Response to Elaine’s Irritation / Miriam Celaya

Just as expected, the article I published in number 9 of the magazine Voces which I reposted in this blog caused stinging and irritation in more than one website, which always makes me feel good. Among those affected by the stings, blogger Elaine Díaz seems to honor me with her attention in a particular way. … Continue reading “Response to Elaine’s Irritation / Miriam Celaya”

Cuban Blogosphere: Stings and Irritations of the Internet in Cuba / Miriam Celaya

(Work originally published in number 9, Voices magazine) Several weeks ago an interview appeared in the virtual space The two-part interview was conducted by Luis Manuel García Méndez, and the person interviewed was the young American scholar Ted Henken. Titled “Mapping Blogolandia” (May 2011), Henken traces, with remarkable objectivity, his map of the Cuban … Continue reading “Cuban Blogosphere: Stings and Irritations of the Internet in Cuba / Miriam Celaya”

Translating Cuba and How Did it Happen?

This post is from Raul Garcia Jr.’s blog, Pedazos de la Isla. Translating Cuba’s Dissident Voices Mary Jo Porter is an American who lives in Seattle. When she wakes up each day, she works as a transportation consultant. In the moments she is not working, she focuses her energies and talents on providing an enormous … Continue reading “Translating Cuba and How Did it Happen?”

Constantin Answers in Diario de Cuba / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Human Damage in an  Environment of Punishment Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo Talking with Henry Constantin, expelled for life from the country’s universities. The worst of a prolonged war, is not the hunger of the siege, nor the exhaustion, nor the despair, nor the dead left in the dust of no man’s land. The atrocious, the … Continue reading “Constantin Answers in Diario de Cuba / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Will Cubans Be Able to Holiday Abroad? / Iván García

In tune with the new airs of delayed economic reforms that General Raul Castro aims to promote, under one of the measures made ​​public on Monday 9th May, Cubans on the island can take holidays abroad. On the street it has been the story of the year. It displaced the Brazilian soap opera, the gossip … Continue reading “Will Cubans Be Able to Holiday Abroad? / Iván García”

Cuba Manipulates the Truth / Ricardo Medina

“Year of our Lord Jesus Christ” Mr. Freddy Perez Cabrera Granma Newspaper Editor and Administrator General Suarez and Territorial Plaza of the Revolution, Havana Email: Freddy: Greetings to you. Moved by the painful events which led to death of my fellow citizen, Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia, during the early morning hours of Sunday May … Continue reading “Cuba Manipulates the Truth / Ricardo Medina”

The Uncertain Future of the Internet / Laritza Diversent

The predictions for the development of internet in Cuba added to the darkness, after the coming of the fiber optic cable to Cuba collided with the political interests of the Communist government which, in the last decade, developed a legal and technological infrastructure, to control the flow of information to and from the island, via … Continue reading “The Uncertain Future of the Internet / Laritza Diversent”

…And Cyber-Justice For All / Ernesto Morales Licea

One Wael Ghonim The sui generis Egyptian revolution which occurred very recently changed the status of two people in particular. The first, Hosni Mubarak, moved from an everlasting and plenipotentiary leader of the African nation, to swell the list of dictators happily overthrown. The second: Wael Ghonim. A name unknown until recently and who would … Continue reading “…And Cyber-Justice For All / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Kaos: Two Chaotic Articles / Miriam Celaya

The General, in the framework of the Central Report to the Sixth Congress, made reference to the need for new journalism. Picture taken from the Internet. A friend of mine, knowing about my quest for information and of my online time constraints, is kind enough to send me, from time to time, items he considers … Continue reading “Kaos: Two Chaotic Articles / Miriam Celaya”

Cuba: Alternative Bloggers in Danger / Laritza Diversent

The personal freedoms of members of the alternative blogosphere are at risk after the official media publicly accused them of being mercenaries. On March 22nd, the Granma newspaper (official paper of the Communist Party) published an article titled “Cyberwar: Mercenaries on the Internet”. A day prior to this publication, the televised documentary series “Cuba’s Reasons” … Continue reading “Cuba: Alternative Bloggers in Danger / Laritza Diversent”

Carter in Cuba Again / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

The former U.S. president, Jimmy Carter made a short but varied three-day visit to Cuba on Monday, March 28, 2011, in response to an invitation from Cuban President Raul Castro. He was greeted at the airport by Foreign Minister José Martí Bruno Rodriguez and diplomatic officials from Havana and Washington, respectively. That same day, the … Continue reading “Carter in Cuba Again / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado”

Carter in Cuba Again

The former U.S. president, Jimmy Carter made a short but varied three-day visit to Cuba on Monday, March 28, 2011, in response to an invitation from Cuban President Raul Castro. He was greeted at the airport by Foreign Minister José Martí Bruno Rodriguez and diplomatic officials from Havana and Washington, respectively. That same day, the … Continue reading “Carter in Cuba Again”

More About Egypt and Cuba. Popular Uprising: Between “Papa” and Potatoes / Regina Coyula

Fidelism Cuba emerged on the international map as a tiny little island threatened and blocked by a powerful neighbor. With an excellent lecture from Sun Tzu and Machiavelli; without forgetting Gustave Le Bon, Fidel convinced the majority that he was speaking for the Fatherland, and the Fatherland was the Revolution and was Socialism. Fidel was … Continue reading “More About Egypt and Cuba. Popular Uprising: Between “Papa” and Potatoes / Regina Coyula”

Agent Clone Lectures / Miriam Celaya

Sterilized, depersonalized, inexpressive, emotionless, difficult to describe: that’s the image of the teacher of the Ministry of Interior officials circulating lately through a video conference, mysteriously leaked and quickly spread through the networks. The figure distantly brings to mind that French movie villain of the 1960s, Fantomas, eternal antagonist of the late comedian Louis de … Continue reading “Agent Clone Lectures / Miriam Celaya”

MININT Cyber Lecture Video – English Transcript

Enemy Campaigns and The Politics of Confrontation with Counterrevolutionary Groups Download a PDF of this transcript here. La ciber policia en Cuba from Coral Negro on Vimeo. Presenter: Eduardo Fontes Suárez Introduction The title more or less says it all, we can adjust [the talk to meet] your interests, comrades, when it’s time for discussion. … Continue reading “MININT Cyber Lecture Video – English Transcript”