The Cartoonists From ‘Mazzantini’ Save August From Editorial Lethargy

14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 31 August 2024 — In Cuba there is no more money, even for Martí. It is true that the cult of the man Cubans call ’the Apostle’ in his land always had something of alms, and there was no tribute – from the Civic Square to Martí Notebooks – that did … Continue reading “The Cartoonists From ‘Mazzantini’ Save August From Editorial Lethargy”

Cuba’s Private Sector Fears the Government Will Not Let Them Have U.S. Bank Accounts

Manuel Marrero’s announcements have generated both pessimism and uncertainty, the last thing the private business sector wants 14ymedio, Madrid, 29 July 2024 — Fear has quickly spread among the island’s small business owners who, just a few months ago, were looking forward to a modest thaw in relations between Cuba and the United States. Prime … Continue reading “Cuba’s Private Sector Fears the Government Will Not Let Them Have U.S. Bank Accounts”

In Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, the Order To Combat ‘MSMEs’ Has Been Given

Authorities investigate state-owned companies that pay “millions” to the private sector 14ymedio, Havana, 8 August 2024 — The leaders of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, aspire to become the elite squad in the government’s crusade against MSMEs. President Miguel Díaz-Canel had asked, during a session in Parliament last month, to liquidate the “excessive payments from the state … Continue reading “In Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, the Order To Combat ‘MSMEs’ Has Been Given”

The Cuban Regime Seeks Investments From Iran To Revive the Economy

Havana is interested in Tehran’s capacity to “process significant volumes of oil and gas” 14ymedio, Havana, 3 August 2024 — “It is evident that Tehran seeks to position itself in Latin America, and Cuba can be the most feasible entry.” The words of Óscar Julián Villar Barroso, professor of history at the University of Havana … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Seeks Investments From Iran To Revive the Economy”

The Price of Vehicles Imported Into Cuba by Individuals Is Lowered but the Tariffs Will Be in Foreign Currency

According to the Minister of Transport, the proceeds will go to a fund to recover public transport and infrastructure 14ymedio, Madrid, 30 July 2024 — Cubans will be able to import vehicles from abroad at the same price as companies, although they will have to pay the tariffs in foreign currency. The measure is expected … Continue reading “The Price of Vehicles Imported Into Cuba by Individuals Is Lowered but the Tariffs Will Be in Foreign Currency”

The Innocence of the Cuban Deputies

They have been unanimously raising their hands to approve everything the Government proposes for almost half a century. 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 23 July 2024 — I should have entitled this commentary “the lack of guilt of the deputies,” so as not to confuse the meaning of innocence with “ignorance.” The deputies of the National … Continue reading “The Innocence of the Cuban Deputies”

Cuba’s General Controller Is Dismissed, and a Hard Hand Is Requested Against ‘The Scoundrels and the Bums’

President Díaz-Canel says that private businesses in Cuba “do not have” the Government’s confidence 14ymedio, Havana, July 20, 2024 — The General Controller of Cuba, Gladys Bejerano, in office for 14 years, was removed from her position, as confirmed by Miguel Díaz-Canel this Friday. The president, defending a policy of “severity,” unexpectedly announced the dismissal … Continue reading “Cuba’s General Controller Is Dismissed, and a Hard Hand Is Requested Against ‘The Scoundrels and the Bums’”

‘Some Cars That Are Incompatible With Our Society Are Entering Cuba’

Prime Minister warns that imports of luxury cars will be controlled 14ymedio, Havana, 18 July 2024 — A black and white, 650-horsepower Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 parked in front of a shabby house in El Guaso, Guantánamo. A brand-new Rubicon jeep moving through the outskirts of Morón, in Ciego de Ávila. A brand-new Mercedes-Benz, which a soldier “on … Continue reading “‘Some Cars That Are Incompatible With Our Society Are Entering Cuba’”

Almost 400 Private Businesses Are Fined for Violating Price Caps While Products Disappear

Readers of the official press are divided between those in favour of a heavy hand and those against the government’s measures 14ymedio, Madrid, 12 July 2024 — In less than 72 hours, the Cuban authorities already had almost 400 violators of the price cap for six basic products that came into force on Monday. Last … Continue reading “Almost 400 Private Businesses Are Fined for Violating Price Caps While Products Disappear”

Remodeled for July 26 Celebrations, the Zaza Hotel Has No Shortage of Workers or Fuel

More than 250 workers have been hired, including brigades from two MSMEs from Morón and Trinidad 14ymedio, Havana, 10 July 2024 — After Manuel Marrero’s visit at the end of June, the Zaza de Sancti Spíritus hotel underwent a marathon to restore it before the July 26 celebrations, whose main act will be held in … Continue reading “Remodeled for July 26 Celebrations, the Zaza Hotel Has No Shortage of Workers or Fuel”

Cuban Ministers Meet to Discuss Measures to Address a ‘War-Time Economy’

The cap on maximum profits for the private sector on sales to state-owned companies comes into force on Monday 14ymedio, Madrid, Monday, July 1, 2024 — Today, just as a cap on private-sector profits from sales to state-owned companies takes effect, the official communist party newspaper Granma opened with an article devoted to the most … Continue reading “Cuban Ministers Meet to Discuss Measures to Address a ‘War-Time Economy’”

Cuban State Company Acopio Owes Five Million Pesos to the Farmers of Cienfuegos

Along with cattle theft, the situation is putting the food supply in the province in jeopardy 14ymedio, Havana, 24 June 2024 — The guajiros of Cienfuegos are desperate; the state company Acopio has owed them a total of five million pesos for months and, without money, they cannot reinvest in planting for the next harvest. … Continue reading “Cuban State Company Acopio Owes Five Million Pesos to the Farmers of Cienfuegos”

As of June, Cuba Built Only 0.8 Percent of the Homes It Needs

14ymedio, Madrid, 19 June 2024 – The monthly meeting that Prime Minister Manuel Marrero holds with the provincial governors did not leave good news, which is not a novelty. The June meeting laid bare the painful situation of the housing program in Cuba, where by the end of May, only 3,579 homes had been completed, … Continue reading “As of June, Cuba Built Only 0.8 Percent of the Homes It Needs”

The U.S. Humanitarian Parole Has Benefited 105,000 Cubans

In May, 9,500 migrants from Cuba received the benefit of U.S. Humanitarian Parole 14ymedio, Mario Vallejo, Havana, 21 June 2024 — A total of 105,000 Cubans have benefited from the humanitarian parole program promoted by the Biden government since its entry into force in January 2023. Of these, as of May 31, 98,200 are the … Continue reading “The U.S. Humanitarian Parole Has Benefited 105,000 Cubans”

April Rumors: Raúl Castro’s ‘Chemical’ Grandson, Death of Ramiro Valdés, Dog Meat

14ymedio/Yucabyte, Havana, 22 May 2024 — El químico (the chemical), the fashionable synthetic drug in Havana, slowly takes over the Cuban underworld. The possibility that Raúl Guillermo Rodríguez Castro, El Cangrejo (The Crab), grandson and bodyguard of Raúl Castro, is the man behind its manufacture and traffic – in increasingly vast networks – was one … Continue reading “April Rumors: Raúl Castro’s ‘Chemical’ Grandson, Death of Ramiro Valdés, Dog Meat”