The Constitutional Debate at My Local Assembly

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana | 18 September 2018 —  I was preparing for this discussion with the energy and discipline of a high performance athlete who intends to break some sporting record. I arrived at the basement of my building five minutes before eight o’clock in the evening, the agreed upon time to hold the meeting to debate … Continue reading “The Constitutional Debate at My Local Assembly”

The Funeral of the Revolutionary Left

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 19 June 2018 – The only thing missing was the funeral band accompanied by some black crepe and sobbing. The closing ceremony of the XXIV Sao Paulo Forum, on Tuesday in Havana, had all the traces of a funeral. You could almost hear the shovels of earth falling on the Latin American left … Continue reading “The Funeral of the Revolutionary Left”

Marta’s List

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 23 May 2017 — Her grey hair and blue eyes suggest a picture of a grandmother out of a children’s story, but Marta Cortizas is actually a native of Havana who, after emigrating to the United States, found a way to be useful to her countrymen. From her apartment in Kendall … Continue reading “Marta’s List”

At 55, Cuba’s Young Communist Union Loses Relevance But Does Not Want To Retire

14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, 4 April 2017 — There was a time when its red card was a source of pride and most teenagers dreamed of entering its ranks. But those days have been left behind for the Young Communists Union (UJC), an organization that turns 55 this Tuesday, with an aging image and a noticeable decrease in … Continue reading “At 55, Cuba’s Young Communist Union Loses Relevance But Does Not Want To Retire”

Lady in White Berta Soler Threatened With Prison / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 24 May 2016 — Berta Soler, leader of the Ladies in White, faces a prison sentence of three months to five years for the alleged crime of resistance. The activist was arrested last Sunday when she attempted to go to the Cathedral of Havana for the inauguration of the new archbishop of the capital. After … Continue reading “Lady in White Berta Soler Threatened With Prison / 14ymedio”

Party Congress: Neither More Of The Same Nor Surprising News / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 12 April 2016 — Ruperto, the comedic character in Vivir del Cuento (Living the Story), woke up after a 28-year coma and still doesn’t understand Cuba’s dual currency system nor the end of the Socialist Camp. In this case, there are many “Rupertos” who will analyze the upcoming Seventh Congress of … Continue reading “Party Congress: Neither More Of The Same Nor Surprising News / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

The Weighty Legacy of ‘Furry’ / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 27 October 2015 — Every Cuban has a minister in charge of his or her affairs, but the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for everyone. This is the reason why, when someone says “The Ministry” everyone understands that they are speaking about MININT, the Ministry of the Interior, that macro entity … Continue reading “The Weighty Legacy of ‘Furry’ / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Cuban Festival in Panama / Fernando Damaso

The violent events in Panama, where the representatives of the Cuban regime shed their lamb skins and, ready for action, turned into a real pack of wolves, and launched insults and blows against Cubans who think differently, becoming a national shame. The stars of this shameful spectacle were a mediocre writer, a frightened poet and … Continue reading “Cuban Festival in Panama / Fernando Damaso”

Hip-Hop in the Spotlight / Fernando Damaso

I love information / I need an airplane / I need information / I love information Allegations continue in the Cuban official press about the subversion organized by USAID against the ruling regime in the country. Now it touches the hip-hop musical movement. I will not devote time to whether or not it is true … Continue reading “Hip-Hop in the Spotlight / Fernando Damaso”

Two hours with the New York Times’ Ernesto Londoño / 14ymedio

Our team had a conversation with the New York Times journalist who has authored the editorials about Cuba. 14ymedio, 1 December 2014 — Ernesto Londoño, who authored six editorials on Cuba published recently by the New York Times engaged in a friendly conversation on Saturday with a part of the 14ymedio team, in the hotel … Continue reading “Two hours with the New York Times’ Ernesto Londoño / 14ymedio”

The Loyal Opposition / Reinaldo Escobar

I recently attended an academic event at the Felix Varela Chair. Lay Space magazine opened the doors of the old San Carlos and San Ambrosio Seminary for the public to freely participate in an exchange of ideas about the reforms undertaken by the Cuban government. I would have had a lot to say about the … Continue reading “The Loyal Opposition / Reinaldo Escobar”

North Americans Eye Opener in Havana / Miriam Celaya

HAVANA, Cuba, December, – During the days when the cruise ship Semester at Sea was anchored on Cuban territory, over 600 visitors, including students and teachers -mostly Americans– carried out a tight schedule of “meetings” with Cuban university students and toured “sites of historical and cultural interest”. The December 11th edition of Granma published … Continue reading “North Americans Eye Opener in Havana / Miriam Celaya”

Comrades and Factors / Regina Coyula

I was convinced that my former G2 comrades wouldn’t trouble themselves with me. A little poking around in this blog is enough to convince them that I’m a hopeless case. But it wasn’t the blog that made the comrades who “serve me,” pay me a “prophylactic visit” yesterday morning. It was to advise and warn … Continue reading “Comrades and Factors / Regina Coyula”

Human Rights Watch Comments on the Cuban Dictatorship [VIDEO] #YoTambienEscriboInclinado / Angel Santiesteban

Vivanco highlights the lack of an independent judiciary and the enforcement of a penal code worthy of the Inquisition through condemning only on suspicion. But more than suspicions sustain the regime. My case is a clear example of how justice is handled, charges and evidence are invented, and false witnesses are bought to convict and … Continue reading “Human Rights Watch Comments on the Cuban Dictatorship [VIDEO] #YoTambienEscriboInclinado / Angel Santiesteban”