‘The Stadium has the Lights Full On but the People Can’t Even Cook’, they Complain in Sancti Spiritus

14ymedio, Havana, 22 November 2023 – Far from bringing joy to the fans of Gallos de Sancti Spíritus in the baseball Elite League, their score of victories has only created disagreement. If some of the fans do applaud the games of the national sport and say they’re a respite in the middle of the current … Continue reading “‘The Stadium has the Lights Full On but the People Can’t Even Cook’, they Complain in Sancti Spiritus”

Cuba Receives an Avalanche of Negative Reports Before Its Human Rights Review at the UN

14ymedio, Havana, 14 November 2023 — It has been more than five years since Cuba last underwent the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) carried out by the UN in Geneva, and the deterioration of the situation within that period – in which Cuba has been twice elected a member of the Human Rights Council – is … Continue reading “Cuba Receives an Avalanche of Negative Reports Before Its Human Rights Review at the UN”

‘With Chess We Teach Children How To Manage Frustration and Defeat’

14ymedio, Xavier Carbonell, Salamanca, 11 November 2023 — In the language of chess, Cuba is still a key word. Despite the historic ups and downs, the precariousness – and politicization – of the teaching and the exile of its best players, the Island continues to produce outstanding chess players. This is the case of the … Continue reading “‘With Chess We Teach Children How To Manage Frustration and Defeat’”

Nicaragua Facilitates the Passage of Thousands of Migrants From All Over the World as a Weapon Against the United States

14ymedio, Madrid, 6 November 2023 —  There is no record of the passage of migrants through Nicaragua who continue to the United States, as published on Monday by the newspaper La Prensa, to which a source from the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens (DGME) affirms that passports are not being stamped at the airport … Continue reading “Nicaragua Facilitates the Passage of Thousands of Migrants From All Over the World as a Weapon Against the United States”

The Mexico Summit Points Out That the Measures for Cubans and Others Stimulate Irregular Migration

EFE/14ymedio, Palenque/Tapachula (Mexico)/Madrid | October 23, 2023 — The migration summit of Mexico and other Latin American countries concluded this Sunday with a joint statement that rejected “coercive measures,” promised to respect the human right to migrate and requested more legal alternatives for migration. “[We agree] to urge the countries of origin, transit and destination … Continue reading “The Mexico Summit Points Out That the Measures for Cubans and Others Stimulate Irregular Migration”

Baseball Player Pedro Pablo Revilla Breaks His Contract With the Cuban Baseball Federation

14ymedio, Havana, 26 September 2023 — Cuban baseball player Pedro Pablo Revilla, from Guantánamo, broke off relations with the Cuban Baseball Federation (FCB). A few hours after finishing the season with the Dragones de Chunichi of the Japanese Professional Baseball League, he “advanced his departure” from Japan, as confirmed by the FCB. The FCB pointed … Continue reading “Baseball Player Pedro Pablo Revilla Breaks His Contract With the Cuban Baseball Federation”

To Maintain Its Control, the Regime Promotes the Departure of Cubans From the Country

14ymedio, Frank Calzón, Miami, August 25, 2023 — The only hope is to get out. This phrase, on the lips of many of those who wait under the tropical sun for the water pipe that does not arrive, for the electricity interrupted hours ago or in line with the ration card in hand is repeated … Continue reading “To Maintain Its Control, the Regime Promotes the Departure of Cubans From the Country”

Despite the Closure of the Land Border With the United States, the Flow of Cubans to Nicaragua Does Not Stop

14ymedio, Havana, 17 August 2023 — The frequency of flights between several air terminals in Cuba and Nicaragua has increased significantly this summer, according to information collected by 14ymedio at the Augusto César Sandino airport, in Managua. With the closure of the U.S. border since December 2022 and the entry into force of the humanitarian … Continue reading “Despite the Closure of the Land Border With the United States, the Flow of Cubans to Nicaragua Does Not Stop”

‘I Am a Peaceful Disobedient Willing to Pay the Consequences’

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Miami, 31 July 2023 — Dr. Fernando Vázquez is not recognized in Cuba for his skill as a doctor but for his courage as an activist for the cause in support of political prisoners. In the middle of this hot summer and harassed by the political police, he opens his doors to … Continue reading “‘I Am a Peaceful Disobedient Willing to Pay the Consequences’”

The Cuban Police Prevent ’14ymedio’ From Accessing the Burial of the Bishop Who Challenged Raul Castro

14ymedio, Havana, 1 July 2023 — Reporter Francisco Herodes Díaz Echemendía, a collaborator of 14ymedio, was prohibited from entering the cathedral of Santiago de Cuba to attend the funeral mass of Pedro Claro Meurice Estiú, who was archbishop of that city. The remains of the priest, who died in 2011 in Miami, were transferred this … Continue reading “The Cuban Police Prevent ’14ymedio’ From Accessing the Burial of the Bishop Who Challenged Raul Castro”

Now Havana Wants to be Dulcinea

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 12 June 2023 — At the recent Madrid Book Fair, they read out a manifesto: Literature, always on the side of freedom. The regime in Havana, always quick with a smart answer, put out a riposte in the name of Casa de las Americas, with the title: On the side … Continue reading “Now Havana Wants to be Dulcinea”

The Planned Chinese Spy Center in Cuba Has a History in Argentina and Nicaragua

14ymedio, Havana, 9 June 2023 — A formidable 35-meter-diameter antenna, operated by the Chinese army, was installed in the middle of the Argentine pampas in 2017. Near the Nicaraguan Nejapa lagoon, hidden by vegetation, a Russian satellite dish has been monitoring space since that same year. The information that an electronic espionage base, with money from Beijing, could … Continue reading “The Planned Chinese Spy Center in Cuba Has a History in Argentina and Nicaragua”

The Cuban Opponent Sandalio Mejias Gets Out of Prison and Breaks Down in Tears Talking About the Mistreatment

14ymedio, Havana, 20 May 20, 2023 — “I am a warrior,” the opponent Sandalio Mejías Zulueta, a member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) said with difficulty, after being released on probation from prison on May 14. In a short video published by the organization, the activist almost bursts into tears relating the torture … Continue reading “The Cuban Opponent Sandalio Mejias Gets Out of Prison and Breaks Down in Tears Talking About the Mistreatment”

Castrochavism and Its Accomplices

14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 4 May 2023 — Castroism has been catastrophic for Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia, as well as a certain threat to the progress and stability of the rest of the countries in the hemisphere because of its vast, deep and different ways of operating against democracy, so many that, despite the … Continue reading “Castrochavism and Its Accomplices”

Amnesty International Denounces the Hundreds of Prisoners in Cuba for Exercising ‘Their Human Rights’

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 28 March 2023 — The NGO Amnesty International (AI) denounced on Monday in its annual report the “hundreds of people” in prison in Cuba for “the peaceful exercise of their human rights” — including “three prisoners of conscience” — and the “repression” of “dissidence” and protests. In its document, which summarizes … Continue reading “Amnesty International Denounces the Hundreds of Prisoners in Cuba for Exercising ‘Their Human Rights’”