OLPL in Sampsonia Way… in English / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

International Condemnation, Ltd. by Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo    /  March 4, 2013  / No comments Cuban Blogger Yoani Sánchez’s world tour illuminates Castroism outside of the Island. Yoani Sánchez (center) in the Brazilian House of Representatives. To her right is Dado Galvão, director of the documentary ‘Cuba-Honduras Connection.’ Photo: José Cruz. Yoani Sánchez, an outspoken … Continue reading “OLPL in Sampsonia Way… in English / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

To My Cuban Brothers and Sisters in Exile / Padre Jose Conrado Rodriguez Alegre

Dear Brothers and Sisters: In Santiago de Cuba it is just dawning. Today, Friday October 26, 2012, just 48 hours after the horrible devastation left behind Hurricane Sandy, I got up early to pray and write. Amid the sadness for so many families left destitute, as Eliseo Diego said of the man with the bundle … Continue reading “To My Cuban Brothers and Sisters in Exile / Padre Jose Conrado Rodriguez Alegre”

Rodiles, Targeted by the Regime / Luis Felipe Rojas

Two opposite dynamics have had to change their actions in order to prevail: government repression and the peaceful opposition. Everyday Cubans have taken up arms with new technologies, they have supported each other with the scarce glimmers left behind by the inefficient Constitution of the Republic, while the oppressors have had to beat them out … Continue reading “Rodiles, Targeted by the Regime / Luis Felipe Rojas”

An Injurious Trial / Rosa Maria Rodriguez Torrado

Cuba’s partisan newspaper, Granma, announced that at nine in the morning on October 5 in the city of Bayamo, Granma province, a public trial would be held of a Spanish citizen, Ángel Francisco Carromero Barrios,accused of homicide while driving a car on a public road. Ángel Francisco, 27 years of age and director of the … Continue reading “An Injurious Trial / Rosa Maria Rodriguez Torrado”

Spaceman Solo / Dora Leonor Mesa

The dancer dances surrounded by cords. He is lonely. Amid ropes, some chairs also take up the insufficient space. In front of the man, the spectators watch. Mozart’s music sounds different inside the show. The dancer wears white; he moves, suffers each gesture he makes. Desperate he raises a woman’s hand in the auditorium and … Continue reading “Spaceman Solo / Dora Leonor Mesa”

Taguayabón, Far From the Biennial / Mario Barroso

For some weeks Havana has had its Biennial and as almost always in my little forgotten village life goes on between the tedium and mediocrity. Behind these airs of expositions and performances I can’t help but remember what happened in these parts a little after this particular cultural event in 2009. Reinaldo Escobar and Yoani … Continue reading “Taguayabón, Far From the Biennial / Mario Barroso”

Cuba, Crying Out Against the Fear / Angel Santiesteban

Recently various events have stolen our time of creation. On the fifth anniversary of the blog Generation Y, a pioneer space that shouts to the world about the rights of Cubans, the gift from the government has been the imprisonment of the attorney Wilfredo Vallín Almeida, president of the Cuban Law Association (AJC). It was … Continue reading “Cuba, Crying Out Against the Fear / Angel Santiesteban”

Opening the Gap / Regina Coyula

Translator’s note: This article by Regina is from the blog of Ernesto Hernandez Busto,, Penultimos Dias.  It is a response to a commentary by Ernesto, “The Gap,” which appears below in translation. The gap exists; but it also existed in the GDR the day before the wall fell, and in Romania, just as they started … Continue reading “Opening the Gap / Regina Coyula”

Blog Birthday / Rebeca Monzo

Last Friday, on the fourteenth floor in the simple but very cozy apartment of the famous blogger Yoani Sanchez and her husband, the journalist Reinaldo Escobar, we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the blog Generation Y. With open doors, agreeable music and the aroma of incense, they received their many friends and admirers, who gathered … Continue reading “Blog Birthday / Rebeca Monzo”

Carlos Saladrigas and the Two Cubas / Iván García

Right now there are two Cubas. The visible, of official gridlock, popular disenchantment, and an unknown future. And that in which what happens in the few spaces in which the regime allows bare-chested debate, and where those who think differently aren’t called “mercenaries”, nor are they accused of being agents of the United States. It … Continue reading “Carlos Saladrigas and the Two Cubas / Iván García”

Speaking Bluntly / Regina Coyula

Before Reading Even for an uneducated Customs official, to whom the name of Antonio José Ponte means nothing, a book titled Villa Marista Exposed would stop the inspection line, given that Villa Marista is the headquarters of Cuba’s security services. But the official was more jealous of my gluten-free sausages — so beautiful in their … Continue reading “Speaking Bluntly / Regina Coyula”

Brain Adjustment Act / Ernesto Morales Licea

Who could have told the patriarch Fidel Castro that in the autumn of his years he would find an ally to repeal the Cuban Adjustment Act, and not among his starched-brain little spokespeople in the leftist corners of the world, but among Miami’s ranks of the ultra-right-wing itself? If he had the strength for it, … Continue reading “Brain Adjustment Act / Ernesto Morales Licea”

The Taming of the Pony / Regina Coyula

The phenomenon of the 2.0 “caught moved” the Cuban government and its think tanks. They reacted late although massively, when the image of life inside Cuba was not issued only by the official press the tourist brochures, but by citizens, either organized or as individuals, who filtered it through the mesh of the Internet to … Continue reading “The Taming of the Pony / Regina Coyula”

Obama, Cuba, and the Confederacy of Dunces / Ernesto Morales Licea

According to Jonathan Swift, when a true genius appears in the world we can recognize him by a sign: All fools conspire against him. I believe we could easily adapt this maxim – taken from the stupendous novel “A Confederacy of Dunces” by John Kennedy Toole – to another context: When a sensible president appears … Continue reading “Obama, Cuba, and the Confederacy of Dunces / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Answer to Innocence / Angel Santiesteban

I know that logically I don’t have to respond to the mostly anonymous commentators in Internet forums. But this time I’ve decided for forget protocol to respond here because so much raving frightens me. I don’t deny the education that I received, but I most thank my mother, who often skipped breakfast so that her … Continue reading “Answer to Innocence / Angel Santiesteban”