Maria Corina, Alert!

14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 9 September 2023 — I feel a deep admiration for those who fight for their convictions and rights, people always willing to face real risks without fear of the consequences, which, fortunately for those of us who love freedom and the enjoyment of our citizen prerogatives, are never lacking. The most … Continue reading “Maria Corina, Alert!”

A Letter Addressed to President Diaz-Canel Demands ‘Freedom Without Banishment’ for Cuba’s Political Prisoners

14ymedio, Havana, 5 July 2023 – — More than 300 opponents, activists and family members have called for “freedom without banishment” for Cuban political prisoners in a letter addressed to Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel. With the subject “Voices for the freedom of our Cuban political prisoners” and dated July 3, 2023, the letter insists that … Continue reading “A Letter Addressed to President Diaz-Canel Demands ‘Freedom Without Banishment’ for Cuba’s Political Prisoners”

Petition to the European Parliament to give the Sakharov Prize to the Cubans of 11J

14ymedio, Madrid, 31 January 2022 — The Council for Democratic Transition in Cuba has proposed to the European Parliament that it award the 2022 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Expression to José Daniel Ferrer, Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and Félix Navarro Rodríguez as representatives of the July 11th Demonstrators from the spheres of politics, culture … Continue reading “Petition to the European Parliament to give the Sakharov Prize to the Cubans of 11J”

The 11J Prisoners Detained for Shouting Freedom in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 27 December 2021 — They did not belong to any opposition organization within the island nor, as the official media claimed in a foreseeable smear campaign, were they instigated by the “enemy” from outside. Simply, together with thousands of compatriots in dozens of cities throughout the island, they decided to go out into the streets … Continue reading “The 11J Prisoners Detained for Shouting Freedom in Cuba”

We Want for Cuba the Same as for Europe

14ymedio, José Ramón Bauzá, Brussels, 14 November 2021 — When November begins in Europe, it brings with it the first days of cold, a prelude to a winter that is already looming; but it also brings to the Old Continent the memory of a past that still chills the souls of Europeans. This week was loaded with symbolism … Continue reading “We Want for Cuba the Same as for Europe”

Hundreds Arrested in Cuban Protests Are Being Subjected to Summary Trials

14ymedio, Havana, July 19, 2021 — Eight days after the start of protests, there is still no official count of those arrested during the demonstrations that took place in more than forty Cuban cities. Several human rights organizations suggest it could be in the thousands while the United Nations puts the number at 187. Among … Continue reading “Hundreds Arrested in Cuban Protests Are Being Subjected to Summary Trials”

Diaz-Canel Speaks Like ‘Karadzic, the Butcher of Bosnia,’ Says the Council for the Transition in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 15 July 2021 — The Council for the Democratic Transition in Cuba (CTDC) denounces that the government’s reaction to the participants of the July 11 protests “has followed the Yugoslav model” with a “call from the State for a potential massacre,” says the new opposition alliance in a statement published this Thursday. The regime … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Speaks Like ‘Karadzic, the Butcher of Bosnia,’ Says the Council for the Transition in Cuba”

Report on Government Actions and Repression in Cuba / Cubalex

Cubalex, 13 April 2021. Summary: Coronavirus cases are continuing to increase and the government announces new coronavirus strains in the country. Repression of activists, members of the opposition and journalists continues before the Party Congress Government actions April 5th. New measures in Ciego de Avila against increasing number of coronavirus cases. These include restriction on … Continue reading “Report on Government Actions and Repression in Cuba / Cubalex”

Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba Visits the Hunger Strikers

14ymedio, Havana, 8 April 2021 — The Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, Dionisio García, visited the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu) on Thursday to inquire about activists on hunger strike for 20 days, as confirmed by opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer through Twitter. “We are grateful for the visit that Archbishop Dionisio García … Continue reading “Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba Visits the Hunger Strikers”

Should the Opposition Dialogue with the Cuban Government?

14ymedio, Havana, 15 March 2021 — Since last November 27, when some thirty artists managed to force a meeting with the Vice Minister of Culture, Fernando Rojas, after the unprecedented demonstration of some 300 people before the ministry, the question has divided activists: should the Cuban opposition recognize the Government as an interlocutor in a dialogue that guides … Continue reading “Should the Opposition Dialogue with the Cuban Government?”

‘This Year the Dictatorship is Done,’ Says Artist Otero Alcantara

14ymedio, Havana, 18 January 2021 — The artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara posted a live video on his Facebook page, which has already been watched more than 17,000 times, in which he says “the dictatorship” dead and asks the authorities to accept that everything is over, avoiding prolonging the suffering of the population. “Cuba is … Continue reading “‘This Year the Dictatorship is Done,’ Says Artist Otero Alcantara”

The Cuban Opposition Cautiously Welcomes the Creation of the People’s Party

14ymedio, Luz Escobar and Mario J. Pentón, Havana/Miami | 27 August 2020 — Thousands of followers of Alex Otaola have enthusiastically received the creation of the People’s Party, announced on Tuesday by the Cuban presenter living in Miami. This initiative wants to be an “alternative” to the monopoly exercised by the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), the only one authorized … Continue reading “The Cuban Opposition Cautiously Welcomes the Creation of the People’s Party”

There are 19 UN Resolutions Against the Cuban Political Police in 15 Months

14ymedio, Havana, 22 July 2020 — The United Nations has dedicated a total of 19 resolutions in the last 15 months against Cuban State Security, according to a statement from Prisoners Defenders released on Wednesday. The independent organization, based in Spain, recalls that on July 13, the UN published a resolution by several rapporteurs and the … Continue reading “There are 19 UN Resolutions Against the Cuban Political Police in 15 Months”

IACHR Describes Constitutional Reform as a Lost Opportunity

14ymedio, Havana, 5 June 2020 — In a report on human rights in Cuba, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)* expressed disappointment that the new constitution, ratified in 2019, has preserved the one-party regime that has ruled the island for six decades. The organization, which has not issued a report like this in thirty-seven … Continue reading “IACHR Describes Constitutional Reform as a Lost Opportunity”

The Cuban Regime Has Benefited From Its Agreement With The EU

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 10 March 2020 – Three years have passed since December 2016, when Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla shook hands exultantly with a smiling Federica Mogherini, high representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The head of Castro’s diplomacy had every reason to celebrate. After more … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Has Benefited From Its Agreement With The EU”