Without Chicken, With Long Lines and Police Surveillance, the Sale of Food in Hard Currency Begins in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana/Sancti Spíritus, 20 July 2020 — Since before dawn on Monday, the same scenes repeated themselves throughout the Island in front of the new divisa (hard-currency) shops: people lining up before the 9:00 a.m. opening, much police surveillance and, finally, not one single piece of chicken, the favorite product. The 14ymedio reporters confirmed this … Continue reading “Without Chicken, With Long Lines and Police Surveillance, the Sale of Food in Hard Currency Begins in Cuba”

In El Brujo Life Revolves Around the Guava

14ymedio, Bertha K. Guillén, Candelaria, 18 September 2019 — Like ants gathering for the winter, a family from the El Brujo community in Pinar del Río goes out every day to tour the pastures, the trails and the banks of the roads in search of those guavas that still grow almost wild around their little … Continue reading “In El Brujo Life Revolves Around the Guava”

"What Comes Out of the Pipes Looks Like Coffee"

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernandez, 8 July 2019 — The highest summer temperatures arrive and everyone dreams of water. Whether in a glass with ice, in a comfortable pool or in the waves of the sea. These are also the moments when one faces the greatest risk of being infected with pathogens that come from bad handling of what we … Continue reading “"What Comes Out of the Pipes Looks Like Coffee"”

Nostalgia For The Cage Of The ‘80s

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Generation Y, 22 April 2019 — That day I did not want to watch national television but rather some documentary on the ‘Weekly Packet’, but when I turned on the screen there was Ramiro Valdés, speaking before the National Assembly about the “diversion of resources,” the official euphemism used to talk about stealing … Continue reading “Nostalgia For The Cage Of The ‘80s”

The Glorious People of Cuba Accept Life With Pain and Without Glory

14ymedio, Juan E. Cambiaso, Buenos Aires, 25 March 2019 — It’s the fourth time I’ve been to Cuba. Against my natural inclination to go to a five-star hotel, this time I hired a private apartment in El Vedado, to be with the people. It is located on 17th Street, one block from the Museum of … Continue reading “The Glorious People of Cuba Accept Life With Pain and Without Glory”

From Engineer in Havana to Magazine Director in Kentucky / Ivan Garcia

Iván García, 5 March 2019 — Twenty-five years ago, Luis David Fuentes pedaled 17 kilometers a day on a rough Chinese bicycle through the dark and dilapidated Havana streets towards the CUJAE, today José Antonio Echevarría Technological University, located in Marianao, a municipality in the south of Havana, where he studied mechanical engineering. Those were the … Continue reading “From Engineer in Havana to Magazine Director in Kentucky / Ivan Garcia”

The Plastic Bottle is Invading Us

14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, Havana, February 7, 2019 — Together with her kitchenware, Dagmary has several plastic containers that once held soft drinks. “We use these bottles to hold water or save milk,” this Matanzas native living in Havana explains to 14ymedio. The so-called “cucumbers” make up part of the domestic scenery but have also invaded … Continue reading “The Plastic Bottle is Invading Us”

New App ‘Donde Hay’ Inventories the Shortages

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 7 July 2018 — In the shade of a busy Havana colonnade the young man pulls out his cellphone and types in the word “milk” in search of this basic food in the nearest markets. The new app for Android, “Dónde Hay” (Where is…?) promises to find any product in the … Continue reading “New App ‘Donde Hay’ Inventories the Shortages”

Two Months Without Coppelia Ice Cream in Camaguey

Ricardo Fernández, Camagüey, 29 January 2018 — The ice cream parlor Copellia in the city of  Camagüey has become an empty passageway between two main streets. Only the occasional passerby wanders into the empty building to access the Italian restaurant and three small shops on the floors above. At midday the employees take advantage of the calm hour … Continue reading “Two Months Without Coppelia Ice Cream in Camaguey”

Canned Chickpeas at the Outpost of El Corte Inglés in Havana

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernandez, Havana, 17 January 2018 — The corner of San Rafael and Galiano in Havana is now a plaza with a wifi zone where everyone stares at the screens of their mobile phones; but long ago the famous store El Encanto was built there, a business that inspired the creation of warehouses in … Continue reading “Canned Chickpeas at the Outpost of El Corte Inglés in Havana”

Irma Reconfigures Cuba’s Tourist Map

14ymedio, Luz Escobar and Zunilda Mata, Havana/Varadero, 21 September 2017 — “This is what’s left of the gardens of the Blue Lagoon,” says an employee while looking at a cellphone photo of fallen palm trees and tangled vegetation. The bus in which he is traveling is responsible for distributing staff to the hotels in Varadero, Cuba’s … Continue reading “Irma Reconfigures Cuba’s Tourist Map”

Eating Steak and Fries is a Luxury in Cuba / Iván García

Iván García, 2 May 2017 — On an afternoon like any other, an underground seller of beef, living in the southeast of Havana, bought flank steaks wholesale from a slaughterer, to then sell them to private restaurants and neighbours who could afford them. He filleted the chops and started to offer them for the equivalent of three dollars a pound. … Continue reading “Eating Steak and Fries is a Luxury in Cuba / Iván García”

The Day Castro Buried Capitalism / Cubanet, Tania Diaz Castro

Cubanet, Tania Diaz Castro, 13 March 2017 – This 13 March is the 49th anniversary of the Great Revolutionary Offensive, that economic project that emerged from the little brain of the “Enlightened Undefeated One,” to ruin the Cuban economy even further. Although each year the so-called Castro Revolution was a real disgrace for all Cubans, … Continue reading “The Day Castro Buried Capitalism / Cubanet, Tania Diaz Castro”

Watch Out! Cattle On The Road / 14ymedio, Jorge Guillen

14ymedio, Jorge Guillen, Candelaria, 29 July 2016 — He still shudders when he remembers that morning, when the broken glass from the windshield exploded everywhere and he had a taste of metal in his mouth. Ulises Ramirez crashed into two cows loose on the national highway as he was returning from the airport to his native … Continue reading “Watch Out! Cattle On The Road / 14ymedio, Jorge Guillen”

The Language of the Enemy / Cubanet, Camilo Ernesto Olivera

Decades of stigmatization of the English language weigh on Cubans’ collective unconscious Cubanet.org, Camilo Ernesto Olivera Peidro, Havana, 27 November 2015 – It was Saturday night at a restaurant located on the downtown corner of O Street and Avenue 23. The bathroom was closed but, at least not completely. A sign, placed on the door … Continue reading “The Language of the Enemy / Cubanet, Camilo Ernesto Olivera”