A Black Man Who Could be Sent Back to the Trap / Luis Felipe Rojas

A trick within the Cuban juridical system may put Raumel Vinajera Stevens back in the jail he was released from under conditional freedom during last February 22nd. In a phone call I made to his wife, Tania Montoya Vazquez, both told me about the trap which Major Diorkis, said to be the chief of Confrontation … Continue reading “A Black Man Who Could be Sent Back to the Trap / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Why the Black Spring of 2003? / Pablo Pacheco

I remember that distant but unforgettable 18 March 2003. Two friends of mine went to my home after lunchtime and informed me that the home of Pedro Arguelles Moran was filled with State Security agents. I visited the residence of my friend and colleague, and I began to make some phone calls to the capital, … Continue reading “Why the Black Spring of 2003? / Pablo Pacheco”

Spain Limits Human Rights of Ex-Cuban Prisoner of Conscience Normando Hernandez / Voices From Exile

Exiled in Spain, the Cuban ex-prisoner of conscience Normando Hernandez, just like the rest of his brothers-in-cause, lived a harsh reality behind the bars of the Cuban jail cells. Now, his new life in Spain is supposed to be full of freedoms and opportunities, but his case has proven otherwise. The Spanish government has denied … Continue reading “Spain Limits Human Rights of Ex-Cuban Prisoner of Conscience Normando Hernandez / Voices From Exile”

11 Titans, 11 Hopes / Antunez

Librado Linares García, Doctor Oscar Elías Biscet, Ángel Moya Acosta, Diosdado González Marrero, Félix Navarro Rodríguez, Iván Hernández Carrillo, Héctor Maceda Gutiérrez, José Daniel Ferrer García, Guido Sigler Amaya and Pedro Argüelles Morán are 11 Cubans who represent much to our country and who are writing—through their dignified stance—one of the most beautiful and courageous … Continue reading “11 Titans, 11 Hopes / Antunez”

Countdown to Freedom / Reinaldo Escobar

Last weekend I conducted an interview with Guillermo Fariñas, which can be read shortly in the journal Coexistence. Among the questions that might become old news by the time the conversation is published, is this one which I am putting here on my blog. I share Fariñas’ optimism and apprehensions on this subject, and consider … Continue reading “Countdown to Freedom / Reinaldo Escobar”

“Akiro” / Luis Felipe Rojas

Photo: Luis Felipe Rojas Known by the name “Akiro,” thanks to his martial arts talent and his involvement with combat sports, Juan Luis Rodriguez Desdin has been confined to the provincial jail of Holguin. There, he has been condemned to suffer two years due to a supposed act of “disrespect,” which in Cuba can be … Continue reading ““Akiro” / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Those Who Don’t Want to Leave Will be the Last to Get Out / Iván García

Perhaps as a punishment for their decision not to leave Cuba, the prisoners of conscience from the Black Spring of 2003 who have chosen to remain in their country will be the last batch to come out of prison. This was announced by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla in an exchange with the New … Continue reading “Those Who Don’t Want to Leave Will be the Last to Get Out / Iván García”

Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes Is Exiled, Forced by the Regime To Choose Between “Banishment or Prison”

He did not reveal which country he is in and explained that the authorities took him directly to the plane 14ymedio, Madrid, September 12, 2024 — The Cuban regime forced Cuban activist and former member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), Jorge Cervantes García, into exile last Tuesday. As the opponent himself revealed on … Continue reading “Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes Is Exiled, Forced by the Regime To Choose Between “Banishment or Prison””

Díaz-Canel Applauds Maduro’s Electoral ‘Triumph’ Despite Multiple Indications of Massive Fraud

The US, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Guatemala and Costa Rica do not recognize the alleged reelection of the Chavista candidate While Mexico and Brazil are careful to congratulate Chavismo until the vote count is finished Agencies (via 14ymedio), Madrid, July 29, 2024 –The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, sent his most “affectionate congratulations” to Nicolás Maduro … Continue reading “Díaz-Canel Applauds Maduro’s Electoral ‘Triumph’ Despite Multiple Indications of Massive Fraud”

A Former Nicaraguan Official Reveals How the “Mafia” of the Irregular Flights of Cubans Operates

’Orlando’ exposes to ’Confidencial’ the spiral of corruption that involves a company registered in Miami and the Nicaraguan authorities 14ymedio, Madrid, 15 July 2024 — “This is a mafia, it’s like a Netflix or Hollywood movie.” This is how forceful a former official of the Administrative Company of International Airports of Nicaragua (EAAI) is, who, … Continue reading “A Former Nicaraguan Official Reveals How the “Mafia” of the Irregular Flights of Cubans Operates”

Exiles and Legislators in the United States Call for the Release of Cuba’s Political Prisoners Three Years After 11J

The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance echoed the letter entitled “Nosotros Somos Plantados,” written by three prisoners EFE (via 14ymedio), Washington, 12 July 2024 — Members of Congress and Cuban exile organizations in the United States asked this Thursday, on the third anniversary of the historic anti-government demonstrations of 11J in Cuba, for the release … Continue reading “Exiles and Legislators in the United States Call for the Release of Cuba’s Political Prisoners Three Years After 11J”

Cuba Draws Close to an Unprecedented Social Catastrophe

The only living founders of the Dissident and Human Rights Movement in Cuba, created in 1983, make an appeal in view of the grave situation in the country on the anniversary of the 11J protests. 14ymedio, Miami, 10 July 2024 — Cuba is rapidly accelerating towards a turning point where any event could occur, including … Continue reading “Cuba Draws Close to an Unprecedented Social Catastrophe”

An NGO Requests Acquittal for Those Convicted by Cuban Judge Melody González, Who is Now Requesting Asylum in The United States

Amnesty International (AI) designates Professor Pedro Albert Sánchez of Prisoners Defenders (PD) as a prisoner of conscience and urges the German Government to intercede for its citizen detained in Cuba 14ymedio/EFE, Madrid, 8 July 2024 —On Monday, the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) requested the acquittal of those convicted by Judge Melody González Pedraza, … Continue reading “An NGO Requests Acquittal for Those Convicted by Cuban Judge Melody González, Who is Now Requesting Asylum in The United States”

Lilo Vilaplana Talks About his Film ‘Plantadas’: “Doing Historical Justice Comforts Me”

The film can be seen in Cuba using the link sent through friends 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 15 June 2024 — In a narrow, dirty and crowded cell, several prisoners support each other so as not to lose their sanity or their lives. The guards bring a beaten woman to the dungeon and the prisoners … Continue reading “Lilo Vilaplana Talks About his Film ‘Plantadas’: “Doing Historical Justice Comforts Me””

A Lawyer Denounces the Extortion of Cubans at Two Airports in Mexico / 14yMedio

The lawyer holds Mexican Migration and National Guard agents accountable 14ymedio, Mexico, 21 June 2024 — Cubans, Colombians and Venezuelans who try to reach the United States are charged bribes of 600 to 1,000 dollars at the airports of Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez, says lawyer José Luis Pérez Jiménez, who blames the agents of the … Continue reading “A Lawyer Denounces the Extortion of Cubans at Two Airports in Mexico / 14yMedio”