Diaz-Canel Appoints Colonel Manuel Marrero as Prime Minister

14ymedio, Havana, December 21 2019 — The appointment of the Cuban Prime Minister this Saturday was a surprise. Neither female nor mestizo, the man appointed to the new post is a 56-year-old colonel with a beard that recalls the times of the guerrillas who came down from the Sierra Maestra. Manuel Marrero Cruz, the Minister … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Appoints Colonel Manuel Marrero as Prime Minister”

14ymedio’s 14 Faces of 2019: Manuel Marrero, Prime Minister

14ymedio, Havana, 24 December 2019 — Colonel Manuel Marrero Cruz, (Holguin, 1963), was surprised to become Cuban prime minister last Saturday, a position that was abolished in the Constitution of 1976 and recovered in the current one. The former Minister of Tourism was not in the main betting game but has ended up with the position … Continue reading “14ymedio’s 14 Faces of 2019: Manuel Marrero, Prime Minister”

Cuban Prime Minister Marrero Gives Lessons in Democracy and Socialist ‘Sensitivity’ With a Monologue in Gibara

“The people need things to change, but with the Revolution that Fidel and Raúl made,” was his mantra 14ymedio, Havana, 21 September 2024 — In a battered fiber cement shelter in Cayo Palma, a small town in Holgüín, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero demonstrated his method for democratic consultation: the monologue. The cameras of Cuban … Continue reading “Cuban Prime Minister Marrero Gives Lessons in Democracy and Socialist ‘Sensitivity’ With a Monologue in Gibara”

Marrero Left Iran Empty-Handed and With Few Promises of Economic Aid for Cuba

The Prime Minister hopes that, with the new Government, Tehran will invest more in the Island 14ymedio, Havana, 22 August 2024 — “To what extent is Cuba willing to change?” The key question of the HispanTV journalist who interviewed Manuel Marrero during his visit to Iran, at the beginning of the month, produced an uncomfortable … Continue reading “Marrero Left Iran Empty-Handed and With Few Promises of Economic Aid for Cuba”

Marrero Blames Private Businesses for the State Deficit and Praises Forced Sales for Violations of Capped Prices

According to the Prime Minister, private individuals evaded 50 billion* pesos, and 354 sales of ’hidden’ products had to be forced 14ymedio, Madrid, July 18, 2024 — We could not expect anything other than a long list of economic penalties from Prime Minister Manuel Marrero’s intervention this Wednesday in Parliament, in which he evaluated the … Continue reading “Marrero Blames Private Businesses for the State Deficit and Praises Forced Sales for Violations of Capped Prices”

‘We Have To Get Our Act Together’, Says Cuban Prime Minister Marrero in a Visit to Ciego Avila

The deplorable condition of the nursing home of the municipality of Primero de Enero was what most horrified the prime minister 14ymedio, Havana, April 20, 2024 — With an entourage of eleven ministers, three deputy prime ministers and twenty senior officials, Manuel Marrero left Ciego de Ávila this Friday dissatisfied with the results of the … Continue reading “‘We Have To Get Our Act Together’, Says Cuban Prime Minister Marrero in a Visit to Ciego Avila”

A Cruise Ship and a Chinese Hotel in Cuba, Prime Minister Marrero Promises Beijing to Attract Tourists

14ymedio, Madrid, December 5, 2023 —  A month has passed since Prime Minister Manuel Marrero visited China on a trip to Belarus and Russia, and his exclusive interview conducted by the CGTN television channel, owned by the Government of Beijing for international broadcast. The prime minister reveals some details about how he plans to attract more … Continue reading “A Cruise Ship and a Chinese Hotel in Cuba, Prime Minister Marrero Promises Beijing to Attract Tourists”

Marrero Proposes Direct Flights Between Cuba and China To Facilitate Bilateral Trade

EFE (via 14ymedio), Beijing, 8 November 2023 — The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, expressed his interest in establishing direct flights between Beijing and Havana, a measure aimed at facilitating trade and business between both nations. “I wish we could launch a direct flight tomorrow. But unfortunately we still don’t have a clear … Continue reading “Marrero Proposes Direct Flights Between Cuba and China To Facilitate Bilateral Trade”

Cuban Prime Minister Marrero Attributes the Terrible Results of Cuban Agriculture to the ‘Non-State Sector’

14ymedio, Madrid, 14 April 2023 — Barely two days had passed after learning that the authorities had invested 12 times less in the  agricultural sector than in business and real estate services, when the country’s top authorities urged farmers to look for “alternative solutions” due to the lack of “money to import all the resources … Continue reading “Cuban Prime Minister Marrero Attributes the Terrible Results of Cuban Agriculture to the ‘Non-State Sector’”

Dr. Manuel Guerra, Coordinator for the Archipelago Platform, Released From Jail

14ymedio, Havana, 10 October 2021 — Dr. Manuel Guerra, who was arrested on Saturday in Holguín, was released on Sunday night after an intense campaign for his immediate release, which was joined by several medical colleagues. The doctor expressed thanks for the solidarity he received after his arrest, on his Facebook account. “Good evening everyone. … Continue reading “Dr. Manuel Guerra, Coordinator for the Archipelago Platform, Released From Jail”

Cuba’s ‘Healthcare Collapse is Not the Doctors’ Fault’, Professionals Respond to Marrero

14ymedio, Havana, 15 August 2021 — More than twenty doctors have responded to Prime Minister Manuel Marrero who pointed to “abuse and neglect” as the main causes of patient complaints in Cuba. In a video released this Saturday, health workers have also denounced the poor working conditions and “the mistreatment of the leadership” that they … Continue reading “Cuba’s ‘Healthcare Collapse is Not the Doctors’ Fault’, Professionals Respond to Marrero”

Marrero, Fidel Castro and Nazareno: The Return of Moringa

14ymedio, Elias Amor Bravo, Economist, August 14, 2021 — More than a hundred references to “Fidel” swamp the official communist press on a day like today, his birthday. This blog will not be offering any remembrances or testimonials to the work of this communist dictator but, among the jumble of information we have found, one article … Continue reading “Marrero, Fidel Castro and Nazareno: The Return of Moringa”

The Rebellion of Cuban Doctors Forces Diaz-Canel and Marrero to Lower Their Tone

14ymedio, Havana, 16 August 2021 — The criticisms of the Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, directed against Cuba’s healthcare personnel have unleashed a storm that comes at the worst moment for the Palace of the Revolution. Doctors, the crown jewel of the regime, pampered and exploited for decades, have started a rebellion against the leaders … Continue reading “The Rebellion of Cuban Doctors Forces Diaz-Canel and Marrero to Lower Their Tone”

‘Juventud Rebelde’ Denounces the Inaction of Cuba’s Leaders in the Face of Their Readers’ Complaints

Only 46% of the complaints received by the media in the year were responded to 14ymedio, Havana, 22 September 2024 — The uncomfortable “Acknowledgement of Receipt” section, in which one of Cuba’s official newspapers, Juventud Rebelde, takes advantage of its “freedom” to publish readers’ complaints, translated the inefficiency of Cuban officials into numbers on Sunday. … Continue reading “‘Juventud Rebelde’ Denounces the Inaction of Cuba’s Leaders in the Face of Their Readers’ Complaints”

Cuba’s Minister of Transport Announces a Reduction From $50,000 to $15,900 for Low-End Cars

A person or a company will be able to import up to six vehicles by paying higher taxes 14ymedio, Madrid, 4 September 2024 — The activity on the networks of Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, Minister of Transport, is frantic. He posts on Facebook several times a day, either about new train journeys, the fortunes and misadventures … Continue reading “Cuba’s Minister of Transport Announces a Reduction From $50,000 to $15,900 for Low-End Cars”