As with the campaigns, “Return Yili to his Father”, “Save Ariel”, “Do Not Let Mario Alberto Perez Aguilera Die”, “For Dignified and Decent Housing for all Cubans”, “Do Not Let Orlando Zapata Die”; again, the Rosa Parks Movement as a part of the Central Opposition Coalition, and the Front sensitized to the pain and suffering of others, has launched a new campaign to pressure the Castro regime into providing the young mother, Lara Yaima Alfonso, and her newborns with a roof over their heads and a living commensurate with their situation and needs. Presently, the 28 year old Yaima, is living in the maternal room of the Placetas General Hospital, where just a few hours after giving birth to these innocent creatures, the mother refuses to leave until they have a place to live, but she may be thrown into the street at any time.
The suffering of this Cuban mother strengthened to the harsh reality of not having a crib, diapers, bottles nor basket; and the cruel rejection of his parents due to his homosexual condition, another achievement of the Castro revolution fragmenting families over differences in political, sexual (orientation) of whatever type.
Yesterday, several of his relatives certainly did not see much as they arrived at the hospital with a fan and a succulent lunch, in exchange for staying away from “Human Rights people.”
“If you don’t turn away from them we’ll take everything and not come any more”
“Fine, that take it now, because I’m not going to turn away from these people, not now and not when my problem is resolved, because they are the only ones who really helped me.” Such was the brave and honourable response to a family sent and manipulated by the political police.
And indeed they returned with the lunch that they had taken to her, as they also removed the fan that the patient needed, but thank God and the women of Rosa Parks, Yaima is having lunch every day and enjoying a fan.
As we see again the human insensitivity of the political police, far from solving the problem of the needy, they respond with harassment and threats such as brandishing the name of Idel Morfi Gonzalez*, also known as “Railroad Nail”: “If you are still dealing with those people of human rights, you are not getting a home and may go to prison from here.”
The case of Yaima and her little innocent creatures are the reflex of the mentality of hatred of a regime which must be called a reflection to you, dear reader, wherever you go raise your voice as a form to put pressure on the Castro dictatorship so that he gives a home to Yaima and her children.
Translated by: Hank Hardisty
February 16 2012