We Shall Fight to the End for the Liberty of Cuba / Cubanet, Ernesto Garcia Diaz

Leaders of the opposition call Obama’s reconciliation with the Cuban government a “betrayal” during a press conference in Havana Cubanet, Ernesto García Díaz, Havana, 18 December 2014 — From the headquarters of the Estado de SATS project in Miramar, on Wednesday afternoon (12/17/14), Cuban opposition leaders held a press conference for national and international media, … Continue reading “We Shall Fight to the End for the Liberty of Cuba / Cubanet, Ernesto Garcia Diaz”

Castroniria / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Castroneirics: Is there Cuban literature after the Revolution? Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo This story started long before the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, on January 1st1959. In the beginning it was not the Word, but the War. And in the war Fidelity is the utmost value, its betrayal usually paid with death, whether civil or political, … Continue reading “Castroniria / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Artist El Sexto Will Face Trial in a Few Hours / 14ymedio

The trail of the independent artist Danilo Maldonado, known as El Sexto – “The Sixth” – has been set for tomorrow at 8:30 AM in the Plaza of the Revolution municipal court. The cartoonist and creator of numerous graffiti is accused of the alleged crime of threatening his wife, which could mask political retaliation. The … Continue reading “Artist El Sexto Will Face Trial in a Few Hours / 14ymedio”

They Direct the Machinery of Harassment Against a Cancer Researcher / Lilianne Ruiz

Young Oscar Casanella is threatened in the public roadway by “factors” of the revolution. State Security wants him fired from his work. HAVANA, Cuba. — Someone must have heard the telephone conversations of Oscar Casanella.  Those days he was organizing a party with his friends to welcome back Ciro, the guitarist for the punk rock … Continue reading “They Direct the Machinery of Harassment Against a Cancer Researcher / Lilianne Ruiz”

Opponents’ Attorney Can’t Practice / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba – The attorney Amelia Rodríguez Cala, hired by Gorki Águila to conduct his defense — in a trial against him still unscheduled since it was postponed on 11 February — has been suddenly sanctioned to six months without the ability to practice her profession in court. For this reason, the singer of the … Continue reading “Opponents’ Attorney Can’t Practice / Lilianne Ruiz”

#FreeGorki – The Gorki Aguila Case / Lia Villares

The trial schedules for this Tuesday against Gorki Águila, leader of the punk rock band Porno para Ricardo, was postponed because of the health problems of his defense attorney, according to the musician himself on his Facebook page. Gorki spoke about the background of his case with Diario de Cuba.  Gorki, what are they accusing … Continue reading “#FreeGorki – The Gorki Aguila Case / Lia Villares”

#Free Gorki : Gorki Aguila’s Trial Suspended / Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Musician Gorki Águila announced today this his trial scheduled for this Tuesday was suspented “due to reasons of health” of his attorney. The leader of the band Porno para Ricardo said that “at no time” did her receive “official notification.” Because of this, he said, he went to the “summary court of Marianao, at 100th … Continue reading “#Free Gorki : Gorki Aguila’s Trial Suspended / Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall”

The Trials / Lilianne Ruiz

Ángel Santiesteban, Manuel Cuesta Morúa, and Gorki Águila have in common that they dissent from the Cuban regime. The first was tried in a court so lacking in due process guarantees that he was declared by his attorney to be in a state of defenselessness, based on Cuban law. The witnesses for his defense, who … Continue reading “The Trials / Lilianne Ruiz”

#FreeGorki: Defense exhibits that he is both artist & musician

Free Gorki: Defense exhibits that he is both artist & musician Click here for the 26 videos Gorki Luis Aguila Carrasco is the lead singer of the Cuban Punk rock band Porno para Ricardo. He has been targeted in the past for his political beliefes and threatened with prison. On September 30, 2013 agents of … Continue reading “#FreeGorki: Defense exhibits that he is both artist & musician”

Gorki Aguila Again Threatened with Prison: Sign the Petition

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION In 2008 international pressure and media attention,”converted” the four-year sentence Gorki was facing for the same “crime” — “pre-criminal dangerousness” — to a $40 fine. Yoani Sanchez chronicled that victory here. And Claudia Cadelo wrote about how she learned to face her fears through the successful effort to free Gorki, here. … Continue reading “Gorki Aguila Again Threatened with Prison: Sign the Petition”

Brief chronology of a victory (Freeing Gorki “Last Time”) / Yoani Sanchez

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION How did it occur to us to go to a concert by Pablo Milanes to ask for the liberation of Gorki? That is something that has the trademark of the spontaneous and the haste of that which can not be postponed or thought better of. Ciro, Claudia and I talked about … Continue reading “Brief chronology of a victory (Freeing Gorki “Last Time”) / Yoani Sanchez”

I Don’t Know What They’re Accusing Me Of / Lilianne Ruiz, Gorki Aguila

Gorki Águila, leader of the punk rock band Porno para Ricardo, was released on bail a week ago, after a People’s Revolutionary Police (PNR) patrol stopped him in the early morning of Sunday, 29 September, and found in his backpack two tablets of a medication for epilepsy, an illness Águila has suffered from since he … Continue reading “I Don’t Know What They’re Accusing Me Of / Lilianne Ruiz, Gorki Aguila”

Zero Violence / Lilianne Ruiz

In San Luis, a small town in Pinar del Rio, two young men caught the attention of State Security for distributing flyers for the Zero Violence campaign, and were detained. Taken to the police station, one of them asked the repressor, “Are you in agreement with the violence?” The cop responded no. “Then, why stop … Continue reading “Zero Violence / Lilianne Ruiz”

Blessed are Those Who Have Friends / Angel Santiesteban

Amir, listen, I was remembering a lot of intellectuals we respected and loved who on many occasions went to my house to talk about the interviews you were doing with me because they claimed that you were going to betray me when State Security attacked me. Today I arrived at the conclusion — once again … Continue reading “Blessed are Those Who Have Friends / Angel Santiesteban”

The Making, and Translating, of Generation Y / Translating Cuba

Introduction to Yoani Sánchez’s book Havana Real, published in 2011. By Mary Jo Porter In 2004, Yoani Sánchez returned to Cuba two years after emigrating to Switzerland, where she and her family had planned to start a new life in a free and democratic country. Explaining a condition of her return, she said: I promised … Continue reading “The Making, and Translating, of Generation Y / Translating Cuba”