Cuba’s Prime Minister Suggests ‘A Government in the Street’ To Look for Solutions to the Economic Crisis

14ymedio, Havana, 23 March 2023 — Some of the country’s top leaders met this Wednesday to confirm evidence: the indicators of the economy are bad. What’s the reason? The embargo. The forecast? The same, 3% growth. Solutions? “Organize a government in the street.” That was one of the suggestions of the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, … Continue reading “Cuba’s Prime Minister Suggests ‘A Government in the Street’ To Look for Solutions to the Economic Crisis”

The Regime Tries To Ease the Sports and Political Defeat of the Cuban Team With an Act of Reparation

14ymedio, Havana, 20 March 20, 2023 — It was with long faces and forced smiles, that the return home of the members of the Cuban baseball team that lost this Sunday in Miami to the US team by 14-2 was “celebrated.” And not only did Team Asere suffer the defeat, but its catcher, Iván Prieto, … Continue reading “The Regime Tries To Ease the Sports and Political Defeat of the Cuban Team With an Act of Reparation”

Raul Castro Arrives in Venezuela to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Chavez

EFE (via 14ymedio), Caracas/La Paz, March 5, 2023 — The former president of Cuba Raúl Castro arrived in Venezuela this Saturday to participate in the commemoration events for the tenth anniversary of the death of the former Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. Castro, who traveled with Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, was received at the Maiquetía … Continue reading “Raul Castro Arrives in Venezuela to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Chavez”

The Last Cuban Parliament With the ‘Historicals’

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 12 February 2023 — If the massive abstention is as successful as the opposition expects in the electoral process scheduled for March 26, none of what is outlined here would make sense. The Cuban Parliament scheduled for the X Legislature of the National Assembly could be the last to have the … Continue reading “The Last Cuban Parliament With the ‘Historicals’”

Some 325,000 Cubans Left the Country, and Only 95,000 Were Born on the Island

14ymedio, Madrid, 14 February 2023 — Cuba once again breaks its own record and achieves, in 2022, the lowest historical number of births in relative terms with 95,000, some 4,000 less than in 2021, the year in which 99,096 Cubans came into the world. The data became known this Monday through state television, which covered … Continue reading “Some 325,000 Cubans Left the Country, and Only 95,000 Were Born on the Island”

How to Enthrone Democracy and the Market in Cuba in Just 365 Days

14ymedio, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Madrid, 12 February 2023 — In Cuba there will be elections in March for the National Assembly of the People’s Power (ANPP). These are potentially the most important elections the system provides. Ricardo Alarcón, former President of Parliament, realized this and Raúl Castro dismissed him and did not allow him to … Continue reading “How to Enthrone Democracy and the Market in Cuba in Just 365 Days”

Scarcely 59 Percent of Passenger Transport in Cuba is Operating

14ymedio, Havana, 12 December 2022 — Passenger transport in Cuba is in a limited situation, as revealed this Sunday in the parliamentary committee on attention to services, which took place in the presence of the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz. The plan has been fulfilled by just 59%, said Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, Minister of Transport, … Continue reading “Scarcely 59 Percent of Passenger Transport in Cuba is Operating”

Economic Reflections on the Communist Party Plenary

14ymedio, Elias Amor Bravo, Economist, 10 December 2022 — Cuban communists are privileged. Not only because they hold all the power in the nation, but also because they do what they want, without giving explanations, and then in their congresses they erase any responsibility. This is what happened in the recent Political Bureau of the … Continue reading “Economic Reflections on the Communist Party Plenary”

Cuban President Diaz-Canel Gets a Donation From China of 100 Million Dollars and More Cybersecurity

14ymedio, Havana, 26 November 2022 — In China, the last station of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel’s panhandling tour, the Cuban delegation signed a dozen agreements and appealed to “friendship among the peoples” to extend Havana’s debt terms with Beijing and get an “emergency donation” of about one hundred million dollars. The negotiations focussed on biotechnology … Continue reading “Cuban President Diaz-Canel Gets a Donation From China of 100 Million Dollars and More Cybersecurity”

Cuba’s State Communications Company and Armed Forces Create a Cybersecurity Group

14ymedio, Havana, 24 November 2022 — Closely monitored by an entourage of the Armed Forces, Manuel Marrero Cruz created a National Working Group for Cybersecurity in Havana on Wednesday. Although the Cuban prime minister avoided mentioning it, this step facilitates the recent alliance of the state communications monopoly, Etecsa, with the military Information Technology Company … Continue reading “Cuba’s State Communications Company and Armed Forces Create a Cybersecurity Group”

Cuba’s Prime Minister Criticizes ‘Obsolete Mentalities Against Foreign Capital’

14ymedio, Havana, 16 November 2022 — For a second time in a week, the Cuban Government felt the need to affirm that it will fulfill its international commitments and will settle “the delays that exist in the transfers with the exterior.” That is, “from the possibilities of the country,” said the Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, … Continue reading “Cuba’s Prime Minister Criticizes ‘Obsolete Mentalities Against Foreign Capital’”

Economy Minister Alejandro Gil is the ‘Most Hated’ Person in Cuba, Along with Diaz-Canel, Says His Sister

14ymedio, Havana, 29 October 2022 — On Wednesday, Former Cuban Television presenter María Victoria “Vicky” Gil Fernández, resident of Tenerife, gave an extensive and controversial interview on the YouTube channel “The World of Darwin,” in which she offered biographical details about her brother, Alejandro Gil, the Minister of Economy of Cuba, and her former colleague, … Continue reading “Economy Minister Alejandro Gil is the ‘Most Hated’ Person in Cuba, Along with Diaz-Canel, Says His Sister”

The Cuban Government Acknowledges its Failure to Revive Tourism

14ymedio, Madrid, 28 October 2022 — The Cuban Government has surrendered to the evidence and now reduces the tourism forecast to no more and no less than 790,000 more travelers this year. At the beginning of the year, the authorities had projected the arrival of 2.5 million foreign visitors, and, until a few days ago, … Continue reading “The Cuban Government Acknowledges its Failure to Revive Tourism”

Cuban President Diaz-Canel Describes as ‘Lumpen, Lazy and Corrupt’ Those Who ’Do Not Work and Do Not Contribute’ in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 28 October 2022 — The Cuban authorities have deployed 40 measures “aimed at further confrontation with crime, corruption, illegality and social indiscipline,” Prime Minister Manuel Marrero announced this Wednesday in the Council of Ministers. The plan is centered on three areas. First, the control systems for new “economic actors,” predictably the private companies. … Continue reading “Cuban President Diaz-Canel Describes as ‘Lumpen, Lazy and Corrupt’ Those Who ’Do Not Work and Do Not Contribute’ in Cuba”

Six Havana Produce Vendors Fined for Selling Tomatoes for 300 Pesos a Pound

14ymedio, Havana, 27 October 2022 — Produce market vendors in the Havana suburb of Playa received fines of up to 8,000 pesos and had their merchandise confiscated last weekend by the Municipal Inspection Directorate (DIM) for selling fruits and vegetables at inflated prices. A local newspaper reported that the DIM imposed penalties on six individuals. The … Continue reading “Six Havana Produce Vendors Fined for Selling Tomatoes for 300 Pesos a Pound”