July 11th Protesters in Artemisa, Cuba Receive Sentences of Up to 12 Years in Prison

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 9 January 2022 — For the crimes of public disorder, contempt, assault, and insulting national symbols, 13 protesters who participated in the peaceful protests on July 11th (11J) in the municipality of Artemisa, were sentenced on Friday; sentences ranged from 4 years of ’limited liberty’ to 12 years in prison. … Continue reading “July 11th Protesters in Artemisa, Cuba Receive Sentences of Up to 12 Years in Prison”

Barbara Farrat, Mother of 17-Year-Old Imprisoned for July Protests in Cuba, is Arrested and Released

14ymedio, Havana, 24 December 2021 — Bárbara Farrat, the mother of 17-year-old Jonathan Torres Farrat who was imprisoned after the July 11 (11J) protests, was released after being under arrest for several hours, after she was detained when she tried to leave her home this Friday morning. “She went down to the corner to look … Continue reading “Barbara Farrat, Mother of 17-Year-Old Imprisoned for July Protests in Cuba, is Arrested and Released”

Repression of 11 July Decisive in a ‘Pause’ in the Review of US Policy Toward Cuba

Police officers arrest protesters in front of the Cuban capitol in Havana on June 11. (EFE) 14ymedio, Havana, 3 December 2021 –Joe Biden’s intentions to partially modify US policy toward Cuba were frozen by the July 11 crackdown, Juan González, director of the National Security Council for the Western Hemisphere, revealed in an interview with NBC … Continue reading “Repression of 11 July Decisive in a ‘Pause’ in the Review of US Policy Toward Cuba”

More than 650 Detainees from the July 11 (11J) Protests in Cuba Are Still in Prison

14ymedio, Havana, 17 November 2021 — Daniela Rojo, mother of two young children and moderator of the Archipiélago platform, architect of the initiative for the 15N (15 November), is missing for the fifth day. The young woman was already been detained for almost a month for participating in the protests on July 11. “The Istanbul Protocol (UN, 2004) strictly prohibits … Continue reading “More than 650 Detainees from the July 11 (11J) Protests in Cuba Are Still in Prison”

The Mayabeque Prosecutor’s Office Asks for up to 25 Years in Prison for Nine of the July 11th Protestors in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 25 October 2021 — In another act of repression, the Mayabeque Provincial Prosecutor’s Office has requested sanctions ranging from six to 25 years for the 11J (11 July) protesters. Maikel Puig Bergolla and eight other detainees, who preferred not to make their identity public, have seen “forced some arguments to apply crimes” to them, such … Continue reading “The Mayabeque Prosecutor’s Office Asks for up to 25 Years in Prison for Nine of the July 11th Protestors in Cuba”

Laritza Diversent Petitions Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Behalf of Cubans Detained on July 11 / Cubalex

Dear Commission Members: My name is Laritza Diversent. I am the director of Cubalex. Working in collaboration with the group Justicia 11J [11 July], we have recorded the detentions of 1,130 people since July 11, 572 of whom remain incarcerated. Several people who have been released report incidents of torture and mistreatment including beatings, verbal … Continue reading “Laritza Diversent Petitions Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Behalf of Cubans Detained on July 11 / Cubalex”

Role of the Judges in the Proceedings Against the July 11 Demonstrators / Cubalex

Cubalex, 24 September 2021 — In our work of informing and advising Cuban citizens, we share this interview with our lawyer Julio Ferrer about the role of judges in the proceedings against the July 11 demonstrators. What is the function of a judge in the proceedings that are under investigation, with respect to the guarantees … Continue reading “Role of the Judges in the Proceedings Against the July 11 Demonstrators / Cubalex”

Cuban Prosecutors Seek Eight-Year Sentence for Streaming Protests from San Antonio de los Banos on July 11th

14ymedio, Havana, Cuba, October 4, 2021–Cuban prosecutors seek an eight-year prison sentence for Yoan de la Cruz, a young man who on July 11th streamed a live feed of the first protests in San Antonio de los Baños, considered to be the start of the anti-government protests throughout the entire country. The information, the details … Continue reading “Cuban Prosecutors Seek Eight-Year Sentence for Streaming Protests from San Antonio de los Banos on July 11th”

More than 187,000 Cubans Participated in 584 protests During July

14ymedio, Madrid, 2 August 2021- – The massive demonstrations of July 11 “transformed Cuba”. The latest report of the Observatorio Cubano de Conflictos (OCC/Cuban Observatory of Conflicts) is conclusive in this regard: more than 187,000 Cubans participated in a total of 584 demonstrations throughout the island last month. Not only has the number of protests … Continue reading “More than 187,000 Cubans Participated in 584 protests During July”

Five Cuban Generals Die After July 11: Strange Coincidence or Purge?

14ymedio, Ariel Hidalgo, Miami, 29 July 2021 — Although I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, I think it would be very necessary, to heal open wounds and put the accounts clear for history, to have a commission without political and ideological prejudices to investigate, seriously and professionally, many mysterious deaths reported in Cuba … Continue reading “Five Cuban Generals Die After July 11: Strange Coincidence or Purge?”

Social Media Rallies for the Release of Cuban Who Shared First Live Video Of July 11th Protests

14ymedio, Havana, July 26th, 2021 — Yoan de la Cruz, who shared the live broadcast of the first protests in San Antonio de los Baños that sparked the demonstrations all over the island, was arrested last Friday, according to reports from his family and friends on social media. “He is my nephew, a really good … Continue reading “Social Media Rallies for the Release of Cuban Who Shared First Live Video Of July 11th Protests”

The Anguish of the Relatives of the Young People Arrested in Cuba on July 11

14ymedio, Havana, 20July 2021 — “They are young, they are not criminals or bandits who went to throw stones or loot stores, they went to fight for the things they lack, that they are drowning.” Berta Baruch, 58, is one of the mothers who gathered on Monday in front of the 100th y Aldabó prison, in Havana, … Continue reading “The Anguish of the Relatives of the Young People Arrested in Cuba on July 11”

Amanda Hernandez Celaya, 17, Arrested in Cuba on July 11, Acquitted

14ymedio, Havana, 22 July 2021 — The young woman Amanda Hernández Celaya, arrested on July 11 in the heat of the protests that shook the country, was acquitted this Thursday for lack of evidence after a summary trial was carried out in Havana, as confirmed to 14ymedio by members of her family. Hernández was charged with the same … Continue reading “Amanda Hernandez Celaya, 17, Arrested in Cuba on July 11, Acquitted”

Cuba: More Than 25,000 Cattle Dead From Malnutrition Between January and July

14ymedio, 11 September 2020 — More than 25,000 cattle died from malnutrition in Cuba between January and July of this year, which affected the production of meat and milk, according to official media, and forced the island to increase its imports. In Camagüey alone, more than 17,000 cows died from malnutrition in the first half … Continue reading “Cuba: More Than 25,000 Cattle Dead From Malnutrition Between January and July”