Marti Theater, Much More Than a Stage Set / Angel Santiesteban

Reopening of the Marti Theater Since we were kids we dreamed of this space full of magic and history, where a great part of Cuban culture was staged and presented for our enjoyment. Timeless works were presented there: “Cecilia Valdés,” “Amalia Batista,” among others, without forgetting that in this space in 1900 the Constituent Assembly … Continue reading “Marti Theater, Much More Than a Stage Set / Angel Santiesteban”

The Circle of Lazaro Farinas / Angel Santiesteban

I recognize the sin it is to read the Cuban press, but really we should give ourselves the entertainment, in good humor. In these newspapers, we find topics to write stories about, with themes that border on the absurd. A great character among those that lend themselves to a demented and evil personality, of the … Continue reading “The Circle of Lazaro Farinas / Angel Santiesteban”

The Havana Regime, With a Seat on the UN Human Rights Council, Shows its Make-up Again / Angel Santiesteban

In new demonstration of the impunity with which the Cuban Regime does and does not practice justice, using it solely as an instrument of punishment against the dissidence, proving clearly that in Cuba justice is NOT independent and is simply an armed arm within the monstrous repressive apparatus of the dynastic dictatorship, now in the … Continue reading “The Havana Regime, With a Seat on the UN Human Rights Council, Shows its Make-up Again / Angel Santiesteban”

S.O.S. Another Brave Man is Dying / Angel Santiesteban

Alcibíades Guerra Marín is in a hunger strike after being sentenced to a year in prison for demonstrating in public against totalitarianism. He was charged with the supposed crime of “CONTEMPT”. His wife, who is also a Lady in White approached the place where they have me imprisoned, asking me for help, and asking me to … Continue reading “S.O.S. Another Brave Man is Dying / Angel Santiesteban”

The Dictatorship’s Gift / Angel Santiesteban

February 28, 2013, the day that the Castro brothers’ totalitarian regime jailed me, was not a day chosen randomly by the political police. That day, several events happened simultaneously, and it was significant for many reasons in my case.  Firstly, that day was the birthday of my partner, and they well knew it because they … Continue reading “The Dictatorship’s Gift / Angel Santiesteban”

RWB: The Castro Regime Has Developed an Original Model of Control / Angel Santiesteban

Reporters without Borders: Cuba prohibits a free Internet All content considered “antirevolutionary” is automatically blocked. All information that is published in the media is filtered, according to the criteria of the Party. Cuba continues preventing the majority of its population from having access to a free (i.e. uncensored) Internet, even though the submarine fiber-optic cable, … Continue reading “RWB: The Castro Regime Has Developed an Original Model of Control / Angel Santiesteban”

When Freedom Becomes Agony / Angel Santiesteban

“Thank you Fidel, for all you give us…” Prisoners curse their freedom Convicts say that when they get a pass for almost 72 hours every 10 days, their worries increase. They experience a major agony in the sense of feeling useless before the economic situation of their families. The little money they earn as slaves … Continue reading “When Freedom Becomes Agony / Angel Santiesteban”

The Last in History’s Line / Angel Santiesteban

Cuba has always been the last in line in terms of positive results compared to the rest of Latin America.  By a wide margin we were the last ones to abolish slavery, and also the last to achieve decolonization from Spain. After a half century of trying out a prosperous and honest republic, we had … Continue reading “The Last in History’s Line / Angel Santiesteban”

If this country needs a “Revolution” it is not in industry but in Human Rights / Angel Santiesteban

The New Container Terminal at the Mariel Special Development Zone There is no economy without liberty The last visit by the Brazilian ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to the Mariel Container Terminal, accompanied by the dictator Raul Castro — in order to learn of the advances of the large-scale work carried out thanks to … Continue reading “If this country needs a “Revolution” it is not in industry but in Human Rights / Angel Santiesteban”

The Ministry of Revenge Imparts Punishment in the Castros’ Cuba / Angel Santiesteban

Raul Castro, are you satisfied now? By The Editor (of Angel’s blog while he is in prison) One year can be a sigh in time or an interminable nightmare; it depends on how you pass the year. To be deprived of freedom is always a bitter drink, but when in addition you’re innocent, when you’re … Continue reading “The Ministry of Revenge Imparts Punishment in the Castros’ Cuba / Angel Santiesteban”

Ernesto Santana, a Needle in the Haystack / Angel Santiesteban

It’s very rare to find an artist belonging to the Cuban Artists and Writers Union (UNEAC) who leaves the narrow fold of the government. We all know that those who have done it will pay for their boldness at some point. When I met the writer Ernesto Santana Zaldivar at a meeting of Estado de … Continue reading “Ernesto Santana, a Needle in the Haystack / Angel Santiesteban”

Angel Santiesteban Celebrates His First Year in Prison With a Cake

First anniversary in prison of the intellectual and writer Ángel Santiesteban-Prats This 28th February marks the first anniversary of the unjust punishment imposed by the Havana provincial tribunal on the prize-winning writer Ángel Santiesteban-Prats. Judgement prepared by the Cuban government. Santiesteban-Prats, has passed more than 5 months locked up in the Lawton centre, situated in … Continue reading “Angel Santiesteban Celebrates His First Year in Prison With a Cake”

Open Letter to the European Community / Angel Santiesteban

I am addressing each one of the twenty-eight nations which make up the European Community, to demand more depth, through an exhaustive investigation with free people, unencumbered and unafraid, to find a just consensus to the national issues of the Island, more so when we know that the historic practice, in more than a half … Continue reading “Open Letter to the European Community / Angel Santiesteban”

Reporters Without Borders: We urge the Cuban authorities to drop all charges against Angel Santiesteban Prats and release him at once

The blogger Angel Santiesteban Prats now has completed one year in prison. It’s been one year today since Ángel Santiesteban Prats was detained in prison. The writer and netizen is the author of an informative blog, The Children Nobody Wanted, created in 2008, known for its open criticism of the government. On December 8, 2012, after … Continue reading “Reporters Without Borders: We urge the Cuban authorities to drop all charges against Angel Santiesteban Prats and release him at once”

Second Open Letter to Raul Castro from Angel Santiesteban

First page of the handwritten letter Mr. Ruler: On February 28 I completed one year of unjust imprisonment, after a trial where I demonstrated my innocence with multiple proofs and witnesses. In exchange, the Prosecutor couldn’t present one single consistent proof against me, except the malicious – in addition to being ridiculous – one of … Continue reading “Second Open Letter to Raul Castro from Angel Santiesteban”