Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting”

For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba”

Serene Among the Vile / Lilianne Ruíz

I wanted to say hello to Jose Daniel Ferrer of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), the next time he was in Havana. On Monday I learned that police had kidnapped him while he walked down a street of the capital, and sent him by force to Santiago de Cuba. How frightened they are of … Continue reading “Serene Among the Vile / Lilianne Ruíz”

“Whatever We Need to Do for the Freedom of Cuba, We Will Continue Doing”

After being confined to a dungeon of the Versalles Police Unit in Santiago de Cuba for 27 days, the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba, Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, narrates how his recent arrest occurred, of which “crimes” he is being accused of, and sends out a message to the international and national (Cuba) … Continue reading ““Whatever We Need to Do for the Freedom of Cuba, We Will Continue Doing””

The Great Bubble and the Complicit Silence / Estado de SATS, Alexis Jardines

By Alexis Jardines José Daniel Ferrer suffers in the dungeons of State Security in Santiago de Cuba, subjected to psychological pressures and macabre practices (like night attacks from swarms of mosquitoes) that seek to break his health. What has Raul Castro gained by the detention and harassment of the leader of the Patriotic Union of … Continue reading “The Great Bubble and the Complicit Silence / Estado de SATS, Alexis Jardines”

Punishment / Yoani Sánchez

After the storm, may also come the storm, the hurricane, the tornado. A few days ago we thought the punishment would be concentrated between Monday and Wednesday of last week, that it would last only as long as Benedict XVI was on Cuban soil. We lived those intense days between prayers and screams, with full … Continue reading “Punishment / Yoani Sánchez”

What’s Going On in Santiago de Cuba? / Reinaldo Escobar

Dozens of people have been arrested in the last few hours in Santiago de Cuba. The home of regime opponent Jose Daniel Ferrer was attacked by the political police, and he his wife were dragged out by force and the took computers and documents. In different parts of the city there were demonstrations. No one … Continue reading “What’s Going On in Santiago de Cuba? / Reinaldo Escobar”

Updates on Repression Relating to Pope Benedict’s Visit from Pieces of the Island / Translating Cuba

Keep on eye on the blog Pieces of the Island, for up-to-minute reports of repression associated with Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Cuba. Here are some “highlights” since the last report re-posted here. Benedict XVI Will Arrive to “a Nation in which Communism Has Left Behind Devastating Destruction” Former political prisoner of conscience Jose Daniel Ferrer … Continue reading “Updates on Repression Relating to Pope Benedict’s Visit from Pieces of the Island / Translating Cuba”

(PARTIAL SUMMARY) Wave of arrests and threats sweep across Cuba just hours before the visit of Pope Benedict. #PopeCuba

Site manager’s note: The information about the extensive repression leading up to the Pope’s visit is coming to us through Twitter, emails, Hablalo sin miedo (Speak without fear) and other routes, other than blog posts. Raul Garcia Jr., over at Pieces of the Island, has prepared an excellent summary of the most recent reports. Keep … Continue reading “(PARTIAL SUMMARY) Wave of arrests and threats sweep across Cuba just hours before the visit of Pope Benedict. #PopeCuba”

Nine Years After the “Black Spring” / Juan Adolfo Fernández Sainz

That same day, March 18, 2003 I went to Chinatown, in downtown Havana, to exchange ideas with colleagues in the independent press. The issue was the Iraq War, which had been declared unilaterally, and without the strong international support there had been for Operation Desert Storm, after Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. Like the previous … Continue reading “Nine Years After the “Black Spring” / Juan Adolfo Fernández Sainz”

Communicated from the Front in solidarity with the prisoners in Palma Soriano / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez

The National Orlando Zapata TamayoFront of Civil Resistance and Disobedience condemns the brutal and arbitrary arrests of those who inrecent days have beenvictimized includingtwo of the most important leaders of the internal Cuban Resistance. I refer to former political prisoners Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia and Angel Moya Acosta as they were getting ready to join … Continue reading “Communicated from the Front in solidarity with the prisoners in Palma Soriano / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez”

Could the dissidence become a valid interlocutor for the Cuban regime? / Iván García

In politics, all isn’t what it seems. Considering that there is no way out, a solution always looms. Above all and more than ever, dictators desire power. But when this isn’t possible, they negotiate the future. Not so much for love of their country or her people. Simply to preserve their lives and their perks. … Continue reading “Could the dissidence become a valid interlocutor for the Cuban regime? / Iván García”

The Winners’ Trophy / Ernesto Morales Licea

She said it with a tone somewhere between surprise and disappointment: “They don’t give a damn, Ernesto. How mistaken we exiles are.” And I nodded because I knew too well what she was talking about. For her, a woman from Santiago who hadn’t stepped foot on her native land since 1999, living in Miami and … Continue reading “The Winners’ Trophy / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Twelve Men in Brief / Yoani Sánchez

As a child whenever I heard the name of Perico*, a town in Matanzas Province, I ended up with a pain in my stomach from laughing so hard. Until I learned that a part of my father’s family was from that area and the joke didn’t seem so funny to me any more. Last Saturday … Continue reading “Twelve Men in Brief / Yoani Sánchez”