Félix Navarro, Former Prisoner of the Black Spring, Sentenced to 9 years in Prison for 11 July Protests

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 2 March 2022 — The opponent Félix Navarro and his daughter, the Lady in White Sayli Navarro Álvarez, received this Wednesday the sentence that resulted from the trial held against both last January. Dissident Manuel Cuesta Morúa has detailed to 14ymedio that father and daughter were sentenced to 9 and 8 years in prison, respectively. Cuesta … Continue reading “Félix Navarro, Former Prisoner of the Black Spring, Sentenced to 9 years in Prison for 11 July Protests”

Cuban Government’s Repression Against UNPACU / Estado de Sats, Felix Navarro, Librado Linares, Antonio G. Rodiles

A few days ago a document signed by the coordinators of the Campaign For Another Cuba warned of the growing repression by the Cuban government against Civil Society and the possible consequences of these actions for our country. At this time in Eastern Cuba, the activists of the Cuban Patriotic Union (UNPACU) are repressed and … Continue reading “Cuban Government’s Repression Against UNPACU / Estado de Sats, Felix Navarro, Librado Linares, Antonio G. Rodiles”

Cuban Political Prisoner Felix Navarro Is Transferred to a Hospital in Matanzas

14ymedio, Havana, 17 November 2023 — The political prisoner Félix Navarro was transferred this week from the Agüica prison to the Faustino Pérez hospital in Matanzas. The health of the opposition leader, coordinator of the Pedro Luis Boitel Party for Democracy, had deteriorated in recent weeks, according to family reports. Navarro’s wife, Sonia Álvarez, showed … Continue reading “Cuban Political Prisoner Felix Navarro Is Transferred to a Hospital in Matanzas”

Cuban Opposition Figure Felix Navarro is Isolated and has Covid in Aguica Prison in Matanzas

14ymedio, Havana, 8 August 2022 — Since last August 4, the Cuban government opponent Félix Navarro has been isolated in the infirmary of the Agüica prison, in Matanzas, due to a new infection by covid-19. The activist Rosa María Payá denounced through Facebook that “for almost three weeks he has not been allowed to communicate with … Continue reading “Cuban Opposition Figure Felix Navarro is Isolated and has Covid in Aguica Prison in Matanzas”

Felix Navarro Remains on a Hunger Strike in Prison, Bishop of Matanzas Confirms

14ymedio, Havana, 12 September 2021 —  Félix Navarro, a member of the Cuban opposition, “is very thin” and weighs about 60 kilograms (132 pounds) after going on a hunger strike in jail for almost three weeks, said the Bishop of Matanzas, Monsignor Manuel Hilario de Céspedes. The Bishop visited the former prisoner of the Black … Continue reading “Felix Navarro Remains on a Hunger Strike in Prison, Bishop of Matanzas Confirms”

Ivan Hernandez And Felix Navarro Prevented From Leaving Cuba “A Second Time” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 11 August 2016 – Cuba’s immigration authorities prevented activists Ivan Hernandez and Felix Navarro from traveling outside Cuba this Thursday. The former prisoners of the 2003 Black Spring were invited to participate in the 2nd Cuban National Conference that be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from 12 to 14 August, but … Continue reading “Ivan Hernandez And Felix Navarro Prevented From Leaving Cuba “A Second Time” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Unfair Penalty / Felix Navarro

The citizen Francisco Navarro Acuna, retired, self-employed under the current labor legislation, provides cargo services through his son Florencio and grandson Aliester in the 1951 Ford truck, license plate MDN 511 and operating license No. No-0147-04 established by ONAT, the national tax office, for these cases. Florencio was hired in January 2011 by supposed citrus-growing … Continue reading “Unfair Penalty / Felix Navarro”

The Mother of Political Prisoner Sayli Navarro Was Arrested During Cuban President Diaz-Canel’s Visit to Matanzas

14ymedio, Havana, March 26, 2024 — Sonia Álvarez, mother of political prisoner Sayli Navarro, was arrested for several hours on Tuesday morning at the Jovellanos police station. Álvarez’s arrest was part of the security operations for the visit of Miguel Díaz-Canel to several municipalities in the province of Matanzas, says activist Annia Zamora. Zamora, mother … Continue reading “The Mother of Political Prisoner Sayli Navarro Was Arrested During Cuban President Diaz-Canel’s Visit to Matanzas”

‘Chained Hands and Feet,’ Activist Sayli Navarro Enters Prison for 11 July Protests

14ymedio, Havana, 19 April 2022 — The Lady in White Sayli Navarro Álvarez entered prison this Monday, after losing the trial on appeal of the sentence received last March for public disorder, attack and contempt, for participating in the peaceful demonstrations of July 11th (11J). Her father, Félix Navarro, in provisional prison since last July, also … Continue reading “‘Chained Hands and Feet,’ Activist Sayli Navarro Enters Prison for 11 July Protests”

Popular Protests Have the Cuban Regime Backed Into a Corner / Cubanet

Cubanet, Luis Cino, Havana, 27 March 2024 — More than a few Cubans in exile are skeptical about the scope and effectiveness of the current protests by the Cuban population. They belittle them, arguing (in agreement with the official narrative) that the demonstrations are only about food and electricity, and that to calm them down will … Continue reading “Popular Protests Have the Cuban Regime Backed Into a Corner / Cubanet”

‘Bolos’ [Russians] and Yankees in Havana

14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, February 4, 2023 — It’s evident that the Castro leadership, those whom they call moncadistas [the ones who took part in the attack on the Moncada barracks, celebrated every July 26], by their stubbornness in maintaining privileges and fortunes at all costs, don’t cease to reinvent themselves by resorting to any maneuver … Continue reading “‘Bolos’ [Russians] and Yankees in Havana”

Cuban Police Thwarted Andy Garcia’s Release from Prison and His Exit from the Country, His Family Denounces

14ymedio, Havana, 19 August 19, 2022–Andy García Lorenzo, one of the men prosecuted for  last year’s ’11J’ (11 July) protests in Santa Clara, was punished once again for his activism. The young man was transferred to a maximum security prison known as El Pre, his sister Roxana denounced on Thursday after the order for him … Continue reading “Cuban Police Thwarted Andy Garcia’s Release from Prison and His Exit from the Country, His Family Denounces”

‘Empress’ Sissi Goes to Prison in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas

Luis Felipe Rojas, 28 December 2021 — The Cuban revolution does not mince words or believe in noble titles. On Monday, December 27, a court in Matanzas confirmed the sentence of 6 years in prison for  Sissi Abascal Zamora, age 23, for the alleged crimes of “contempt, attack and public disorder.” Sissi was accused and imprisoned … Continue reading “‘Empress’ Sissi Goes to Prison in Cuba / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara: One Year Harassed by Cuban State Security

14ymedio, Havana, 26 December 2021 — Before being arrested on July 11 , without having had time to participate in the protests that day, Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, leader of the San Isidro Movement (MSI), had long been subjected to permanent harassment by the political police. Specifically, since November 26, 2020, when State Security evicted … Continue reading “Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara: One Year Harassed by Cuban State Security”

We Can Only Avoid a Blood Bath in Cuba if the World Stops Looking Away

14ymedio, Madrid, 18 November 2021 — “The Cuban problem is not called Yunior García, the Cuban problem is called dictatorship.” This is how forceful the playwright and opponent has been from Madrid, where he has held a press conference to relate the “terror” to which he has been subjected by the Cuban Government and which pushed him to leave … Continue reading “We Can Only Avoid a Blood Bath in Cuba if the World Stops Looking Away”