Sunday, September 2, at 5 pm in SATS: Literature of Liberty: With Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo and the winners of the Cuban New Thought Contest / Estado de Sats, For Another Cuba

Today Sunday, Sept. 2, at 5 pm in SATS

Literature in Liberty:
With Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo and Cuban New Thought contest winners
(e-Maro, Frank Correa, Orlando Freire Santana, Dimas Castellanos)

Ave 1ra %46 y 60 #4606. Miramar, Playa. La Habana.

This meeting is rescheduled as we could not hold it yesterday, Saturday, September 1st at 7:00 pm because of the arrest to Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo.

OLPL’s message of liberation:

We will continue meeting as Estado de Sats, neither threats, nor arrests, nor repudiation rallies nor police operations will stop us.

We are free citizens and we want another Cuba, there is not brute force that can beat that!

SATS Update:

It is now 4:20 pm and a large police operation is deployed around the headquarters of Estado de Sats.

Yoani Sánchez complaints from Twitter (@ yoanisanchez):

#Cuba this “fateful weekend” does not end. The graffiti artist El Sexto just sent me a text saying “I am a prisoner” :-(

#Cuba Also arrested were Luis Eligio de @ OmniZonaFranca and his girlfriend Kizzy

2 September 2012