Cuba Participates in a Russian Military Sniper Competition in Venezuela

EFE (via 14ymedio), Caracas, 16 August 2022 — The Minister of Defense of Venezuela, Vladimir Padrino, inaugurated on Monday the “Border Sniper” competition, which is part of the international military games organized by Russia, using the Caribbean country, for the first time, as one of its venues. “We embrace all nations, their delegations, their representatives, … Continue reading “Cuba Participates in a Russian Military Sniper Competition in Venezuela”

The Avoidance of Responsibility for the Fires in Matanzas, Cuba

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 9 August 2022 — The communist state press collects statements by Díaz-Canel in which, in relation to the Matanzas fires, it bets on a new line of communication, according to which “we have confidence that we are going to recover.” And that’s what Cuba needs most right now: trust. At … Continue reading “The Avoidance of Responsibility for the Fires in Matanzas, Cuba”

Cuba’s Transition and Plans of the Castro Regime’s Business Mafia

14ymedio, Ariel Hidalgo, Miami, August 8, 2022–Following a trip to Russia in 1992 to attend a seminar on the transition in Cuba, I published La transición que los cubanos no debemos hacer [The Transition We Cubans Should Not Make] in the Miami Herald. The Soviet Union had just crumbled and Yeltsin was in power. I … Continue reading “Cuba’s Transition and Plans of the Castro Regime’s Business Mafia”

Marino Murillo Disrupts Tabacuba’s ‘Ordering Tasks’* and Leaves Cigarette Production at 47 Percent

14ymedio, Madrid, 2 August 2022 — When Marino Murillo was appointed president of Tabacuba in November 2021, many Cubans reacted with irony. “I hope he won’t ‘Re-order’ Tabacuba, or we’ll run out of cigarettes,” one reader wrote, joking in reference to the so-called ‘Ordering Task’* which is affecting broad elements of the Cuban economy. The … Continue reading “Marino Murillo Disrupts Tabacuba’s ‘Ordering Tasks’* and Leaves Cigarette Production at 47 Percent”

Five Years in Prison for a Cuban Activist for Launching Leaflets ‘Proposing Elections’

14ymedio, Havana, 29 June 2022 — The activist and reporter Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca was sentenced to five years in prison for the crimes of “ongoing enemy propaganda and resistance.” The sentence of the Provincial Court of Havana was communicated this Thursday to his wife, Eralidis Frometa, who has spread it on social networks and has … Continue reading “Five Years in Prison for a Cuban Activist for Launching Leaflets ‘Proposing Elections’”

Dengue Fever Puts the Cuban Health System to the Test Yet Again

14ymedio, Havana, 28 July 2022 — The Mario Muñoz Monroy hospital, in Colón, Matanzas, has been forced to open two rooms of 60 and 20 beds respectively to accommodate the “significant number of admissions” that dengue fever is bringing. On Wednesday, the official newspaper of the province, Girón, reported an increase in fever consultations that … Continue reading “Dengue Fever Puts the Cuban Health System to the Test Yet Again”

Cuba, Protests Against Totalitarianism

14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 17 July 2022 — The protests of July 11, 2021 were a glorious feat for all of us who reject the Castro totalitarian regime. That bravery, to a certain extent, neutralized the criticisms issued by some about what they describe as the extreme passivity of the Cuban people in the face … Continue reading “Cuba, Protests Against Totalitarianism”

Cuba, Between Sects and Heretics

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 6 July 2022 — According to the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Legal Spanish, a sect is a religious group usually characterized by a charismatic, messianic and dogmatic leader, with a vertical and totalitarian structure, which demands absolute detachment from its members. Any Cuban who reads this definition could agree that, effectively, … Continue reading “Cuba, Between Sects and Heretics”

Seven Minors Convicted for July 11th (11J) Protest in Cuba Will Not Serve Prison Sentences After a ‘Special Analysis’

14ymedio, Madrid, 21 June 2022 — The more than 30 individuals convicted for their participation in the July 11th (11J) demonstrations on the corner of Toyo in Havana, where an overturned police patrol became a symbol of the protests that day, have had their sentences reduced by the Supreme People’s Court (TSP) of Cuba after the … Continue reading “Seven Minors Convicted for July 11th (11J) Protest in Cuba Will Not Serve Prison Sentences After a ‘Special Analysis’”

Several Consulates Suspend Their Services Due to a New Resolution of the Central Bank of Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 10 June 2022 — The resolution of the Central Bank of Cuba, in force since this Friday, which prevents consulates on the island from converting their accounts in pesos into foreign currency has caused, from the outset, the paralysis of consular services in several diplomatic headquarters. The Panamanian Embassy, ​​which has seen a … Continue reading “Several Consulates Suspend Their Services Due to a New Resolution of the Central Bank of Cuba”

Several Young 11J (July 11th) Protesters Released in Havana

14ymedio, Havana, 28 May 2022 — At least five young people who were tried for the July 11 protests in Havana were released after a appeals trial held this Friday at the Diez de Octubre Municipal Court in Havana. Among those released are Rowland Jesús Castillo and Lázaro Noel Urgellés Fajardo, who had been sentenced … Continue reading “Several Young 11J (July 11th) Protesters Released in Havana”

Young Man With the Cuban Flag on Top of the Police Car on July 11th (11J) Shows up in Madrid

14ymedio, Madrid, 2 May 2022 — His name is Elías Rizo León and he is 16 years old. The boy who became the symbol of the July 11 protests in Cuba by climbing with a flag onto an overturned police car  on the corner of Toyo, in the Havana municipality of Diez de Octubre, has made … Continue reading “Young Man With the Cuban Flag on Top of the Police Car on July 11th (11J) Shows up in Madrid”

Shipments to Cuba to be Paid for in Miami

Ivan Garcia, Havana, 4 April 2022 — After shaving his incipient beard, Sergio, 36, a software programmer, gets his smartphone and goes online. Using the WhatsApp tool Infotienda, he tracks down which market in Havana is stocking cheese, toilet paper, and milk powder. His 10-year-old daughter and two of her friends play The Sims on … Continue reading “Shipments to Cuba to be Paid for in Miami”

Almost 2,000 Years of Jail Time for 128 of the July 11 (11J) Protesters in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 17 March 2022 — In contrast to the previous trials of July 11 protesters, in which the final sentences were lower than those sought by the prosecutors, the Diez de Octubre Tribunal in Havana, which tried 33 people on January 31, has been relentless. Thus, it has sentenced Brandon David Becerra Curbelo, 17 … Continue reading “Almost 2,000 Years of Jail Time for 128 of the July 11 (11J) Protesters in Cuba”

Some Display a Sign and Others Leave Cuba

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 16 March 2022 — Her name is Marina Ovsyannikova and until a few days ago she was an editor at Channel 1 of Russian official television. But after having the courage to appear with a sign against the war in Ukraine during a live newscast, her name has become synonymous with … Continue reading “Some Display a Sign and Others Leave Cuba”