Officials Station Rapid Response Brigades Near Key Government Sites

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, October 12, 2021 — The Rapid Response Brigades (BRR), the regime’s shock troops, were mobilized on Tuesday after the Cuban government refused to to allow a public march on this coming November 15. In neighborhoods where the July 11 demonstrations were most intense, state-employed workers, police and State Security agents … Continue reading “Officials Station Rapid Response Brigades Near Key Government Sites”

Rapid Response Brigades Reactivated in Cuban Universities

14ymedio,  Marcelo Hernández, Havana, 14 April 2019 — In several Cuban universities, professors and directors are being required to ratify their membership in the Rapid Response Brigades (BRR), para-police groups destined to confront popular protests. Teachers must sign a document with the commitment to join these groups, according to testimonies and documents collected by 14ymedio. … Continue reading “Rapid Response Brigades Reactivated in Cuban Universities”

Between the “Collectives” and the “Rapid Response Brigades” / Antonio G. Rodiles

State violence has been the Cuban regime’s principle recourse for maintaining power for over 55 years. Beginning with the insurrection against Fulgencio Batista, executions, as a method of punishment, were used relentlessly. Anyone who wanted to show their loyalty had to deliver the coup de grace and take part in executions. A mix of the … Continue reading “Between the “Collectives” and the “Rapid Response Brigades” / Antonio G. Rodiles”

Brigades to Kill a Cuban / Luis Felipe Rojas

Recently, the Cuban government has been quite busy trying to find justifications. The death of Juan Wilfredo Soto in Villa Clara, the beating of various Guantanamo natives from the Tabio-Ramirez family, and two or three more arrests with beatings confirm the accusations of assassination. A few days ago I received a document, which I have … Continue reading “Brigades to Kill a Cuban / Luis Felipe Rojas”

Three Years Later, What Has Become of the Repressors of 11J?

The change that has taken place in thousands of people has been so profound and rapid that, in other circumstances, it would have taken several decades. 14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 11 July 2024 —  Three years have passed since the historic protests that shook the Cuban streets on 11 July 2021, but it seems like … Continue reading “Three Years Later, What Has Become of the Repressors of 11J?”

In Cuba, Rumors of the Collapse of the Regime: Purge of Ramiro Valdés, Lis Cuesta Detained, Soldiers Ask for a Discharge

The atmosphere of desperation and paralysis of life generated by blackouts has been the subject of multiple complaints 14ymedio/YucaByte, Havana, 19 June 2024 — Blackouts set the pace of life in Cuba, heating up tempers and triggering protests of a different caliber in a summer that is just beginning. With an increasingly unstable country on … Continue reading “In Cuba, Rumors of the Collapse of the Regime: Purge of Ramiro Valdés, Lis Cuesta Detained, Soldiers Ask for a Discharge”

THE HOMELAND BELONGS TO US ALL – Cuban Dissidence Task Group 1997 – Historic Document

THE HOMELAND BELONGS TO US ALL  Cuban Dissidence Task Group Havana City, June 27, 1997 INTRODUCTION I – HISTORICAL INTERPRETATION II- IN THE NAME OF UNITY III- THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IV – THE PLAN FOR SOLVING THE CRISIS V – CONCLUSIONS VI – RECOMMENDATIONS Original in Spanish here Authors: Felix Antonio Bonne Carcasses, Rene Gomez Manzano, Vladimiro Roca Antunez, Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello Translated … Continue reading “THE HOMELAND BELONGS TO US ALL – Cuban Dissidence Task Group 1997 – Historic Document”

‘Revolutionary’ Opportunists, the Main Obstacle to Achieving Freedom in Cuba

14ymedio, Karel J. Leyva, Montreal (Canada), 18 February 2024 — In the context of a totalitarian regime, an opportunist is that individual or group that seeks to benefit personally, socially, economically or politically by aligning themselves with the established system of power. They are characterized by prioritizing personal interests over ethical principles, showing remarkable flexibility … Continue reading “‘Revolutionary’ Opportunists, the Main Obstacle to Achieving Freedom in Cuba”

The Cuban Consul Who Assaulted Activists in Milan Is on the Blacklist of ‘Repressors’

14ymedio, Havana, February 10, 2024 — On Friday, the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba included on its list of Cuban Repressors the Cuban diplomat Fidel Ajuria Domínguez, third consul of the Island in Milan (Italy), for assaulting the activist Avana de la Torre. The event, recorded in a video, occurred on February 7, during … Continue reading “The Cuban Consul Who Assaulted Activists in Milan Is on the Blacklist of ‘Repressors’”

Gunboat Intimidation, Rising Crime and Alleged Sabotage Fuel Cuba’s July Rumors

14ymedio/Yucabyte, Havana, 17 August 2023 — Heightened tensions during the second anniversary of the mass protests on July 11, 2021 (known in Cuba as 11J), a seemingly unstoppable rise in crime and alleged sabotage of state institutions were among the concerns fueling rumors that circulated throughout the country in July. On the other hand, efforts by … Continue reading “Gunboat Intimidation, Rising Crime and Alleged Sabotage Fuel Cuba’s July Rumors”

Cuba: From Maleconazo to 11J, the Road From Civic Childhood to Maturity

14ymedio, Generation Y, Havana, 5 August 2023 — Some were in rags, others wore masks. Some were screaming to get on a boat in Havana Bay and emigrate, others took to the streets throughout the entire island to try to change the country so as not to have to head somewhere else. In the 27 … Continue reading “Cuba: From Maleconazo to 11J, the Road From Civic Childhood to Maturity”

An Unfinished Essay on Hate in Cuba

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 30 May 2023 — The Cuban regime behaves like a violent husband who, after destroying his partner’s face, swears he did it out of love. They, the ones with slogans about death and clubs studded with nails, are now the “Care Bears”. Díaz-Canel, after giving his abhorrent combat order, dons … Continue reading “An Unfinished Essay on Hate in Cuba”

The Cuban Economy is Without Direction and Internationally Isolated

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo Economist, 15 October 2022 — With the Cuban economy’s GDP in the second quarter practically stagnant, 1.7% compared to the same period of the previous year; with CPI inflation climbing to 32% also in a year-on-year rate in August; with the blackouts that don’t cease, the depreciation of the Cuban peso … Continue reading “The Cuban Economy is Without Direction and Internationally Isolated”

The Wave of Protests Against Blackouts and for Freedom Continues to Grow in Cuba

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 11 October 2022 — The leaders of the Communist Party in Bejucal had to endure the shouts of “Freedom in Bejucal,” “The people united will never be defeated” and “Let them leave,” which served as the rallying cry for the protests this Monday night in that municipality of Mayabeque. “They’ve … Continue reading “The Wave of Protests Against Blackouts and for Freedom Continues to Grow in Cuba”

Prisoners Defenders Registers 36 New Political Detentions in Cuba in September

EFE (via 14ymedio), Madrid, 11 October 2022 — The Spanish organization Prisoners Defenders (PD) registered 36 new political arrests in Cuba in September, according to its latest report released on Monday. The list prepared by the NGO — as of September 30 — states that in Cuba there are “a total of 1,026 political and … Continue reading “Prisoners Defenders Registers 36 New Political Detentions in Cuba in September”