Venezuela Now Has Imported Blackouts / Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo

This video is under two minutes long. We have re-posted it given what’s going on in Venezuela. The subtitles appear to have stopped working. Here are the lyrics in English: IMPORTED BLACKOUTS – An original song by Ciro Diaz Ohhh…. Fucking up a little island is nothing Anyone can fuck up a little island With … Continue reading “Venezuela Now Has Imported Blackouts / Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo”

They Arrested Me / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo

I was arrested yesterday afternoon leaving our recording studio. Reason: Presumption of public disorder. They took me to two police stations and I finally ended up locked up at the Central Police Station in Alamar. In the cell with me were Williams (bass player for Porno Para Ricardo), and Didet (producer for Matraca). A little … Continue reading “They Arrested Me / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo”

We Ask of the Pope / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo

Benedict XVI should speak at the morning Mass of the arrests of citizens in Cuba, of the beating received yesterday by a person who, during his Mass, of the abuses the Cuban government inflicts on its population, and if he does not he is, in some way, an accomplice to this tyranny, he would be … Continue reading “We Ask of the Pope / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo”

More Arrests and Disappearances / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo

Williams, bass player for Porno para Ricardo has disappeared. He left at 9 am from home heading to the clinic and has not returned although he has had more than enough time to do so. This, coupled with the disappearance of this morning Ismael Diego and the arrest yesterday of Danilo Maldonado (El Sexto) makes … Continue reading “More Arrests and Disappearances / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo”

Arrests and Disappearances / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo

Last night I received a call from a neighbor informing me that people had seen Danilo Maldonado (El Sexto) in a police car. Also today, early in the morning, Ismael de Diego left his house to go the corner and disappeared; at home his girlfriend was waiting for him for breakfast and he never returned. … Continue reading “Arrests and Disappearances / El Ciro – Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo”

Venezuela Now Has Imported Blackouts / Ciro Javier Diaz Penedo

This video is under two minutes long. The subtitles appear to have stopped working.  Here are the lyrics: IMPORTED BLACKOUTS – An original song by Ciro Diaz Ohhh…. Fucking up a little island is nothing Anyone can fuck up a little island With few natural resources it was easy, to drown it in misery But … Continue reading “Venezuela Now Has Imported Blackouts / Ciro Javier Diaz Penedo”

Musician Gorki Aguila Arrives in Mexico After Days of Uncertainty Over His Exit From Cuba

The artist was detained on May 3 for more than 24 hours by Cuban State Security. 14ymedio, Havana, 13 May 20204 — “I am glad to get out of hell, out of the Castros’ extermination camp.” Such was the bluntness of Cuban musician Gorki Águila upon arriving in Mexico City on Monday, May 6. After … Continue reading “Musician Gorki Aguila Arrives in Mexico After Days of Uncertainty Over His Exit From Cuba”

Cuban Musician Gorki Aguila is Detained at the Santiago de las Vegas Police Station

An operator from the Ministry of the Interior confirmed to ’14ymedio’ the whereabouts of the leader of Porno para Ricardo, who was considered “missing” this Friday 14ymedio, Havana, 4 May 2024 — The Cuban musician and activist Gorki Águila was detained this Friday at the José Martí International Airport and remains at the Santiago de … Continue reading “Cuban Musician Gorki Aguila is Detained at the Santiago de las Vegas Police Station”

Offensive Against Cuba’s Critical Artists Intensifies

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 24 July 2018 — Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara spent two days in detention after the act of protest he tried to carry out last Saturday, along with five other artists against Decree 349 that regulates artistic performances in private spaces. The group was also made up of Soandry del Río, José Ernesto Alonso, Iris … Continue reading “Offensive Against Cuba’s Critical Artists Intensifies”

An Interview of a Friend / Lilianne Ruiz

Lilianne Ruiz, 9 October 2015 — Oscar needs visibility to get them to stop bothering him in his work just because he is the person he is and because he defends his identity. Typical of those systems where they try to prevent any participation, initiative, voting, creativity. Imagine what kind of hell it is when … Continue reading “An Interview of a Friend / Lilianne Ruiz”

Open Letter to Pope Francis for the Release of “El Sexto”

Freedom for Danilo Open Letter to the Pope Havana, September 8, 2015 Your Holiness, Pope Francis: In advance of your visit to our island, a group of Cuban citizens wish to call your attention to a case that needs an immediate solution. This is the politically motivated imprisonment of Danilo Maldonado Machado, a young artist … Continue reading “Open Letter to Pope Francis for the Release of “El Sexto””

"The Student" and #ShameOnUnitedNations / Mario Lleonart

The beginning and end of yesterday were inextricably linked. I woke up to the publication on Facebook, by my brother Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo of the recently initiated campaign, and we’ll be waging it as along as the United Nations remains occupied by regimes tied to terrorist, or which are guilty of State Terrorism. Independently … Continue reading “"The Student" and #ShameOnUnitedNations / Mario Lleonart”