Tania Bruguera Withdraws Her Work From the Bronx Museum: ‘A Moral Decision’ / 14ymedio

14ymedio, 27 January 2017 — The artist Tania Bruguera said Friday that her withdrawal from the exhibition Wild Noise at the Bronx Museum “is a moral decision.” During a press conference in New York’s Central Park, the director of the Hannah Arendt International Institute of Artivism  (INSTAR) reported that “in Cuba there are artists who are ignored for saying … Continue reading “Tania Bruguera Withdraws Her Work From the Bronx Museum: ‘A Moral Decision’ / 14ymedio”

Housing Construction In Cuba Remains Very Slow / 14ymedio, Zunilda Mata

14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, Havana, 3 January 2017 – This week Luisa Camejo’s biggest headache  will be getting the rebar she’s lacking. For months she’s been piling up stacks of cement, bricks and other materials to build an improvised room in the Cerro district of Havana. If she’s lucky she’ll soon finish her house built with … Continue reading “Housing Construction In Cuba Remains Very Slow / 14ymedio, Zunilda Mata”

On Your Marks, Get Set…Trump / 14ymedio, Marcelo Hernandez

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernandez, Havana, 21 December 2016 – Walking around the block with a suitcase in hand has been added to the rituals to mark the end of the year, as a plea to be able to travel outside the country. Many Cubans fear, however, that the situation is becoming complicated with the pending arrival … Continue reading “On Your Marks, Get Set…Trump / 14ymedio, Marcelo Hernandez”

Legacy and End Point / Somos+, Pedro Acosta

Somos+, Pedro Acosta, 6 December 2016 — After your departure the Cuban people should be eternally grateful for: The fall of the dictatorship. Fulfilling your political promises, especially the respect for the 1940 Constitution, the quick holding of free elections, and not placing yourself permanently in power. For making us economically independent (??!), developing our industry … Continue reading “Legacy and End Point / Somos+, Pedro Acosta”

Mariela Castro’s Disrespect in New York / Cubanet, Jorge Angel Perez

Cubanet, Jorge Ángel Pérez, Havana, 1 December 2016 — A cable from the Cuban press agency Prensa Latina, written by Waldo Mendiluza, warned me that the sexologist, parliamentarian, and daughter of Raul Castro, was in New York. According to the cable, the director of Cuba’s National Center for Sexual Education (CENESEX) spoke to the United nations … Continue reading “Mariela Castro’s Disrespect in New York / Cubanet, Jorge Angel Perez”

Why Does Cuba Have a Journalism of the Barricade? / Luis Felipe Rojas

Luis Felipe Rojas, 11 November 2016 — The answer is simple. Because we are a country at war with the media for almost six decades. To speak of the green shoots of happiness, in the midst of hardships and political harassment, is little more than to put our heads in the sand. The dictators don’t believe … Continue reading “Why Does Cuba Have a Journalism of the Barricade? / Luis Felipe Rojas”

The Future, Bring it On! / Fernando Dámaso

Fernando Damaso, 5 November 2016 — A feature of the Cuban authorities, since taking power in January 1959, has been wasting time planning for the distant future rather than focusing on solving the present and the near future. Perhaps it is because, from the outset, they decided to rule forever. These plans, at first, focused on specific … Continue reading “The Future, Bring it On! / Fernando Dámaso”

Who Has The Right to Tell a Country’s Stories? All Its Citizens / Periodismo de Barrio

Periodismo de Barrio, 16 October 2016 – On 11 October 2016, six members of our Periodismo de Barrio (Neighborhood Journalism) team and two collaborators were arrested in the town of Baracoa, Guantanamo province. We were not arrested for smiling. Nor we were arrested for taking a photo in the state café at the viewpoint from El Gobernadora … Continue reading “Who Has The Right to Tell a Country’s Stories? All Its Citizens / Periodismo de Barrio”

Zero Victims in Cuba, at What Price? / Cubanet, Luis Cino Alvarez

Cubanet.org, Luis Cino Alvarez, Havana, 13 October 2016 – Several reporters from international press agencies, in particular the AFP, have recently highlighted the fact that in Cuba, in contrast with neighboring countries like Haiti, Hurricane Matthew caused no loss of life in spite of its extensive property damage. The journalists credit the preventive work, mainly … Continue reading “Zero Victims in Cuba, at What Price? / Cubanet, Luis Cino Alvarez”

Information as Treason / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Generation Y, 14 October 2016 – Authoritarians aren’t very given to calm. They need the citizens to feel widespread discomfort to be able to govern them with ease. This scenario of fears has sharpened recently in Cuba, where the government has strengthened or opened new fronts against the opposition, against the self-employed, … Continue reading “Information as Treason / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez”

‘Artivism’ Institute Calls For Solidarity With Victims Of Matthew / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 8 October 2016 — The Hanna Arendt Artivism Institute (Instar), led by the artist Tania Bruguera, began operations in Cuba with a call to “encourage solidarity, always latent in the Cuban people, with those affected by Hurricane Matthew,” according to a note from the organizers of the independent project. Monday, 10 October, a holiday … Continue reading “‘Artivism’ Institute Calls For Solidarity With Victims Of Matthew / 14ymedio”

Matthew and Oblivion Join Forces Against La Máquina in Guantanamo / 14ymedio, Yunier Reyes

14ymedio, Yunier Reyes, Baracoa, 7 October 2016 – “There is not a single roof here that the wind didn’t take,” commented Jorge Luis, a villager of La Máquina, one of the poorest areas of Cuba in the territory of Maisí, Guantanamo. At roughly 900 feet above sea level, the residents of the remote place say … Continue reading “Matthew and Oblivion Join Forces Against La Máquina in Guantanamo / 14ymedio, Yunier Reyes”

Raul Castro in Santiago de Cuba Because of Matthew? / Juan Juan Almeida

Juan Juan Almeida, 6 October 2016 — Santiago de Cuba is, as Cuba’s ruling class puts it, a big headache. Disasters and conflicts are music to the ears of politicians. And a very destructive Hurricane Matthew presented Raul Castro with an excellent opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: He could correct an old mistake … Continue reading “Raul Castro in Santiago de Cuba Because of Matthew? / Juan Juan Almeida”

Under Cuban Socialism Something Was Always Missing / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 12 September 2016 — In the best of times, when there were two ration books, sixty-year-old retiree Juan Alberto was happy. One was for food, which allotted you half a pound of beef every fifteen days, and one was for “manufactured goods,” which allowed you to buy a pair of domestically produced shoes … Continue reading “Under Cuban Socialism Something Was Always Missing / Iván García”

A Family Puts Its Belongings In The Street Amid Fears Their House Will Collapse / 14ymedio, Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

14ymedio, Yosmany Mayeta Larada, Havana, 4 September 2016 – After the heavy rains that have hit western Cuba in recent days, many residents of the capital fear an increase in the number of building collapses. Denise Rodriguez Cedeño, 54, a resident Luz Street, between Egido and Curacao, in Old Havana, placed her family’s belongings in the … Continue reading “A Family Puts Its Belongings In The Street Amid Fears Their House Will Collapse / 14ymedio, Yosmany Mayeta Labrada”