“Our actions can make people lose their fears” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar and Jose Daniel Ferrer

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 20 January 2015 — Few could imagine that this activist, born in the east of the country and leader of Cuba’s most numerous opposition organization, is also a compulsive reader and an avid collector of famous quotes. Conversing with José Daniel Ferrer is like a trip that starts with a pamphlet … Continue reading ““Our actions can make people lose their fears” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar and Jose Daniel Ferrer”

Dissidents: “It implies an ignorance about how things work here.” / Manual Cuesta Morua, Antonio Rodiles, Jose Daniel Ferrer

Letter to Obama: The internal opposition questions that it doesn’t address human rights on the Island. Manuel Cuesta Morúa, president of the Progressive Arc Party “It is not very viable to address the proposal directly to self-employment in Cuba since it implies an ignorance of how things work here . It is the government which … Continue reading “Dissidents: “It implies an ignorance about how things work here.” / Manual Cuesta Morua, Antonio Rodiles, Jose Daniel Ferrer”

Arrest Reports from Cuba from UNPACU General Coordinator Jose D. Ferrer / Jose Daniel Ferrer

Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, general coordinator of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), reporting Santiago de Cuba: Ongoing detentions of UNPACU activists picked up on Turquino (the highest peak in Cuba, in the Sierra Maestra mountains), including Ovidio Martin Castellanos, coordinator of the largest arm of UNPACU, the Wilmar Villar group. Sanctuary of El Cobre: … Continue reading “Arrest Reports from Cuba from UNPACU General Coordinator Jose D. Ferrer / Jose Daniel Ferrer”

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Offers ‘Sandinista Fighters’ to Venezuela if a ‘Counterrevolution’ Is Mounted

María Corina Machado says that “the end of the regime of horror is approaching” EFE (via 14ymedio) San José/Caracas, August 27, 2024 — The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, offered this Monday to his ally and Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro, to send “Sandinista fighters” in case a “counterrevolution” is mounted in Venezuela. During a virtual … Continue reading “Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Offers ‘Sandinista Fighters’ to Venezuela if a ‘Counterrevolution’ Is Mounted”

The Cuban Opposition Warns of a Risk to Ferrer’s Life, As Happened With Alexei Navalny

14ymedio, Havana, 20 March 2024 — After several days of rumors that led to fears for the life of José Daniel Ferrer, his daughter was finally able to visit him this Tuesday in the Mar Verde prison, in Santiago de Cuba, where she confirmed that he is still alive. The situation in which he finds himself, … Continue reading “The Cuban Opposition Warns of a Risk to Ferrer’s Life, As Happened With Alexei Navalny”

Cuban Playwright Carlos Celdran’s Play About an ‘Intimate, Hidden and Transgressive’ Jose Marti Arrives in Miami

EFE (via 14ymedio), Ana Mengotti, Miami, 27 July 2023 – The Cuban playwright Carlos Celdrán, 2016 National Prizewinner for Theatre in his own country and currently resident in Spain, presents his play Hierro in Miami – a work centred on the Cuban war of independence hero José Martí (1853-1895), different from his “edited” biography but … Continue reading “Cuban Playwright Carlos Celdran’s Play About an ‘Intimate, Hidden and Transgressive’ Jose Marti Arrives in Miami”

Daniel Ortega’s Government Again Dismisses Nicaragua’s Ambassador to Cuba

Europa Press/14ymedio, Madrid, 14 May 2023 — The government of Nicaragua, led by President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, dismissed Nicaragua’s ambassador to Cuba, Alejandro José Solís, on Wednesday, just one year after he was appointed to the position. Solís, who was appointed Nicaragua’s ambassador to Cuba in May last year after four … Continue reading “Daniel Ortega’s Government Again Dismisses Nicaragua’s Ambassador to Cuba”

Cuba: Ferrer’s Family Continues to Demand His Freedom and a Faith of Life After ‘Edited Video’ Aired

14ymedio, Havana 10 September 2021 — Cuban State Security circulated a video this Friday in which the regime opponent José Daniel Ferrer, arrested on July 11 (11J), appears, sending a few words to his family from prison. “A hug for my wife, for my children, my brothers, my mother, for the whole family,” says the … Continue reading “Cuba: Ferrer’s Family Continues to Demand His Freedom and a Faith of Life After ‘Edited Video’ Aired”

Cuba Released Ferrer. It Is Not Enough.

14ymedio, José Ramón Bauzá, Brussels , 6 April 2020 — The release of Cuban opposition figure José Daniel Ferrer last Friday was a rare piece of good news, among a stream of bleak reports. Together with three other activists from the Patriotic Union of Cuba, Mr. Ferrer had been illegally detained since last October by Cuban … Continue reading “Cuba Released Ferrer. It Is Not Enough.”

Ferrer’s Sister And Daughter Demand His Immediate Release In Letter To Diaz-Canel

Agencies, via 14ymedio, Havana, November 7, 2019 — Martha Beatríz Ferrer Cantillo and Ana Belkis Ferrer García, the sister and daughter of the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), José Daniel Ferrer, have sent a letter in which they demand from Miguel Díaz-Canel, and his predecessor in the position, Raúl Castro, the “immediate release” of the … Continue reading “Ferrer’s Sister And Daughter Demand His Immediate Release In Letter To Diaz-Canel”

Repression Grows in Cuba: Ferrer Remains "Disappeared" and Number of "Regulated" Rises to 200

14ymedio, November 4, 2019 — Data revealed by various sources last weekend indicate a climb in repression in Cuba, which translated into an increase in the number of “regulated” and an inexplicable silence from the authorities on the whereabouts of the opposition figure José Daniel Ferrer, detained since October 1. [“Regulated” is the term the government … Continue reading “Repression Grows in Cuba: Ferrer Remains "Disappeared" and Number of "Regulated" Rises to 200”

Why José Daniel? / Yoani Sánchez

I knew they would go after him. When I spoke with José Daniel Ferrer for the first time, by phone, I immediately noticed his exceptionality. Shortly after, we talked around the table in our house and this impression was further confirmed. While outside night was coming on, the man from Palmarito de Cauto told us … Continue reading “Why José Daniel? / Yoani Sánchez”

Several Cuban Political Prisoners Are in ‘Serious Danger’

The international community is called upon to raise its voice against the regime’s abuses 14ymedio, Havana, July 4, 2024 — After 14 days on a hunger strike, the life of independent journalist Carlos Michael Morales, admitted to the medical unit of the Guamajal prison, in Santa Clara, is in “serious danger,” the organization Cuba Decide … Continue reading “Several Cuban Political Prisoners Are in ‘Serious Danger’”

Edmundo García, Another Enthusiastic Fidel Loyalist Who Becomes an Opponent

14ymedio, Pete García, Miami, 5 June 2025 — “I’ll see you at Unpacu,” Jose Daniel Ferrer told Edmundo García in the middle of a television debate held in the studios of the MEGA TV network, in Miami, in a space led by then journalist and now congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar. In that context, the phrase … Continue reading “Edmundo García, Another Enthusiastic Fidel Loyalist Who Becomes an Opponent”

The First Secretary of the Communist Party in Santiago de Cuba Is Replaced

14ymedio, Havana, February 1, 2024 — The first secretary of the Communist Party in Santiago de Cuba, José Ramón Monteagudo Ruiz, was replaced this Thursday after being in office for less than three years. Instead, in front of the party organization, Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, who served as governor of the eastern province, was named as … Continue reading “The First Secretary of the Communist Party in Santiago de Cuba Is Replaced”