The Failure Of The Dairy Sector In Cuba: From The Glass Of Milk To The ‘Master’ Cheesemaker / Elias Amor Bravo

Elias Amor Bravo (economist), 17 July 2018 – The National Milk Group is one of those inefficient conglomerates that exist in the Cuban state economy to control corporate production, in this case in a fundamental sector such as dairy. To cite just one example, the National Office of Statistics (ONEI) reported the value of wholesale and … Continue reading “The Failure Of The Dairy Sector In Cuba: From The Glass Of Milk To The ‘Master’ Cheesemaker / Elias Amor Bravo”

And where did that glass of milk go? / 14ymedio, Orlando Palma

14ymedio, Orlando Palmo, Havana, 25 March 2015 — The newspaper Granma published Wednesday a comprehensive report on milk production in the province of Camagüey. This scenario is grim and confirms the downward trend in terms of delivery of this precious food. Since 2012, Camagüey’s milk production and sales to the industry have declined, both in … Continue reading “And where did that glass of milk go? / 14ymedio, Orlando Palma”

The Eternal Wait for the Glass of Milk / Osmar Laffita Red

HAVANA, Cuba , October, – More than six years ago, President Raul Castro announced that he would guarantee a glass of fresh milk to the majority of children as a result of the plan to distribute this food through a group of bodegas (ration stores), experimentally. He said that as production increased, it would … Continue reading “The Eternal Wait for the Glass of Milk / Osmar Laffita Red”

The Long-Awaited Glass of Milk / Alberto Mendez Castello

“On the evening of Friday, June 7, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz received comrade Diosdado Cabello Rondon, President of the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” Juventud Rebelde reported a few days ago. “The president of the Venezuelan Parliament,along with Fidel, made a brief tour of numerous crops … Continue reading “The Long-Awaited Glass of Milk / Alberto Mendez Castello”

Suspension of Rationed Sale of Milk to Chronically Ill People in Sancti Spiritus

14ymedio, Mercedes García, Sancti Spíritus, 26 December 2023 — “It failed and failed until it stopped arriving,” this is how Nuria de las Mercedes describes the situation that the chronically ill patients of Sancti Spíritus have experienced with the supply of milk for medical diets. This December, for the second time in the year, consumers … Continue reading “Suspension of Rationed Sale of Milk to Chronically Ill People in Sancti Spiritus”

To Replace Milk and Yogurt, Cuban Children Receive a Syrup with Additives that are Harmful to Health

14ymedio, Havana, 31 August 2023– Cuban children between the ages of seven and 13 have begun to receive syrup instead of the milk and yogurt that the state used to sell on a rationed basis. Although the authorities have been discreet with the announcement of the change, the official press has alluded to the manufacture … Continue reading “To Replace Milk and Yogurt, Cuban Children Receive a Syrup with Additives that are Harmful to Health”

Cassava Flour Ham and Soy Milk, the ‘Alternative’ Diet of Cubans

14ymedio, Havana, 23 February 2023 — The alternative that the Meat Company of Cienfuegos found to stay active is the production of sausages based on cassava, rice and cornstarch, due to the shortage of wheat and the low production of beef and pork on the Island. “We have had good results,” Luis Jiménez Marrero, an … Continue reading “Cassava Flour Ham and Soy Milk, the ‘Alternative’ Diet of Cubans”

The ‘Grocery’ Arrives in Cuba, with French Milk at 500 Pesos and Dog Food at 20,000

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 6 February 2023 — On the facade the English word “Grocery” is printed, and the line extends to the area outside the small private market recently opened on the ground floor of the Miramar Trade Center in Havana. Among airline offices, foreign companies and bank branches, the Pelegrin store, managed … Continue reading “The ‘Grocery’ Arrives in Cuba, with French Milk at 500 Pesos and Dog Food at 20,000”

The Shortage of Milk Reaches Sancti Spiritus, the Only Cuban Province Where it Was Not Lacking in 2022

14ymedio, Havana, 27 December 2022 — The only Cuban province in which there was no shortage of milk during 2022 has not been able to close the year with such an achievement. Rumors that Sancti Spíritus was going to withdraw the product from medical diets have been denied by the official press, which, however, confirms … Continue reading “The Shortage of Milk Reaches Sancti Spiritus, the Only Cuban Province Where it Was Not Lacking in 2022”

Milk Production in Cuba Collapsed Almost 60 Percent in the Last 21 Years

14ymedio, Madrid, 21 April 2022 — The state production of cow’s milk has collapsed between 1989, when it exceeded 900,000 tons, and 2020, the year in which it barely reached the tiny amount of 43,500 tons, 95.27% less in the last 21 years. Faced with this, private production has made a considerable leap, growing by 105.9%. However, … Continue reading “Milk Production in Cuba Collapsed Almost 60 Percent in the Last 21 Years”

Cuban Government’s Unpaid Bills Causing Low Milk Production, Admits Official Press

14ymedio, Havana, October 26, 2021 — By September, dairy farmers in Villa Clara had delivered only 53% of the milk the Cuban government had been expecting, a total of approximately twenty-one million liters compared to the thirty-nine which contracts had stipulated. The shortfall was reported on Tuesday by the state-run newspaper Granma in an article entitled … Continue reading “Cuban Government’s Unpaid Bills Causing Low Milk Production, Admits Official Press”

Children Without Milk / 14ymedio, Boris Gonzalez

Moooooo (White Udder) 14ymedio, Boris Gonazales, 7 October 2015 – My son will be seven years old this Thursday, October 8. For decades, seven has been the age chosen by Fidel Alejandro Castro and maintained by his brother Raul Modesto for Cubans to stop drinking milk. Every ten days a Cuban child under age 7 receives 2.2 pounds … Continue reading “Children Without Milk / 14ymedio, Boris Gonzalez”

Coffee Without Milk / Iván García

In this Cuban autumn of 2010, with memorable rains in the center and east of the Island, we breathe the air of pessimism. A new crisis. Another one. Fed up with material and spiritual shortages. We are one of the countries of the world best prepared to suffer. A benefit of the Castro brothers’ revolution. … Continue reading “Coffee Without Milk / Iván García”

What Didn’t Happen or Hasn’t Happened Yet in the Ten Years of ‘14ymedio’

As is known, the spontaneity of that feat, which was its great merit, was also its Achilles heel 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 26 May 2024 — One way to evaluate the time that has passed is to inventory the achievements; another, to list the outstanding issues. It is the responsibility of the press to point … Continue reading “What Didn’t Happen or Hasn’t Happened Yet in the Ten Years of ‘14ymedio’”

Deprived of the Right to Take to the Streets, on March 8 Cuban Women Will Wear a Black Ribbon on Their Hands

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 8 March 2023 — Gladys lives in Caibarién, a small coastal city in the center of Cuba. Two months ago, her son left with other young people on a rustic raft to try to reach the United States. She since then she has heard nothing from them. A teacher by … Continue reading “Deprived of the Right to Take to the Streets, on March 8 Cuban Women Will Wear a Black Ribbon on Their Hands”