Raising Prices and Ending the Universal Ration ‘Booklet’, Measures to Stop Cuba’s Economic Disaster

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 20 December 2023 — The unsustainable economic situation of the Island has led the Government to establish a shock plan starting at the beginning of 2024. Among the main measures announced by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero on the first day of the second ordinary session of the National Assembly, are the increases in … Continue reading “Raising Prices and Ending the Universal Ration ‘Booklet’, Measures to Stop Cuba’s Economic Disaster”

The Housing Construction Plan Is Not Fulfilled in Cuba Due to Lack of Cement and ‘Working Methods’

14ymedio, Madrid, 28 November 2023 — For some reason, the plan to build with clay has not penetrated the Island. In the middle of the year, the authorities of the sector spent a long time explaining to the population the benefits of this material, in which the Island is rich, when it comes to building … Continue reading “The Housing Construction Plan Is Not Fulfilled in Cuba Due to Lack of Cement and ‘Working Methods’”

‘I Don’t Even Know Where Gaza Is,’ Says a Cuban Student Marching for Palestine

14ymedio, Nelson García and Natalia López Moya, Havana, 23 November 2023 —  The march called for this Thursday in Havana by the Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC) “in defense of Palestine” began two hours late. Initially announced for 1:00 pm, the event began at 3:00, at G and the Malecón, to the annoyance of … Continue reading “‘I Don’t Even Know Where Gaza Is,’ Says a Cuban Student Marching for Palestine”

Leaders Only Have Eyes for Russia at the Havana International Fair

14ymedio, Madrid, November 7, 2023 — With Prime Minister Manuel Marrero seeking support in China, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel cut the ribbon this year for the 39th edition of the Havana International Fair (Fihav) with his Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Ricardo Cabrisas. The change was noticeable in the suit with tie, compared … Continue reading “Leaders Only Have Eyes for Russia at the Havana International Fair”

Cuban Government Wants to Fix and Manage ‘Distortions’ in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

14ymedio, Havana, 7 October 2023 — Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero confirmed on Friday that a government commission is working on new legislation for small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs). In a meeting with 470 attorneys, consultants and legal advisors, he said that the goal of the regulation is to fix and manage “distortions” that have … Continue reading “Cuban Government Wants to Fix and Manage ‘Distortions’ in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses”

Emigrants Have Sent 52 Billion Dollars in Remittances to Cuba in the Last 30 Years

14ymedio, Madrid, September 19, 2023 —  Over the last three decades, Cuban emigrants have sent their relatives on the Island, a total of 52.252 billion dollars in remittances and another 50 Billion in consumer goods. The data is included in the most recent report by the organization Cuba Siglo 21, signed by academic Emilio Morales, who points … Continue reading “Emigrants Have Sent 52 Billion Dollars in Remittances to Cuba in the Last 30 Years”

The Russian Ministry of Education Funds Free Online Language Courses for Cubans

14ymedio, Madrid, 5 September 2023 — Ads to learn Russian are proliferating on the Island as relations between the two countries become closer. The most recent comes from the company Maximum Education, which offers free online courses for Cubans from September to December. According to the report to 14ymedio via email, the project, called “Maximum. … Continue reading “The Russian Ministry of Education Funds Free Online Language Courses for Cubans”

Less Than 40 Percent of Havana’s Garbage Collection Teams Are Operational

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 23 August 2023 — Less than 40% of Havana’s garbage collection equipment is currently operational, the official Cuban newspaper Granma reported Wednesday, an issue that has been the subject of criticism in recent months. The governor of Havana, Yanet Hernández Pérez, offered this and other data in a meeting with representatives … Continue reading “Less Than 40 Percent of Havana’s Garbage Collection Teams Are Operational”

Experts Close to the Government Point Out Cuba’s Lack of Preparation for the ‘Bancarización’ Banking Reform Process

14ymedio, Havana, August 24, 2023 — The Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, attacked micro, medium and small companies (SMEs) and other private businesses that “resist” the priority use of electronic payment channels. The measure, which represents the core of the country’s  bancarización* banking reform process decreed at the beginning of August, has been criticized by … Continue reading “Experts Close to the Government Point Out Cuba’s Lack of Preparation for the ‘Bancarización’ Banking Reform Process”

Cuba’s National Assembly Makes a Penalty Call on Agriculture Ministry

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, August 12, 2023 — In these dog days of August, when the communist press typically goes into overdrive to burnish the image of Fidel Castro, one piece of news passed almost unnoticed. Its headline read, “Cuban Parliament demands systemic change to strengthen food production.” Yes, you read that right. This … Continue reading “Cuba’s National Assembly Makes a Penalty Call on Agriculture Ministry”

The UN Donates Materials To Rebuild 20 Poultry Houses Damaged After Hurricane Ian’s Passage Through Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 1 August 2023 — The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) donated the necessary materials for the rehabilitation of 20 poultry houses in Pinar del Río, whose completion is scheduled for the end of August. The initiative seeks to alleviate the situation of more than 2,000 victims, who were left … Continue reading “The UN Donates Materials To Rebuild 20 Poultry Houses Damaged After Hurricane Ian’s Passage Through Cuba”

A Russian Warship and a U.S. Submarine Arrive in Cuba

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 11 July 2023 — Without any senior Cuban official receiving its crew, the Russian warship Perekop anchored on Tuesday morning in the port of Havana. The policemen, who moved restlessly along the dock and blocked access to the ship with their patrol cars, prevented Cubans from approaching the mammoth hull … Continue reading “A Russian Warship and a U.S. Submarine Arrive in Cuba”

Diaz-Canel Resumes His Visits to the ‘Potemkin Villages’ To Learn About Cuba’s Successes

14ymedio, Havana, 30 June 2023 — Early this Thursday, Cubadebate announced the visit of Miguel Díaz-Canel to Guantánamo, one of the most forgotten provinces on the Island but one that has recently been on the tips of everyone’s tongues. First for the resounding protests against the Government — followed by the corresponding arrests — last … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Resumes His Visits to the ‘Potemkin Villages’ To Learn About Cuba’s Successes”

The Cuban Government’s Pace To Rebuild the Houses Destroyed by Hurricane Ian: 13 Percent in Six Months

14ymedio, Madrid, 23 June 2023 — Nine months after the passage of Hurricane Ian through Cuba, 70% of the homes destroyed in Pinar del Río are still not built. That was the central theme of this Thursday’s meeting at the Palace of the Revolution led by the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz. They also discussed … Continue reading “The Cuban Government’s Pace To Rebuild the Houses Destroyed by Hurricane Ian: 13 Percent in Six Months”

Cuba Negotiates With Russia for the Delivery of 32,000 Barrels of Oil per Day for a Year

EFE/14medio, Moscow/Madrid, 13 June 2023 — Russia and Cuba are preparing an intergovernmental agreement for Russia’s Rosneft to supply 1.64 million tons of oil and hydrocarbons annually to the Island, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz said on Tuesday during a meeting with his Russian counterpart, Mikhail Mishustin. The Prime Minister, who is on an … Continue reading “Cuba Negotiates With Russia for the Delivery of 32,000 Barrels of Oil per Day for a Year”