Raúl Castro Multiplies His Public Appearances To Show He’s Still Alive

Rumors about Raúl Castro’s death usually coincide with moments of high national tension 14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo, Havana, 1 October 2024 — Raúl Castro’s appearances on Cuban Television, after the increasingly frequent flood of rumors about his death, have become a kind of State ritual. At the beginning of the year, it was an official media … Continue reading “Raúl Castro Multiplies His Public Appearances To Show He’s Still Alive”

With a Director Trained in Moscow, the Office of the Historian Has Russians in Its Blood

Perla Rosales, who replaced Eusebio Leal, is the daughter of one of Fidel Castro’s generals 14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo, Havana, July 21, 2024 — “When the Russians called us, Eusebio Leal used to say, ’Don’t even ask for my permission. Just go ahead.’” Perla Rosales, deputy-director of Havana’s Office of the Historian, leaves little doubt about … Continue reading “With a Director Trained in Moscow, the Office of the Historian Has Russians in Its Blood”

Cuban TV Documentary on Mariel Masters the Art of Turning Setbacks into Victories

14ymedio, Havana, January 5, 2024 — “Fresh currency.” For more than ten years that has been the slogan of the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM). Its directors, senior Cuban officials and foreign investors bluntly admit it in “Prow to the Future,” a documentary taped using Geocuba drones and accompanied by an original score from the … Continue reading “Cuban TV Documentary on Mariel Masters the Art of Turning Setbacks into Victories”

Emigrants Have Sent 52 Billion Dollars in Remittances to Cuba in the Last 30 Years

14ymedio, Madrid, September 19, 2023 —  Over the last three decades, Cuban emigrants have sent their relatives on the Island, a total of 52.252 billion dollars in remittances and another 50 Billion in consumer goods. The data is included in the most recent report by the organization Cuba Siglo 21, signed by academic Emilio Morales, who points … Continue reading “Emigrants Have Sent 52 Billion Dollars in Remittances to Cuba in the Last 30 Years”

‘In Cuba, There Is No Good or Bad Opponent: The Opponent Is Whoever Confronts the Regime’

14ymedio, Havana, 29 April 2023 — According to French reporter Francis Matéo, the key to understanding Cuba’s political convulsions is to track the regime’s money: its phantom accounts abroad, the debts it cannot pay, what it charges for sending medical brigades and the budget it allocates to propaganda. The wear and tear of its methods … Continue reading “‘In Cuba, There Is No Good or Bad Opponent: The Opponent Is Whoever Confronts the Regime’”

A One-Eyed Eusebio Leal Watches Over Old Havana’s Decline

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 16 March 2023 – The mural which has decorated for years the empty space left by a building collapse in Calle Teniente Rey (almost on the corner of Monserrate and next to the paladar [private restaurant] Kilómetro Cero) has deteriorated in a very short time. The portrait of the ’Historian … Continue reading “A One-Eyed Eusebio Leal Watches Over Old Havana’s Decline”

Gaesa Used the ‘Small Business’ Law to End the Competition of Cuban Entrepreneurs

14ymedio, Madrid, 7 March 2023 — The Grupo de Administración Empresarial S.A. (Gaesa), the all-powerful conglomerate belonging to the Revolutionary Armed Forces, has been deliberately drowning the private sector in Cuba since 2016, and the SME law (micro, small and medium enterprises), promulgated in 2021, is only a “false opening” to attract foreign investment and … Continue reading “Gaesa Used the ‘Small Business’ Law to End the Competition of Cuban Entrepreneurs”

Remittances Can Now be Sent to Cuba from all Western Union Offices in the United States

14ymedio, Havana, 2 March 2023 — The U.S. company Western Union announced on Thursday that it is now possible to send remittances to Cuba from any of its U.S. offices. The company, which had carried out a pilot test of transfers to the Island only from Florida, will use the payment channels of the Cuban … Continue reading “Remittances Can Now be Sent to Cuba from all Western Union Offices in the United States”

‘There Is No Money’ to Repair Thermoelectric Plants in Cuba, But There is Money to Invest in Luxury Hotels

14ymedio, Madrid, 25 August 2022 — The panorama of Cuba’s national electricity system offered by the officials who appeared on State TV’s Roundtable program on Wednesday is catastrophic and, from what they said, will continue to be so for many more months. The Minister of Energy and Mines himself, Liván Arronte Cruz, declared that maintaining … Continue reading “‘There Is No Money’ to Repair Thermoelectric Plants in Cuba, But There is Money to Invest in Luxury Hotels”

Cuba’s Transition and Plans of the Castro Regime’s Business Mafia

14ymedio, Ariel Hidalgo, Miami, August 8, 2022–Following a trip to Russia in 1992 to attend a seminar on the transition in Cuba, I published La transición que los cubanos no debemos hacer [The Transition We Cubans Should Not Make] in the Miami Herald. The Soviet Union had just crumbled and Yeltsin was in power. I … Continue reading “Cuba’s Transition and Plans of the Castro Regime’s Business Mafia”

Havana Historian Eusebio Leal, Two Years After His Death His ‘Oblivion’ is Decreed

14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 2 August 2022 — The legacy of Eusebio Leal, after two years of his death, fits in a couple of showcases and some tearful speech. An exhibition at the Elvira Cape Provincial Library, in Santiago de Cuba, was the greatest tribute to which the historian of Havana could aspire, far from the city to which … Continue reading “Havana Historian Eusebio Leal, Two Years After His Death His ‘Oblivion’ is Decreed”

Cuban Architect Criticizes ‘Pretentiously Gigantic’ Tower K Hotel

14ymedio, Madrid, July 20, 2022 — A building under construction at K and 23rd streets, which promises to be the tallest in Havana, has become the target of criticism by design professionals. The latest to take aim at “Tower K,” popularly known as “Lopez-Calleja Tower,” is Edelberto Diaz Aguilera, a Panama-based Cuban architect. The project … Continue reading “Cuban Architect Criticizes ‘Pretentiously Gigantic’ Tower K Hotel”

Pope Francis Confesses: ‘I Have a Human Relationship with Raul Castro’

14ymedio, Havana, 12 July 2022 — Pope Francis avoided referring to the protests of July 11, 2021 in Cuba this Monday, when the first anniversary of that historic day was celebrated. Journalists María Antonieta Collins, from Univisión, and Valentina Alazraki, from Televisa, specifically asked him about this in an interview. However, the pontiff did not want to … Continue reading “Pope Francis Confesses: ‘I Have a Human Relationship with Raul Castro’”

A Report Warns of Possible Rebellions ‘Of Magnitude’ in Cuba in the Short Term

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, July 6,  2022 — Cuba may be the scene of many rebellions in the short-term, according to a report by the Cuban Observatory of Conflicts (OCC) released on Tuesday, which points out that the 258 protests of last June exceeded by 11 those of the same period in 2021. The June … Continue reading “A Report Warns of Possible Rebellions ‘Of Magnitude’ in Cuba in the Short Term”

The Saratoga Hotel’s Decline Began as Soon as the Military Took It Over

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodriguez / Olea Gallardo, Havana, 11 May 2022 — Though an explosion at the luxurious Saratoga Hotel last Friday led to the deaths of at least forty-three people and the destruction of an iconic Havana landmark, the seeds of its demise were planted within its walls much earlier. Specifically, this was in … Continue reading “The Saratoga Hotel’s Decline Began as Soon as the Military Took It Over”