Cuba’s Political Prisoners and the People of Ukraine, Winners of the Pedro Luis Boitel 2023 Freedom Prize

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 29 August 2023 — The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance (ARC), which includes opposition organizations from inside and outside Cuba, announced this Tuesday that the Pedro Luis Boitel 2023 Freedom Prize was awarded to the 137 Cuban political prisoners and the Ukrainian people for defending their sovereignty against “Russian aggression.” Established in … Continue reading “Cuba’s Political Prisoners and the People of Ukraine, Winners of the Pedro Luis Boitel 2023 Freedom Prize”

‘I Long for My Son and All the Political Prisoners To Be Free, but I Also Want Cuba To Be Free’

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 10 July 2023 — If a couple of years ago her efforts were devoted to obtaining food, transportation, or perhaps planning to emigrate, now her greatest concern is the freedom of her relatives convicted for the protests of July 11, 2021 (11J). Prison has not only changed the detained on that … Continue reading “‘I Long for My Son and All the Political Prisoners To Be Free, but I Also Want Cuba To Be Free’”

The United States Demands the ‘Immediate Release’ of the Political Prisoners of the 11 July 2021 Protests

14ymedio, Havana, 9 July 2023 — On the eve of the second anniversary of the massive protests of 11 July 2021 (11J), the United States Embassy in Cuba again asked the regime in Havana to release the detainees arrested during these demonstrations. In a message sent to Martí Noticias, the diplomatic headquarters pointed out that … Continue reading “The United States Demands the ‘Immediate Release’ of the Political Prisoners of the 11 July 2021 Protests”

A Letter Addressed to President Diaz-Canel Demands ‘Freedom Without Banishment’ for Cuba’s Political Prisoners

14ymedio, Havana, 5 July 2023 – — More than 300 opponents, activists and family members have called for “freedom without banishment” for Cuban political prisoners in a letter addressed to Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel. With the subject “Voices for the freedom of our Cuban political prisoners” and dated July 3, 2023, the letter insists that … Continue reading “A Letter Addressed to President Diaz-Canel Demands ‘Freedom Without Banishment’ for Cuba’s Political Prisoners”

Two More Minors Were Registered Among Cuban Political Prisoners in April

14ymedio, Havana, 11 May 2023 — Prisoners Defenders (PD) denounced this Thursday that at the end of April in Cuban prisons there were 1,048 political prisoners. Although there were 18 fewer than in March, the organization, based in Madrid, points out in its latest monthly report that “more cases of minors have emerged,” and that … Continue reading “Two More Minors Were Registered Among Cuban Political Prisoners in April”

An NGO Hopes for the ‘Intermediation’ of the Church for the Release of Cuban Political Prisoners

14ymedio, Havana, 4 May 2023 — “The situation is critical, a kind of perfect storm between government repression and famine.” The assertion is from the Cuban Observatory for Human Rights (OCDH), which hopes for “the intermediation of the Cuban Catholic Church” for “the release of political prisoners, the end of repression and changes that the … Continue reading “An NGO Hopes for the ‘Intermediation’ of the Church for the Release of Cuban Political Prisoners”

The Message of the Cuban Bishops Avoids Alluding to the Negotiation on Political Prisoners

14ymedio, Madrid, 28 April 2023 — The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba (COCC) issued an official statement this Friday about the meeting they held two days ago with President Miguel Díaz-Canel and other senior officials of the country. In it, they did not allude to something that Ariel Suárez, secretary of the Episcopal Conference, … Continue reading “The Message of the Cuban Bishops Avoids Alluding to the Negotiation on Political Prisoners”

The US Opposes the ‘Forced Exile of Cuban Political Prisoners’ and Seeks ‘Ways to Welcome Them’

14ymedio, Miami, 10 March 2023 — “Although we firmly oppose forced exile, the United States will not turn its back on political prisoners, and if they want to come to the United States, we will explore the avenues available under US law to welcome them.” The Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the … Continue reading “The US Opposes the ‘Forced Exile of Cuban Political Prisoners’ and Seeks ‘Ways to Welcome Them’”

Councilors from the Left and the Right in a Spanish City Call for the Release of Cuba’s Political Prisoners

14ymedio, Madrid, 1 March 2023 — The Santander City Council (Cantabria, Spain) unanimously approved on February 23 an institutional declaration in favor of the freedom of Cuban political prisoners and advocating for the fulfillment of Human Rights on the Island. The motion was approved by 25 votes in favor and one abstention, that of Miguel Saro, representative … Continue reading “Councilors from the Left and the Right in a Spanish City Call for the Release of Cuba’s Political Prisoners”

Statement of Human Rights Organizations on the Situation of Cuban Political Prisoners / Cubalex

Cubalex, 20 February 2023 — The recent release of 222 political prisoners in Nicaragua and their immediate deportation to the United States, has raised the alarm among Cuban civil society regarding a similar “solution” to the current context on the Island. The protests of 2021 and 2022 resulted 768 protesters behind bars, a five-fold increase … Continue reading “Statement of Human Rights Organizations on the Situation of Cuban Political Prisoners / Cubalex”

Cuban Opposition Platform D Frente Thanks Cardinal Stella for Asking for ‘Clemency’ for Cuba’s Political Prisoners

14ymedio, Havana, 11 February 2023 — The opposition platform D Frente [D Front] thanked Pope Francis this Friday for Vatican Special Envoy Cardinal Beniamino Stella’s asking the Cuban government for “an amnesty or some form of clemency” for Cuba’s political prisoners. Stella, whose visit to the island starting on January 23, followed a strategy of … Continue reading “Cuban Opposition Platform D Frente Thanks Cardinal Stella for Asking for ‘Clemency’ for Cuba’s Political Prisoners”

The Mothers of ’11 July’, an Iron Link for Political Prisoners in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 29 December 2022 — Barbara Farrat, Yudinela Castro, María Luisa Fleitas Brav , Migdalia Gutiérrez Padrón, Liset Fonseca, Marta Perdomo , Norabel Herrera, Marilin Cabrera. These are just a few names of the women who, in 2022, raised their voices again for political prisoners. In his case, his own children, detained – some still without sentence – after the demonstrations of … Continue reading “The Mothers of ’11 July’, an Iron Link for Political Prisoners in Cuba”

Political Prisoners Take Advantage of ‘Passes’ to Escape Cuba as Rafters

14ymedio, Havana, 9 December 2022 — With 24 new arrests this November, the Cuban government keeps a total of 1,034 political prisoners incarcerated, according to what Prisoners Defenders (PD) denounced this Friday. In its latest monthly report, the Madrid-based organization exposed the “inhuman repression” that “dominates Cuba since 11 July 2021 (11J).” PD clarified that … Continue reading “Political Prisoners Take Advantage of ‘Passes’ to Escape Cuba as Rafters”

Ktivo Disidente, Sentenced to Jail for Asking for Freedom for Political Prisoners in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 29 November 2022 — On Tuesday, Cuban activist and opponent, Carlos Ernesto Díaz González, known as Ktivo Disidente, was sentenced to two years and six months in prison for disobedience and contempt. Díaz González had spent almost seven months in Ariza prison, in Cienfuegos, after he asked for freedom for political prisoners while … Continue reading “Ktivo Disidente, Sentenced to Jail for Asking for Freedom for Political Prisoners in Cuba”

One Report Points to An Increase in the Number of Political Prisoners in Cuba to 1,027

14ymedio, Havana, 12 November 2022 — Prisoners Defenders (PD) documented 27 politically motivated arrests in October in Cuba, bringing the total number of Cubans who remain in jail to 1,027. In its most recent report, released on Friday, they also denounced that the population on the Island is “massively fleeing repression.” The Madrid-based NGO, signals … Continue reading “One Report Points to An Increase in the Number of Political Prisoners in Cuba to 1,027”