Economy and Geopolitics in the New Attempt To Relaunch Relations Between Cuba and Russia

EFE (via 14ymedio), Juan Palop, Havana, 12 June 2023 — Cuba and Russia have announced plans to strengthen their economic and trade relations, but experts doubt that they can achieve a new bilateral golden age, and they glimpse geopolitical interests in difficult times for both countries. This week the Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, is … Continue reading “Economy and Geopolitics in the New Attempt To Relaunch Relations Between Cuba and Russia”

The Trail of Oil Sent to Cuba Is Lost Between the Cienfuegos Refinery and Matanzas

14ymedio, Havana, 7 June 2023 — Every day, more than ten tanker trucks with the Unión Cuba-Petróleo (Cupet) logo depart from the Cienfuegos refinery and embark on a long route that takes them to Matanzas, passing through the municipalities of Palmira, Cruces, Lajas, El Diamante and Aguada de Pasajeros. The journey of 121 miles takes … Continue reading “The Trail of Oil Sent to Cuba Is Lost Between the Cienfuegos Refinery and Matanzas”

Cuba Offers Russia Its Catalog of Medicines in Exchange for Raw Materials for Azithromycin and Others

14ymedio, Madrid, 9 June 2023 — BioCubaFarma will return from Russia with the signing of at least three documents that the official press has described as contracts, although strictly there is only one that will allow the acquisition of active ingredients for the medications. The information gives as an example azithromycin, one of the most … Continue reading “Cuba Offers Russia Its Catalog of Medicines in Exchange for Raw Materials for Azithromycin and Others”

The Cuban Regime Approaches the EEU: Geopolitics in Reverse

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 7 June 2023 — Marrero has already arrived in Moscow, in what the state press says is his first visit as Cuba’s prime minister. Apparently, as soon as he arrived, he went to the summit in Sochi of the Eurasian Council, an organization in which the communist regime has high … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Approaches the EEU: Geopolitics in Reverse”

Cuba’s Prime Minister Arrives in Moscow With an Entourage of Ministers and the President of the Central Bank

14ymedio, Madrid, 6 June 2023 — The Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, arrived in Moscow in the early hours of Tuesday “to expand and consolidate bilateral relations” between Russia and the Island. The official visit will last until June 17, as noted by the official Twitter account of the Government, which has changed the background … Continue reading “Cuba’s Prime Minister Arrives in Moscow With an Entourage of Ministers and the President of the Central Bank”

On the Eve of Republic Day, Cuban President Diaz-Canel Gives ‘Cuba’s Unconditional Support to Russia’

14ymedio, Havana, 20 May 2023 — Before the satisfied gaze of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Chernishenko, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel assured this Friday “Cuba’s unconditional support for the Russian Federation in its confrontation with the West.” The declaration of loyalty, offered in the 1930 hall of the Hotel Nacional, crowned the signing of eight … Continue reading “On the Eve of Republic Day, Cuban President Diaz-Canel Gives ‘Cuba’s Unconditional Support to Russia’”

Diaz-Canel Exuberantly Receives a Minister From Saudi Arabia and His Millionaire Proposals for Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 20 May 2023 — Despite his busy schedule of support to Russia in the last 48 hours, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel found time to receive this Friday Ahmed Bin Aqeel Al-Khateeb, Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia and president of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Development Fund. As in the case … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Exuberantly Receives a Minister From Saudi Arabia and His Millionaire Proposals for Cuba”

Two Cuban Economists Criticize the Obstinacy in Favoring Inefficient State Agriculture

14ymedio, Havana, 9 March 2023 — The plan to move food production to the local level is going badly for the moment. The province of Artemisa evaluated the results of these first months on Monday in a meeting led by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, which was also attended by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero and other … Continue reading “Two Cuban Economists Criticize the Obstinacy in Favoring Inefficient State Agriculture”

The Cuban Government Entrusts Itself to ‘Cachita’ and the Santeros To Improve Tourism Data

14ymedio, Madrid, 2 May 2023 — The sanctuary of the Virgin of Charity of Copper [“Cachita”], in Santiago de Cuba, with the superimposed effigy of a Cuban santera, is the striking image of one of the promotional posters of the 41st edition of the International Tourism Fair of the Island (FitCuba), inaugurated on May 1st. … Continue reading “The Cuban Government Entrusts Itself to ‘Cachita’ and the Santeros To Improve Tourism Data”

The Regime Returns a Cuban-Born Tourist to Canada for Her Criticism on Facebook

14ymedio, Madrid, 21 April 2023 — Glenda Corella Céspedes arrived in Canada in 2012, when the Cuban government agreed to her request to leave the country after eight years of waiting. Her life in Toronto went smoothly until March 7. She decided to return to the Island to attend her brother’s wedding and was met … Continue reading “The Regime Returns a Cuban-Born Tourist to Canada for Her Criticism on Facebook”

Immobility Marks Diaz-Canel’s New Mandate as President of Cuba

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 21 April 2023 — The first rays of sunlight this Wednesday bathed Havana’s Carlos III Avenue. Where before there was a constant coming and going of vehicles, the fuel crisis has left a road deserted by cars. The conversations in the long lines focused on lamenting inflation, talking about … Continue reading “Immobility Marks Diaz-Canel’s New Mandate as President of Cuba”

Cuba and Vietnam Sign Four Cooperation Agreements in Economic Sectors

EFE (via 14ymedio), 21 April 2023 — Cuba and Vietnam signed four economic cooperation agreements this Thursday during a business forum in Havana with the presence of the president of the Vietnamese National Assembly, Vuong Dinh Hue. The agreements cover the sectors of civil aviation, electric power, oil, as well as construction, marketing and production … Continue reading “Cuba and Vietnam Sign Four Cooperation Agreements in Economic Sectors”

In Cuba, the Private Sector Creates Twice as Many Jobs as the State

14ymedio, Madrid, 5 April 2023 — The private sector created almost twice as many jobs in Cuba in 2022 as did the State. The number of new employees amounted to 226,704, of which 79,912 were government employees, compared to 146,792 in “other forms of management,” according to data offered in the annual review analyzed on … Continue reading “In Cuba, the Private Sector Creates Twice as Many Jobs as the State”

A Devastating Article in Cuba’s Official Press About the Mistakes in the Management of Tourism

14ymedio, Madrid, 4 April 2023 — The provincial press once again proves to be the only one capable of separating itself from the official discourse of the Communist Party and sounding a wake-up call to the Government from within the system. The newspaper of Ciego de Ávila, Invasor, dared to do so this Monday with … Continue reading “A Devastating Article in Cuba’s Official Press About the Mistakes in the Management of Tourism”

Cuba’s Ministry of Economy and Planning: ‘In Six Months, It Will Be Worse Than Now’

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 24 March 2023 — Prime Minister Manuel Marrero was present last Wednesday at the annual meeting of the Ministry of Economy and Planning, headed by Alejandro Gil. The extensive participation included the communist leader of the party’s productive economic department, Joel Queipo; the Minister of Finance and Prices, Meisi Bolaños; … Continue reading “Cuba’s Ministry of Economy and Planning: ‘In Six Months, It Will Be Worse Than Now’”