Burn Your Neighbor’s Beard / Angel Santiesteban

The hypocritical “conversation” that Nicolas Maduro held with the opposition indicates the political temperature of what is happening in Venezuela. Against his will, the dictator sat down at the table of dialogue.  Although he does not want to recognize it, he did it at the demand of his Cuban advisors, and of Raul Castro himself, … Continue reading “Burn Your Neighbor’s Beard / Angel Santiesteban”

Honor for Reporters without Borders / Angel Santiesteban

Dear Christophe Deloire, Secretary General of Reporters without Borders, “Honor to those who deserve it,” said our José Martí, anticipating my mother, who inculcated in my education the culture of gratitude. Many at the start of my imprisonment have stayed at my side in this passage that has lasted more than a year; but Reporters … Continue reading “Honor for Reporters without Borders / Angel Santiesteban”

Angel Santiesteban’s Work Again Recognized in France

The dictator Raul Castro continues stubbornly to make the world believe that he’s bringing to Cuba an opening that in reality doesn’t exist. He continues being the same dictator as always, violating the rights of all Cubans, submitting them to misery, censoring the press, harassing, beating and imprisoning peaceful opponents. Angel Santiesteban, unjustly imprisoned, has … Continue reading “Angel Santiesteban’s Work Again Recognized in France”

Guille, The Macho Guajiro / Angel Santiesteban

Angel Santiesteban Prats dedicates this article to Guillermo Vidal, to remember the tenth anniversary of his death. He wrote it from the Lawton Prison Settlement for the column “Some Write” from the digital magazine “OtroLunes” (“Another Monday”). By Angel Santiesteban Prats It’s always a pleasure to remember Guillermo Vidal. Sharing with him the adventure of … Continue reading “Guille, The Macho Guajiro / Angel Santiesteban”

Angel Santiesteban’s Work Again Recognized in France

The dictator Raul Castro continues stubbornly to make the world believe that he’s bringing to Cuba an opening that in reality doesn’t exist. He continues being the same dictator as always, violating the rights of all Cubans, submitting them to misery, censoring the press, harassing, beating and imprisoning peaceful opponents. Angel Santiesteban, unjustly imprisoned, has … Continue reading “Angel Santiesteban’s Work Again Recognized in France”

UNEAC Complicit In Its Silence / Angel Santiesteban

Previously I have said that in the circus exercise called court, which I attended with the sentence already dictated by State Security, as I was made to know long before by one of their henchmen, a fact that I made known publicly — and which the judges in the First Chamber of Crimes Against State … Continue reading “UNEAC Complicit In Its Silence / Angel Santiesteban”

An Opportune Difference Between Cuba and Venezuela / Angel Santiesteban

Thanks to the god of the communication media, in Venezuela the national and foreign TV hasn’t been sold to Chavismo, and they report on events immediately, without concern for reprisals. In Cuba we face another reality. The foreign broadcasters (independent national stations don’t exist), rarely look behind the news that would harm the government, that … Continue reading “An Opportune Difference Between Cuba and Venezuela / Angel Santiesteban”

UNEAC: A VIII Congress Like the Previous / Angel Santiesteban

If Fidel and Raul Castro should be delegates to the UNEAC Congress again, we can predict right now that it will be a copy of the previous, which, viewed from a distance, did not achieve any social scope, saving to mitigating development, destroying illusions and win the trust of power with opportunistic statements. All those … Continue reading “UNEAC: A VIII Congress Like the Previous / Angel Santiesteban”

S.O.S. The Soldiers Are Suffocating Us / Angel Santiesteban

A daring prisoner has revealed to me the intention of high-ranking soldiers to become my enemies. To accomplish this they took away a pass, the most sacred thing for them; then they reduced even more the precarious nutrition. The ration of chicken, which is provided two times a month, has been reduced to one sole … Continue reading “S.O.S. The Soldiers Are Suffocating Us / Angel Santiesteban”

Signatories Forever, Unredeemed Brownnosers / Angel Santiesteban

The signatures of those artists from the unforgettable book open at UNEAC headquarters match the political calls of the dictatorship to support the execution of minors who tried to emigrate to the United States by hijacking the boat across the bay to the ultramarine village of Regla. Although the passengers declared that they didn’t hurt anyone, … Continue reading “Signatories Forever, Unredeemed Brownnosers / Angel Santiesteban”

S.O.S.: They Continue Harassing Angel Santiesteban in Prison / Angel Santiesteban

My incarceration is not enough for the dictatorship At dawn on last March 22, we prisoners, once again, were awakened by henchmen’s boots for another search procedure.  Several officers, directed again by Major Cobas, ousted us from the barracks with the intention of distancing us from our belongings. I objected and asked to remain present … Continue reading “S.O.S.: They Continue Harassing Angel Santiesteban in Prison / Angel Santiesteban”

The Garden of Congratulations / Angel Santiesteban

Interpreting the triptych “The Garden of Delights,” by El Bosco, we can find, ironically speaking, a comparison with the winner of the Frank Kafka 2012 award, “Long is the Night,” by Cuban writer Frank Correa, who delights in telling stories, just like emptying oil paint onto the palette and passing the brush through it so … Continue reading “The Garden of Congratulations / Angel Santiesteban”

Answering the Requests of Those Who Are Looking for Holes / Angel Santiesteban

Many people ask me to clarify some points that tarnish the credibility of my case and situation. As Internet is the playground of all, we can utter truths, but also otherwise. And every time, after every event, positive or negative, that happens in my life, I have a bunch of people trying to highlight an … Continue reading “Answering the Requests of Those Who Are Looking for Holes / Angel Santiesteban”

Waking up in a Dictatorship / Angel Santiesteban

From the time I was a kid I discovered that my feelings forced me to show solidarity with the weakest. In sports I wanted to play on the most competitive teams, and today it’s the same. But I’ve always been on the side against the Cuban dictatorship. In the eighties, when my generation started thinking, … Continue reading “Waking up in a Dictatorship / Angel Santiesteban”