Blackouts Are Suspended in Sancti Spíritus After a Protest on the Camino de La Habana

50 people were arrested on Wednesday, by Thursday night the power outages returned 14ymedio, Mercedes García, Sancti Spíritus, 31 May 2024 — Blackouts returned to the city of Sancti Spíritus this Thursday night. During the day, residents could not believe what they were experiencing: a day without power outages. But their joy did not last … Continue reading “Blackouts Are Suspended in Sancti Spíritus After a Protest on the Camino de La Habana”

Blackouts Are Suspended in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, After a Protest on the Camino de La Habana

50 people were arrested on Wednesday, by Thursday night the power outages returned 14ymedio, Mercedes García, Sancti Spíritus, 31 May 2024 — Blackouts returned to the city of Sancti Spíritus this Thursday night. During the day, residents could not believe what they were experiencing: a day without power outages. But their joy did not last … Continue reading “Blackouts Are Suspended in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, After a Protest on the Camino de La Habana”

After the Protests in Baracoa Cuba’s Electric Union Claims to Have a Strategy Against the ‘Annoying Blackouts’

14ymedio, Havana, May 18 , 2024 — The general director of Cuba’s Electric Union, Alfredo López, told the official State newspaper Granma this Friday afternoon that he had a plan to “attenuate the annoying blackouts.” The strategy, which includes a partial increase in generation capacity and reconnecting several thermoelectric units, aims to have an anesthetic … Continue reading “After the Protests in Baracoa Cuba’s Electric Union Claims to Have a Strategy Against the ‘Annoying Blackouts’”

Popular Protests Have the Cuban Regime Backed Into a Corner / Cubanet

Cubanet, Luis Cino, Havana, 27 March 2024 — More than a few Cubans in exile are skeptical about the scope and effectiveness of the current protests by the Cuban population. They belittle them, arguing (in agreement with the official narrative) that the demonstrations are only about food and electricity, and that to calm them down will … Continue reading “Popular Protests Have the Cuban Regime Backed Into a Corner / Cubanet”

The US Criticizes the ‘Outrageous’ Sentences Imposed on the Nuevitas Protesters in Cuba

Undersecretary Brian A. Nichols pointed out that the incident is evidence of the “continued repression of the Cuban Government.” 14ymedio, Havana, 30 April 2024 — The Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, Brian A. Nichols, described this Monday as “outrageous” the sentences imposed by the Cuban courts on those who … Continue reading “The US Criticizes the ‘Outrageous’ Sentences Imposed on the Nuevitas Protesters in Cuba”

A Flotilla from Miami on March 17, One of Many Rumors from Cuba

Between the 11J protests in 2021 and those of this March there are multiple points in common, as ’14ymedio’ and ‘Yucabyte’ confirmed 14ymedio/Yucabyte, Havana, 21 April 2024 — On March 17, the flood of rumors reached a fever pitch comparable to, though less intense, those of 11 July 2021 (which were quickly baptized ’11J’). Fed … Continue reading “A Flotilla from Miami on March 17, One of Many Rumors from Cuba”

Prisoners Defenders Raises the Number of Political Prisoners in Cuba to 1,092 After the March Protests

The organization indicated that in March alone it added 31 people to its list, of them 24 linked to the demonstrations EFE (via 14ymedio), Madrid, 11 April  2024 — The NGO Prisoners Defenders (PD) reported this Thursday that at the end of last month it registered 1,092 people imprisoned for political reasons in Cuba, twenty more … Continue reading “Prisoners Defenders Raises the Number of Political Prisoners in Cuba to 1,092 After the March Protests”

Cubans Arrested on March 17 Increases to 41, According to Prisoners Defenders

14ymedio, Havana, 30 March 2024 — The NGO Prisoners Defenders (PD) reported on Saturday that, according to its record, 41 people were arrested in Cuba after the protests on 17 March 2024 (’17M’), of which six were later released. The provinces of Holguín and Santiago de Cuba, with 13 and 12 arrested, top the list, … Continue reading “Cubans Arrested on March 17 Increases to 41, According to Prisoners Defenders”

Of the 314 Women Detained in Cuba for Political Reasons Since 11 July 2021 Protests, 56 Are Still in Jail

14ymedio, Havana, 15 March 2024 — One month after being diagnosed with a five-centimeter uterine fibroid, Lizandra Góngora, a political prisoner for participating in the Island-wide protests of 11 July 2021 and sentenced to 14 years, remains in Los Colonos prison, on the Island of Youth. Although neither the hospital of the special municipality nor … Continue reading “Of the 314 Women Detained in Cuba for Political Reasons Since 11 July 2021 Protests, 56 Are Still in Jail”

Arrests Continue for the March 17 Protests in Santiago de Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 25 March 2024 — Almost a week after the protests that took several hundred people to the streets in Santiago de Cuba, on Saturday the authorities arrested 18-year-old, Cristian Kindelán, for having participated in the marches of the Carretera del Morro. According to the Santiago journalist Yosmani Mayeta Labrada, who lives in the … Continue reading “Arrests Continue for the March 17 Protests in Santiago de Cuba”

At Least Six Arrested for Protesting Against the Blackouts in Holguin, Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, Miguel García, 23 March 2024 — At least six people were arrested in the town of San Andrés, in Holguín, after demonstrating on March 8. They are charged with the crimes of contempt and public disorder, according to sources close to the accused. According to Martí Noticias, four of the detainees spent several … Continue reading “At Least Six Arrested for Protesting Against the Blackouts in Holguin, Cuba”

For a Second Day Protestors in El Cobre, Cuba, Demand the Release of Three Detainees

14ymedio, Havana, 18 March 2024 — For the second day in a row, dozens of people gathered in front of a police station in El Cobre, a town in Santiago de Cuba province. The Cuban government and the Foreign Ministry, however, are pushing another narrative. They attribute the protest to interference from Washington and have … Continue reading “For a Second Day Protestors in El Cobre, Cuba, Demand the Release of Three Detainees”

At Least Five People Have Been Arrested in the Latest Protests in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, March 19, 2024 — There have now been at least eleven people arrested during this weekend’s protests in several places in Cuba. According to the legal organization Cubalex, in El Cobre (Santiago de Cuba) Oriesel García, Karel Artiles and another man whose identity is not known were arrested on Sunday. In Bayamo, Justicia … Continue reading “At Least Five People Have Been Arrested in the Latest Protests in Cuba”

Cubans ‘Eat Fear’ Again and Take to the Streets to Protest

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 18 March 2024 — When they woke up yesterday — Sunday — none of the Cubans who demonstrated this March 17 imagined that, a few hours later, they would be in the streets shouting Freedom! The morning passed between blackouts and difficulties finding food, but, by the afternoon, the indignation had escalated to a … Continue reading “Cubans ‘Eat Fear’ Again and Take to the Streets to Protest”

Cuban President Diaz-Canel Accuses ‘Terrorists Based in the United States’ of Provoking the Protests in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 18 March 2024 — With the slogans of “Freedom!”, “No more violence” and singing the national anthem La Bayamesa, Cubans took to the streets this weekend in several provinces to demand food and an end to the blackouts. In complete darkness and to the sound of people banging on pots and pans, the residents … Continue reading “Cuban President Diaz-Canel Accuses ‘Terrorists Based in the United States’ of Provoking the Protests in Cuba”