Cuban Dissident, Jose Daniel Ferrer, is Held in an Isolation Cell Despite Health Issues, his Family Denounces”

“They Assaulted the Block with Almost 200 Agents, Trucks and Water Trucks,” Denounces Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Havana, 28 February 2021 — José Daniel Ferrer, the leader of Unpacu, denounced this Saturday that his house in Santiago de Cuba, headquarters of the opposition organization, continues to be besieged by State Security, which prevents the residents from circulating in the area. “The communists, the henchmen, the instruments of tyranny remain here, from … Continue reading ““They Assaulted the Block with Almost 200 Agents, Trucks and Water Trucks,” Denounces Jose Daniel Ferrer”

Police Surround Palace of Justice in Santiago de Cuba for Trial Against Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Havana, February 26, 2020 — The trial against José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), began this Wednesday morning in the city of Santiago de Cuba , without having been previously announced in the official press, which has launched a massive smear campaign against the opposition figure in recent months. Ferrer, … Continue reading “Police Surround Palace of Justice in Santiago de Cuba for Trial Against Jose Daniel Ferrer”

Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Trial Will be Held February 26, According to His Sister

14ymedio, Havana, February 24, 2020 — The trial against the opposition figure José Daniel Ferrer, detained since October 1, will be held on February 26, according to a post by his sister Ana Belkis Ferrer on Facebook. “The legal farce will be held on the 26th of this month at 8:30 at the Municipal Court of Santiago … Continue reading “Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Trial Will be Held February 26, According to His Sister”

Cuban Prosecutor Asks for Nine Years in Prison for Jose Daniel Ferrer, His Wife Denounces

14ymedio, Havana, 17 January 2010 — The Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Cuba has asked for nine years in jail for José Daniel Ferrer, general coordinator of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), for the alleged crime of injury, as reported by his wife, Dr. Nelva Ortega, in a video disseminated by … Continue reading “Cuban Prosecutor Asks for Nine Years in Prison for Jose Daniel Ferrer, His Wife Denounces”

Is What Happened After Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Detention The Exception Or The Rule?

Eloy Viera, from El Toque, published by Cubalex, 19 November 2019 — On October 1st, 2019, Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the opposition organisation Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU, by its initials in Spanish), was detained by the Cuban police in his home. His family stated that, for a period of several days, they were unable … Continue reading “Is What Happened After Jose Daniel Ferrer’s Detention The Exception Or The Rule?”

14ymedio’s 14 Faces of 2019: Jose Daniel Ferrer, Leader of Unpacu

14ymedio, Havana, 24 December 2019 — José Daniel Ferrer, the current leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), born in Palma Soriano in 1970, was one of the 75 prisoners of the Black Spring. Sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2003 for his prominent participation in Oswaldo Payá’s Varela Project, he left prison … Continue reading “14ymedio’s 14 Faces of 2019: Jose Daniel Ferrer, Leader of Unpacu”

’Granma’ Highlights the Opposition Figure Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Havana, November 20, 2019 — International pressure over the case of José Daniel Ferrer seems to have given a relevance to the opposition figure that has led the newspaper Granma to mention him, a milestone in the official press, determined to cover up the proper name of activists whom it depersonalizes and collectivizes by grouping them … Continue reading “’Granma’ Highlights the Opposition Figure Jose Daniel Ferrer”

UNPACU Activist Pressured by Police to Accuse Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Havana, 13 August 2018 – Activist Ebert Hidalgo Cruz has been released without any charges, according to a video released Sunday by the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) shortly after the dissident was released from prison. Hidalgo was imprisoned on August 3 together with the leader of the organization, José Daniel Ferrer, who is … Continue reading “UNPACU Activist Pressured by Police to Accuse Jose Daniel Ferrer”

Martha Beatriz Roque Asks to Return to Prison in Solidarity With Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Havana, 13 August 2018 — The former political prisoner of the 2003 Black Spring Group of 75, Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello, was detained for some hours by the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) on Monday morning after leaving her home, activist Tania De la Torre Montesinos confirmed to 14ymedio. At the time of the arrest, Roque Cabello, an economist … Continue reading “Martha Beatriz Roque Asks to Return to Prison in Solidarity With Jose Daniel Ferrer”

José Daniel Ferrer: “This Type Of Assault Does Not Discourage Us” / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 9 March 2017 — The leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba, José Daniel Ferrer, was released Thursday after being detained for more than 24 hours. The opponent denounced an “increase in the repression” against the activists of his movement, in a phone call to 14ymedio a few minutes after his release. “The search of … Continue reading “José Daniel Ferrer: “This Type Of Assault Does Not Discourage Us” / 14ymedio”

Did He Disappear, Or Was He Gotten Rid Of? / Cubanet, Jose Daniel Ferrer

Cubanet, Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, Santiago do Cuba, 29 October 2016 — The top headline in the nightly news on the Castro family’s private television — the only television permitted in our country – on October 28th this year, was: “Cubans are paying tribute to Camilo Cienfuegos on the 57th anniversary of his physical disappearance.” … Continue reading “Did He Disappear, Or Was He Gotten Rid Of? / Cubanet, Jose Daniel Ferrer”

What Everyone Should Avoid / 14ymedio, Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Jose Daniel Ferrer, Miami, 6 August 2016 — We live in complex times. The world is full of problems, some more serious than others. We live in the twenty-first century of the Christian Era, with some surrounded by comfort and wonderful technologies and others living like poor serfs of the Middle Ages. We live in a world … Continue reading “What Everyone Should Avoid / 14ymedio, Jose Daniel Ferrer”