Common Criminals / Yoani Sánchez

To the memory of Wilman Villar Mendoza A couple of years ago, my friend Eugenio Leal decided ask for the report of his criminal record, necessary paperwork when applying for certain jobs. With confidence, he applied for the form where it would say he had never been convicted of any crime but found, in its … Continue reading “Common Criminals / Yoani Sánchez”

Emigration is Good Business for the Cuban Government / Iván García

It’s daylight robbery. Every time a Cuban residing abroad decides to visit their home country, the must pay a crude ‘revolutionary tax’ to the Castro brothers government. Let’s get out the calculator. In 2012 nearly 400,000 Cuban emigrants visited the island. Before unpacking the plasma TVs, computers, video games and smartphones for their relatives, all … Continue reading “Emigration is Good Business for the Cuban Government / Iván García”

Cream of Life (Homemade) / Rebeca Monzo

1 can of condensed milk. 8 fresh egg yolks 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1/4 cup white rum. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup water. (These last two ingredients are to make the syrup). Procedure: Beat the egg yolks, add the syrup, almost cold, and the condensed Flavor it with vanilla, strain everything and cook … Continue reading “Cream of Life (Homemade) / Rebeca Monzo”

Raul Castro Has Known How to Improvise with the Car in Motion / Iván García

The administration of General Raul Castro has known how to improvise with the car in motion. Castro II, who this past June 3rd turned 80 years old, has had a trajectory as a warrior, soldier, and politician, always crouching under the shadow of his media star brother who governed the island for 47 years with … Continue reading “Raul Castro Has Known How to Improvise with the Car in Motion / Iván García”

“In the environment of Yoani Sanchez, there are people who have an African hatred for me.” / Iván García

On May 5, Liu Santiesteban, from Havana but living in Spain, sent seven questions to Ivan for an interview in his blog, Todo el mundo habla (The Whole World Talks). Ivan does not like to be interviewed, he said that journalists are for interviewing, not being interviewed. But a week later, he sent back the … Continue reading ““In the environment of Yoani Sanchez, there are people who have an African hatred for me.” / Iván García”

A Stroke of Luck / Iván García

It was a lucky day for Ernesto. After 10:00 last night, a neighbor told him that the number he had bet 250 pesos (10 dollars) on had come out first in the local (illegal) lottery. He won 24,000 pesos (1,000 dollars). The money arrived just when he needed it most. His daughter, Yenima, was turning 15. And his … Continue reading “A Stroke of Luck / Iván García”

Double Dealing

The Cuban revolution ceased to exist in 1976. The death certificate was signed when they put into force a rigid constitution and institutionalized the country with a questionable political-administrative division. Farewell to the romantic phase of improvisation and a charisma-laden Fidel Castro, who in his uniform, travelled through fields and towns. And with a small … Continue reading “Double Dealing”