Migrations / Fernando Dámaso

Migration, the movement of people from one place to another for economic, social or political reasons, as well as the periodic traveling of some animals in search of food and for other needs, is as old as the emergence of life on earth. These motions have always occurred. In some countries the population is practically … Continue reading “Migrations / Fernando Dámaso”

Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – II / Angel Santiesteban

After two months of hiding in the neighborhood of Güinera, I reappeared in my neighborhood. Everything seemed calm. The good thing was that I had taken advantage of the time to read and create. And I thought I could resume my life. When I least expected it, they raided my house and arrested me once … Continue reading “Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – II / Angel Santiesteban”

Crazy Propaganda / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

Since June, Cuban television seems like Chavezvision, as its five channels have focused on following the evolution and process of recuperation of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, and all the direct and telephone communications between Cuba and the people in his cabinet, and every one of his appearances and actions since his return to Venezuela. … Continue reading “Crazy Propaganda / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado”

Crazy Propaganda

Since June, Cuban television seems like Chavezvision, as its five channels have focused on following the evolution and process of recuperation of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, and all the direct and telephone communications between Cuba and the people in his cabinet, and every one of his appearances and actions since his return to Venezuela. … Continue reading “Crazy Propaganda”

Cuba and its Future: An Incomplete Panel / Regina Coyula

On Saturday I put aside the clutter in my house, which seems endless, so as not to miss the panel “Cuba and its future,” sponsored by the digital space Estado de Sats. The panel was made up of the economist Karina Galvez, Yoani Sanchez as a digital media expert, Wilfredo Vallin as a lawyer, but … Continue reading “Cuba and its Future: An Incomplete Panel / Regina Coyula”

An Adolescent is Killed for Trying to Eat Genips* in Havana / Laritza Diversent

On the afternoon of July 15, 2011, the town of Mantilla, on Havana’s outskirts, was shocked by the death of Angel Izquierdo Medina, a 14-year-old black teenager, who died from a gunshot to the femoral artery by Amado Interian, a retired police Major. According to the victim’s family members, three boys, including Angel, entered the … Continue reading “An Adolescent is Killed for Trying to Eat Genips* in Havana / Laritza Diversent”

From Paternalism to the Other Extreme / Fernando Dámaso

Máximo Gómez, the great Dominican promoter of our independence, said that Cubans either don’t reach far enough or reach too far, and without a doubt, he was right. As you can see he knew us very well! Now with this new issue of eliminating  paternalism and gratuities, the correctness of his opinion is ratified one … Continue reading “From Paternalism to the Other Extreme / Fernando Dámaso”

The Spaniard Sebastian Martinez will be Judged Monday in Havana / Iván García

The Spanish businessman Sebastián Martínez Ferraté, charged with corruption of minors, pimping and illegal economic activities, will be judged on Monday July 18 at the Provincial Court of Havana, whose official seat is located on Prado, Teniente and Rey. However, trials in the presence of diplomats and the media are usually held in the 10th … Continue reading “The Spaniard Sebastian Martinez will be Judged Monday in Havana / Iván García”

The Bodies of the Martyrs Would Be Borne by Us / Yoani Sánchez

Social processes have an often unpredictable alchemy. Although there are analysts who persist in wanting to write a universal formula for uprisings, or another for civil peace, reality is wedded to the contrary. Cuba, for example, has defied the prognostications of nearly all the optimists and exceeded the expectations of even the most hallucinatory minds. … Continue reading “The Bodies of the Martyrs Would Be Borne by Us / Yoani Sánchez”

Dissident Sonia Garro Detained in Havana / Iván García

According to Mercedes Fresneda Castillo, fighter for Afrocuban rights and member of the Ladies in White support group, the community activist and dissident Sonia Garro Alfonso, 35, was detained by the police on Thursday, July 14 at 7 PM. “I was with her until 6 PM. Hours later, a neighbor telephoned me and told me … Continue reading “Dissident Sonia Garro Detained in Havana / Iván García”

Cuba, a State in Liquidation Sale / Iván García

Cuba’s fate will be decided in 10 years. Or less. By that time Fidel Castro, will be 95 years old. If he is still alive then, a nurse will try to feed him with puree or apple compote with a spoon. His brother Raul, around the same, will turn 90 years old and I don’t … Continue reading “Cuba, a State in Liquidation Sale / Iván García”

Perverse Capital / Miriam Celaya

(Article originally published in the Diario de Cuba on July 8, 2011) The recently published interview granted by Cuban-American businessman Carlos Saladrigas to Orlando Márquez, editor of the magazine Palabra Nueva of the Cuban archbishopric, has provoked numerous reactions on both sides–Cuba and Florida–although, of course, the official Island media have not even mentioned the … Continue reading “Perverse Capital / Miriam Celaya”

Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – I / Angel Santiesteban

Knowing how to say no when the opportunity presents itself, no matter the surprise, the gain, or the subsequent costs of the negative, is what differentiates us from prostitutes. My rejection of the regime came to me from an early age, I knew it was the wrong road and that with the Communist System the … Continue reading “Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – I / Angel Santiesteban”

Breaking the Blockade / Rebeca Monzo

Rebellious Hash (recipe) Ingredients: 1 roll of Our Delight minced turkey, 16 ounces, from Wichita, USA 1 box of 1-1/2 ounces of Sierra Harvest Raisins, USA One large onion from the expensive farmers market because in the cheap one they almost never have it. 2 cloves of garlic. 1 green pepper. 2 Tablespoons of sunflower … Continue reading “Breaking the Blockade / Rebeca Monzo”