Essay from Voices 1 by Dimas Castellanos / Posted in: Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

The Limits of Immobility By Dimas Castellanos The multiple factors that made possible the paralysis of our history in recent decades, while interacting on a different stage, have placed the limits of immobility on the daily agenda.  The attempts to convert citizens by the masses, to ignore the vital function of rights and liberties, and to … Continue reading “Essay from Voices 1 by Dimas Castellanos / Posted in: Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”


Claudia Cadelo uploaded, very early, her photo of the accident at Fabrica and Lyuano streets at:  In recent days in August several accidents in Havana involved these large articulated buses. [Translator’s note: This blog post is a reprint of a series or “tweets” from Twitter — which are combined here into a single text, slightly … Continue reading “ROUTE P7 BUS ACCIDENT AT FABRICA AND LUYANO STREETS / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Lion Prophet / Voices Behind the Bars, Pedro Argüelles Morán

“Confusion Painting” by Keenya Woods After nearly 200 years since humanity has known a prophet, the earth has one, his name is: Fidel Castro Ruz. This aged prophet is trying to write an epilogue to the Apocalypse, although much more catastrophic. To do this he called an extraordinary session, on August 7, of the one-party … Continue reading “Lion Prophet / Voices Behind the Bars, Pedro Argüelles Morán”

All The Lights Are Red / Ernesto Morales Licea

One. They knocked on the door twice before identifying themselves. When they said “It’s the Police,” he already knew it couldn’t be anybody else. No one else would’ve knocked with such rudeness. His face pale from nerves, he let them enter, knowing there was no going back. After searching the house all over, they decided … Continue reading “All The Lights Are Red / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Repression as Signs of Identity / Miguel Iturría Savón

From the silence, the impunity, and with the same contempt for the activists who promote human rights in Cuba, the political police triggered the arrests and threats in Havana and other cities in the country, between July 10 and August 12, which coincides with the resumption of activities by ex-president Fidel Castro and the official … Continue reading “Repression as Signs of Identity / Miguel Iturría Savón”

Writers, Awards and Nonsense / Miguel Iturría Savón

As a teenager I imagined that writers were wise, sensible, creative, focused and responsible people. For me, a poet was a chosen of God in communion with men, capable to singing to the moon, describing encounters with the stars, and shouting the word freedom before the rifles of the tyrant. With the passage of time … Continue reading “Writers, Awards and Nonsense / Miguel Iturría Savón”

ONE-EYED WILLY / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

REDRESSING WRONGS Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo Paid or unpaid, collaborating or not collaborating with technical and artistic professionals, what’s certain is that Cuba is getting along without TeleSur. Fortunately or unfortunately, save in certain “super-authorized” offices, in Havana there is no way to tune in to this great channel whose North is the South and … Continue reading “ONE-EYED WILLY / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Waking Up From This Lethargy / Voices Behind the Bars, Pablo Pacheco

At 40 years of age, I have finally understood that the international community does not see the sad ruin that today is CUBA as being a consequence of the inefficiency of a system of government that has promoted hate, intolerance, and an out of proportion level of evil. However, the blame has always systematically fallen … Continue reading “Waking Up From This Lethargy / Voices Behind the Bars, Pablo Pacheco”

The Powers of the Minister of Finances and Prices are Unconstitutional and Arbitrary / Laritza Diversent

The Minister of Finances and Prices, Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodriguez, ordered the execution of a process of confiscation against Teófilo Roberto López Licor, 66, based on Legal Decree 149 “on the confiscation of goods and accumulations made through improper enrichment,” known as the Law Against the Newly Rich and its regulation, Decree No. 187, both … Continue reading “The Powers of the Minister of Finances and Prices are Unconstitutional and Arbitrary / Laritza Diversent”

Breaking the Stigma / Miriam Celaya

JJ Almeida at graduation from the Blogger Academy Just over 60 days ago Juan Juan Almeida started a hunger strike. His, in some ways, is the most solitary of strikes. It is true that many of us bloggers and his other friends have been aware of his condition and have followed the long-running saga of … Continue reading “Breaking the Stigma / Miriam Celaya”

Waiting to be Evicted by Force / Iván García

Right now, Teófilio Roberto López, age 66, is out of his mind. He ambles like a lunatic doing the paso doble along the edges of his farm, located a stone’s throw from the National Highway. Lopez is on the razor’s edge. All of his possessions, erected with sacrifice and with the help of his eight … Continue reading “Waiting to be Evicted by Force / Iván García”

My Own Vindication of Cuba / Ernesto Morales Licea

I think of Martí this very instant. I remember his fired up words on that document he named “Vindication of Cuba,” where, in name of the voiceless, the Master answered a diatribe of The Manufacturer newspaper that accused us of being inefficient and soft, weak on the thought of establishing a true nation. It also … Continue reading “My Own Vindication of Cuba / Ernesto Morales Licea”

And Presenting the Names of Some Cubans / Iván García

My grandmothers were called Carmen and Andrea, and my grandfathers, Jose Manuel and Rafael. Names are given according to the era. My uncles and aunts were given common names: Luis, Mario, Candida, Teresa, Maria, Dulce, Augustine, Maximus, Adelaide, Victoria, Milagros, Lidia… The exception was Avelino, no longer in use, and Veneta, of Italian origin. For … Continue reading “And Presenting the Names of Some Cubans / Iván García”

Raul Castro, On the Fence / Iván García

General Raul Castro is trying to give shape to the land he’s promised. El Dorado, the “Cuban socialist paradise,” requires time and patience. And confidence in the old leaders who have ruled the destinies of Cubans for 51 years. The Castros want to dance the old-style danzón. No reggaeton. Farewell to emergencies and haste. The … Continue reading “Raul Castro, On the Fence / Iván García”

Fidel Castro, Present and Past / Yoani Sánchez

Fidel Castro’s return to public life after a four-year absence provokes conflicting emotions here. His reappearance surprised a people awaiting, with growing despair, the reforms announced by his brother Raúl. While some weave fantasies around his return, others are anxious about what will happen next. The return of a famous figure is a familiar theme … Continue reading “Fidel Castro, Present and Past / Yoani Sánchez”