Padura: In Cuba, the Only Option Left is To Leave, and 10 Percent of the Population Has Already Left the Country

The deterioration of Cuban reality, at this time, “is more serious than ever,” says the writer EFE (via 14ymedio), Río de Janeiro, 13 September 2024 — Cuban writer Leonardo Padura, winner of the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature, believes that Cuba is currently experiencing the worst crisis in its history, to the point that … Continue reading “Padura: In Cuba, the Only Option Left is To Leave, and 10 Percent of the Population Has Already Left the Country”

The Failure of Cuban Athletes in Paris Confirms That the National Sport Is in a Coma

The official magazine ’Alma Mater’ analyzes the reasons for the collapse, from “the summit to the crisis” 14ymedio, Havana, 23 August 2024 — The equation that explains the failure of Cuban sport is simple: there is no “muscle” without money, and Cuba does not have – or at least that is the official version – … Continue reading “The Failure of Cuban Athletes in Paris Confirms That the National Sport Is in a Coma”

The Cuban Church Asks Spanish Catholics for Help in the Face of Difficulties on the Island

A campaign is launched to collect donations to “support priests and the religious” EFE/14ymedio, Madrid, 5 September 2024 — The power cuts and the shortage of fuel, medicines and other basic goods hinder the work of the Catholic Church in Cuba, according to the bishop of Holguín, Emilio Aranguren, who this Thursday asked for help … Continue reading “The Cuban Church Asks Spanish Catholics for Help in the Face of Difficulties on the Island”

Neither Military Coup Nor Revolution, Elections

We came to realize that Fidel Castro’s cynicism and evil knew no limits. Nevertheless, a large sector of the population glorified him. 14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 28 July 2024 — I have friends who defend the military coup of 10 March 1952, led by General Fulgencio Batista. Others do the same with Fidel Castro’s attack … Continue reading “Neither Military Coup Nor Revolution, Elections”

La Gran Via, Once the Best Confectionary Store in Cuba, now Converted into a Clandestine Refuge

The calamitous state of the building has been pointed out many times by local residents. 14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez / Olea Gallardo, 18 August 2024 – From outside, La Gran Via, the once dazzling confectionary outlet owned by Santos Suárez, in Havana’s Diez de Octubre district, appears to be just as abandoned as it’s been … Continue reading “La Gran Via, Once the Best Confectionary Store in Cuba, now Converted into a Clandestine Refuge”

A Private Company Is Hired in Havana To Collect Mountains of Accumulated Garbage

People must deposit solid waste in designated areas starting at 6:00 p.m. 14ymedio, Havana, 21 August 2024 — Havana’s municipality of Cerro has turned to a private company to collect the mountains of garbage that have accumulated for months in the streets. In the area, one of the most densely populated in the Cuban capital, … Continue reading “A Private Company Is Hired in Havana To Collect Mountains of Accumulated Garbage”

The History of the Iconic Photos of the Maleconazo, 30 Years Later: “I Was the Only One There”

Karel Poort recalls the frantic minutes when he ran out of his room, with his Nikon F301 in hand Juan Carlos Espinosa/EFE, La Habana, 4 August 2024 — During his vacation in Cuba, the Dutch photographer Karel Poort began to take photos of a demonstration outside his hotel without knowing that, some time later, they … Continue reading “The History of the Iconic Photos of the Maleconazo, 30 Years Later: “I Was the Only One There””

The ‘Friends of the Cigar’ and the Cuban Regime Make Millions of Dollars With the Cigar Business

Five distributors, chosen by Fidel Castro himself, monopolize the world market. They organize auctions with the promise of sending the money to the dilapidated Public Health system of the Island. 14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 4 August 2024 — Escorted by two British red coats and surrounded by millionaires from all over the world, the managers … Continue reading “The ‘Friends of the Cigar’ and the Cuban Regime Make Millions of Dollars With the Cigar Business”

Cuba’s State Newspaper Granma Repeats Fidel Castro’s Advice to Hugo Chávez: ‘Don’t Resign! Don’t Give Up!’

María Corina Machado says that Maduro has the support only of Venezuela’s high military command, “very reduced” 14ymedio, Madrid, August 8, 2024 — The Cuban ruling press remains committed to supporting the position of Nicolás Maduro’s regime regarding the result of the elections in Venezuela, criticized by a large part of the international community, including … Continue reading “Cuba’s State Newspaper Granma Repeats Fidel Castro’s Advice to Hugo Chávez: ‘Don’t Resign! Don’t Give Up!’”

Cuban Writer Says He Now Has a More Poetic View of Life

“Life in Cuba is such that, if you have money, you virtually have no problems. But if you don’t have money, you’re screwed,” says the author. EFE (via 14ymedio), Juan Palop, Havana, July 13, 2024 — Cuban author Pedro Juan Gutiérrez explains in an interview that his anger is gone and he has entered a … Continue reading “Cuban Writer Says He Now Has a More Poetic View of Life”

They Arrived on ‘Humanitarian Parole’ and Want to Return to Cuba When Things Change

The country’s economic crisis ruined one couple’s prosperous business in Havana but Adelina and Luis dream of reopening their cafe one day 14ymedio, José Antonio García Molina, Miami, 7 July 2024 — Adelina arrived in Miami a year ago with her husband and $15,000, the profits from a family business, hoping to rebuild her life … Continue reading “They Arrived on ‘Humanitarian Parole’ and Want to Return to Cuba When Things Change”

Never a Time of Peace for the Cuban Economy

The revolution is not in crisis. The revolution itself is a perennial crisis and a chronic illness. 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, July 2, 2024 — Fidel Castro did not want to call the great Cuban debacle of the 1990s a crisis. He preferred the euphemism “Special Period.” He used the term twenty times during … Continue reading “Never a Time of Peace for the Cuban Economy”

The Hidden History of the Trinidad, the Cigar That Fidel Castro Gave to Heads of State

A documentary by specialist Kirby Allison reveals details and curiosities of “the Commander’s favorite tobacco” 14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo, Havana, 18 June 2024 — In 1994, Fidel Castro gave an interview to the American Marvin Shenken, editor of the prestigious Cigar Aficionado magazine. “We know that there is a cigar called Trinidad and that it is … Continue reading “The Hidden History of the Trinidad, the Cigar That Fidel Castro Gave to Heads of State”

The Crisis Fuels a Fervor for Afro-Cuban Religions on the Island

Many Cubans look to the orishas for answers to their problems or ask them to help them emigrate 14ymedio, Laura Bécquer/EFE, 15 June 2024 — When a Cuban woman, Elvira García, knocked on the door of the babalao (Ifá priest) she did so looking for answers to her despair in the Afro-Cuban religion. The retired … Continue reading “The Crisis Fuels a Fervor for Afro-Cuban Religions on the Island”

Cuba Enters the UNICEF Report on Severe Child Poverty

14ymedio/EFE, Madrid, 6 June 2024 — The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has included Cuba for the first time in its report on severe child poverty. The text, published on Wednesday, indicates that 9% of the island’s child population suffers from severe poverty; that is, they have a maximum of two of the eight foods … Continue reading “Cuba Enters the UNICEF Report on Severe Child Poverty”